Apple iPhone 6s
- M
- Medicine
- L7%
- 16 Nov 2023
Regi C Jose, 02 Nov 2023Still I use an I phone 6s from 2017 untill now. recently I ... moreOn my 6s its working fine, maybe the battery condition?
- R
- Regi C Jose
- 0Cp
- 02 Nov 2023
Still I use an I phone 6s from 2017 untill now. recently I start to face a minor issue in whats app is that forwarding a chat and to select a contact, it takes 4 to 6 seconds. Any idea how can I solve it? My I phone storage is 55.6 gb of 64 GB used
- ?
- Anonymous
- Ib5
- 23 Oct 2023
Nathan Budiman, 06 Sep 2023There never was a better iPhone, life peaked here. If you... moreI got one & is in excellent condition. I read that it is expandable up to IOS 15.7 but my only hope issue is my friend gave to me & I'm trying to get in touch with him to find out what is the 6 digit code to unlock the screen so I can use the phone..The phone looks good & it's been used by him...
- NeonHD
- 6Fi
- 14 Oct 2023
Anonymous, 14 Oct 2023You can get used ones for way less, like below $30. and for... moreIdk, it depends on how good the condition the used ones are. I still want it in great condition so I'd rather pay more.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 3SI
- 14 Oct 2023
NeonHD, 29 Sep 2023I'm planning to buy a refurbed 6S for around $100 just... moreYou can get used ones for way less, like below $30. and for just using AirTags, that may be enough (except for battery life which can be plugged into a Powerbank).
- C
- Cloud9And9
- Mdv
- 13 Oct 2023
This was the last innovative iPhone made.
This was peak Apple, and nothing's beaten this since.
- NeonHD
- 6Fi
- 29 Sep 2023
I'm planning to buy a refurbed 6S for around $100 just so I can use those damn AirTags.
Like damn, why are AirTags so damn good.
And also yeah, this was peak iPhone at the time. It was the best and last iPhone of its era to still have the 3.5mm jack.
- N
- Nathan Budiman
- XNt
- 06 Sep 2023
There never was a better iPhone, life peaked here. If you're not rocking with the 6s then that's bad lmao.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 0}d
- 30 Jul 2023
In 2016, Apple made a commercial for this smartphone "Onions in 4K". The protagonist, Emily, used an iPhone 6s, not a 6s+. Since the 6s camera is not optically stabilized, it is not a suitable production camcorder replacement, and Emily's movie would not have been successful in real life. Sorry, Emily.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 3SL
- 26 Jun 2023
Peak iPhone
- ?
- Anonymous
- ftV
- 15 Jun 2023
Anonymous, 12 May 2023That's what I've noticed with old iPhones too. Yo... morehahaha
- ?
- Anonymous
- LaD
- 02 Jun 2023
Pantuternik, 08 May 2023It's really funny to me how this thing can sometimes p... moreOMG!
- ?
- Anonymous
- d%A
- 12 May 2023
Pantuternik, 08 May 2023It's really funny to me how this thing can sometimes p... moreThat's what I've noticed with old iPhones too. You can just leave it at 1% and live on the edge or plug in every two hours.
- P
- Pantuternik
- mNQ
- 08 May 2023
It's really funny to me how this thing can sometimes pretend to be on "1%" for a couple of days. The battery is really bad and it seems like it likes to get bugged and display itself as lower than what it really is.
- S
- SeanF
- nyT
- 07 May 2023
Methgal, 28 Feb 2023I wanted to get the mini so bad cuz of its size. But man iO... moreApple might be cooking something for iOS 17, we will see
- S
- SeanF
- nyT
- 07 May 2023
Hvg, 19 Apr 2023This is a terrible phone nov in 2023. The battery life is s... moreThat is why power banks exist.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 3SI
- 21 Apr 2023
Hvg, 19 Apr 2023This is a terrible phone nov in 2023. The battery life is s... morePixel 4a is like 4 times more expensive. It’s like saying „Pixel 4a is bad in 2023, just buy iPhone 13“
- H
- Hvg
- Lfh
- 19 Apr 2023
This is a terrible phone nov in 2023. The battery life is so bad. Just buy pixel 4a
- ?
- Anonymous
- gIP
- 30 Mar 2023
This phone has a horrible battery even with a quality replacement battery but I still use it because I move and walk a lot at my work so it's light on my pocket. I've read 12 and 13 mini don't have any better battery either, not by a lot.
- D
- AnonD-1082209
- KuY
- 11 Mar 2023
It's a good phone for basic tasks and some games, but the battery isn't really good, and even worse if has battery health below 80%, it drain every minute sometimes, still performing good for a phone for its age like the S6 edge/S6 edge+/Note 5, the phone has aged well, but isn't receiving support to newer iOS versions.