Apple iPhone 6s

Apple iPhone 6s

User opinions and reviews

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  • M
  • Mazid
  • 0EI
  • 26 Jan 2016

Iphone 6s is the best :)

    • H
    • KAa
    • 26 Jan 2016

    i agree with you that iphone dosent worth the money,and desing of older iphones like 5s i better than the 6 and 6s,5s look much more premium,but the 6 and 6s feel better in hand. and i agree they buy it becouse of the name but you are wrong about......

      • D
      • AnonD-475595
      • rK9
      • 26 Jan 2016

      bla bla bla, 25 Jan 2016people thinks iphone worths the price but that isnt true, w... moreDear friend bla bla bla,

      You don't seem to have on hand experience on an iPhone. It's all about user experience rather than beefy hardware.
      Imagine iPhone delivering smooth performance at hardware requirements lower than android phones. That itself proves efficiency of the entire package.
      Stop bla bla bla on iPhone. First use one and be sure you would not like to go back to android.
      Many android makers want to look like iPhone, but what they lack is the user experience.

      Please understand every system has its pros and cons. Nothing is perfect.

      • 👍
      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • 3qx
      • 26 Jan 2016

      bla bla bla, 25 Jan 2016people thinks iphone worths the price but that isnt true, w... morei agree with you that iphone dosent worth the money,and desing of older iphones like 5s i better than the 6 and 6s,5s look much more premium,but the 6 and 6s feel better in hand.
      and i agree they buy it becouse of the name
      but you are wrong about the specs,on the paper iphone is not even comparable to the android flagships,but that is just the paper,numbers nothing else.
      for example the snapdragon 801 has 4 cores clocked at 2.5 ghz,snapdragon 820 has 4 cores as well but they clocked at 2.2 ghz,so when you look at the numbers new s820 look less powerfull than the older s801,but it isnt,on antutu scores about 3 times more becouse its much more efficient.
      now i dont know is it the apple chipsets more efficient than snapdragon chipsets which are used in android phones,or the ios dosent require that much power,but number are not important.
      and ios definitly dosent need 4 gb of ram
      speaking of ram xperia z5 has 3gb,note 5 has 4gb,and xperia has better multitasking,you can check on the youtube
      and about the display,apple is using the retina well learn what it is
      im not the apple fan,but i get pissed of when somebody is talking what is better and dosent know whats what..

        • h
        • ham007
        • sSx
        • 25 Jan 2016

        i am not satisfy this product you can see here is the review iphone

          • M
          • Mahesh
          • GQ2
          • 25 Jan 2016

          antib, 25 Jan 2016i want to buy iphone 6s .but which colour is more attractiv... moreBlack only highly better and castle look
          On iphone its because of another colours is all in front side white only its look like a cheapest plastic surface

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • 2@r
            • 25 Jan 2016

            bla bla bla, 25 Jan 2016people thinks iphone worths the price but that isnt true, w... moreIgnorant people. You gotta use it to believe.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • 2@r
              • 25 Jan 2016

              mohsin, 25 Jan 2016Hi all, I want to know some basic points about iPhone 6S. ... moreI have similar usage on my iPhone 5s (minus gaming) and mine lasts for almost 9 hours which gets me through a day so the iPhone 6s will fly by like a champ p provided you don't keep the mobile data on for prolonged periods

              • 👍
              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • 2@r
              • 25 Jan 2016

              antib, 25 Jan 2016i want to buy iphone 6s .but which colour is more attractiv... moreSpace grey all the way buddy.
              Dark stealthy looks

                • a
                • antib
                • X}e
                • 25 Jan 2016

                i want to buy iphone 6s .but which colour is more attractive i cann't understand.please tell me.

                  • D
                  • AnonD-493067
                  • fkT
                  • 25 Jan 2016

                  what about its cam and pic?
                  Currently I have Xperia Z2 ultra but realy so baaaaaaad

                  • 👍4
                  • D
                  • Duel
                  • Scq
                  • 25 Jan 2016

                  mohsin, 25 Jan 2016Hi all, I want to know some basic points about iPhone 6S. ... moreI don't think you will get that kind of battery life, z2 battery life is in top 20 of all phones tested ever.


                  With 6s plus i think you could get that.

                    • Y
                    • Yusha
                    • uNV
                    • 25 Jan 2016

                    The phone is too good.its not like android phone,its better in quality.and it looks a trusted phone and it it now.

                      • m
                      • mohsin
                      • 25L
                      • 25 Jan 2016

                      Hi all, I want to know some basic points about iPhone 6S.
                      First my requirement is 1 hour facebook, 1 hour browsing (LTE), 30 mins whats app, 1 hour of calling, 2 emails accounts (PUSH), skype, viber and 1 hour gaming. Can I get a full day with this use by iPhone 6S?
                      I keep LTE enabled all the time.
                      Currently I have Xperia Z2 and I get a full day.
                      Your opinions will definitely help me to decide my next phone.

                        • D
                        • Duel
                        • Scq
                        • 25 Jan 2016

                        bla bla bla, 25 Jan 2016people thinks iphone worths the price but that isnt true, w... moreDude, you are wasting your time.

                        If user wants iPhone they want iOS experience and ecosystem and iPhone is only phone to offer that, so they doesn't care your android choices.

                        • 👍
                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • uJx
                        • 25 Jan 2016

                        bla bla bla, 25 Jan 2016people thinks iphone worths the price but that isnt true, w... moreUr 2GB Android phone works like a 512MB iPhone.
                        Ur 1080p Android phone display looks like a 3.5inch iPhone.
                        Ur Octa Core Android phone performs like a single core iPhone.

                        We buy what we see, we do not buy just because salesmen say it has great specs. It is you that fall into gimmick!

                        • 👍
                        • b
                        • bla bla bla
                        • LC8
                        • 25 Jan 2016

                        people thinks iphone worths the price but that isnt true, why you have to pay a lot of money for a device that is no longer the exclusive desing in the mobil phone industry I mean I can find a bunch of smarthphones better than iphones for a better price, off course iphone lovers will state that apple brings the best safety in the world, yeah off course you can lock your device with an icloud account, but is funny that you do that, because the thiefs will always find the way to take advantage of your stolen phone like selling apart the parts of the phones that they have stolen, and the real FACT about that "safety" is that even if you lock your iphone you are not going to get it back : )
                        expesive devices with limited storage and not so impressive specs the RAM amount is poor you have to pay for almost every application, the main reason in wich people purchase this phone is for an egocentric status, because with less than that money you can have a very good phone by example the new blu life one x has 2gb of RAM it is full HD display 1080 instead 750 of the iphone 6s, the pont is that peope try to tell other people that this is the greatest device ever just for they good marketing materia and and good performance but it sucks in terms of performs due the camera well it uses SONY cameras so thats why it is good!!! keep wasting money in those expensive rich toys that are very limited in terms of performance and specs cheers

                        • 👍5
                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • 3q5
                        • 25 Jan 2016

                        Anonymous, 22 Jan 2016How can you call apple crap? Its the biggest phone company ... moreiphone only sells becouse its name,its not the best phone,and it has problem like android powered phones
                        for example,that stupid and cheep looking antenas on the back of the 6s,dosent exist on for example s6,or the z5,or any z series phone..
                        again for example some features that 6s dosent have but z5 have
                        -stereo speakers
                        -waterproff desing
                        -sd card slot up to 200 gb + 32 gb phone storage
                        -4k display
                        -some nice app from sony like trackID so you dont need shazam,or smart connect
                        -X-reality engine(probably non of iphone fans dosent know what is that..)
                        -better multimedia apps
                        -some nice camera mods,like A maunal mode,of ar fun etc... motiongraph
                        -ps4 remonte
                        -glove mod
                        most of this features are on the ollder sony phone like z3,or z2
                        s6,s6 edge,note5 feature
                        -wireless charging
                        -edge display
                        -heart rate monitor
                        -IR port
                        s6 line,note5,z3 line,z5 line are better made,they dont have ugly anthenas on the back,they have better cameras
                        yes iphone is faster,and it has 3d tocuh,in fact little bite faster
                        if im not wrong with ios 9 apple decided to make power saving mod,wich android have long time ago
                        iphone still dosent have the option to close all runing app from once,so what is quicker if one 20 of apps?
                        live photos,they more less the sam think lik gif,and sony for example make the app,so you can make a gif with you phone
                        xperia z2,or galaxy s5 have 4k recording long time ago,and no its a big deal that iphone have it now,so app the screen flash,wich if im not wrong lg using long time ago on G pro i think
                        iphone dosent have double tap to weak,or answering the call by putting phone on the ear
                        ios maybe runs smother
                        iphone is a good phone,but its not the best,and people only buy it becouse the name,a if you ask iphone user for example what kind of chipset is in the iphone,they do know,but of coures they now that iphone is the best phone,well it isnt
                        i appreciate the apple like a brand,and iphone as well dont get my wrong,but just isnt the best any more

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • myK
                          • 24 Jan 2016

                          AnonD-492027, 24 Jan 2016Obviously I'm dealing with an 8 year old or non-native Engl... moreYou refer to duel as a troll but yet he is on a iPhone user opinion page making comments on his device. You mention other manufacturers and make biased comments against Apple. Remind me again who is the troll. Also most of these so called trolls have been making comments on Apple devices for quite along time and although I have not agreed with all of there comments in the past people are entitled to their opinion. Then there's the matter of taking a guess of ones age because you can't understand them, well English is my native language and I can understand him fine which leads me to believe you are very young because an adult would not of made such a childish and in my opinion racist comment. My advice to you is grow up and stop trolling.

                            • D
                            • AnonD-443963
                            • tYV
                            • 24 Jan 2016

                            AnonD-449227, 24 Jan 2016I use iPhone 6s but I am afraid from durability I work at t... mores6 active

                            • 👍4