Apple iPhone 6s Plus
- s
- sam
- U@9
- 02 Apr 2016
iphone 6s or iphone 6+????
- D
- AnonD-71406
- TmC
- 31 Mar 2016
Anonymous, 28 Mar 2016I think apple is very expensive i prefer samsumg every trolls claim this
- D
- AnonD-71406
- TmC
- 31 Mar 2016
Jonas, 28 Mar 2016Yesterday i met iphone user. We took picktures and se said ... morepost this on a s7 opinon place or you are just doing your job, we know what are you doing here :)
samsung s5 same samsung s7
- D
- AnonD-71406
- TmC
- 31 Mar 2016
currently cant afford a new iphone but this is a dream device with a dream os
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4$t
- 30 Mar 2016
AnonD-518664, 25 Mar 2016I wonder how people have the guts to pay around $800 on a d... moreBecause I can....
I own 7 high end devices...and each have their issues..
It doesn't take guts to buy a dual core iPhone..
Just the understanding that an A9 chip is a fine piece of hardware..
- ?
- Anonymous
- fkY
- 30 Mar 2016
AnonD-63894, 30 Mar 2016Piktures? hahahahnot everyone has your fluent english.
so do not make fun of other people mistakes
- D
- AnonD-63894
- sBU
- 30 Mar 2016
Anonymous, 28 Mar 2016Well, let me tell you that I am a "true geek" and most of w... moreI totally disagree by your opinion on multi-tasking on iPhone lol have you ever use iPhone?
- D
- AnonD-63894
- sBU
- 30 Mar 2016
Jonas, 28 Mar 2016Yesterday i met iphone user. We took picktures and se said ... morePiktures? hahahah
- J
- Jonas
- 9Fg
- 28 Mar 2016
Yesterday i met iphone user. We took picktures and se said 6s plus camera sucks compared to galaxy s6
- ?
- Anonymous
- tSv
- 28 Mar 2016
Adith, 25 Mar 2016The iPhone may look weak on paper but a true tech geek will... moreWell, let me tell you that I am a "true geek" and most of what you said is rubbish.
If you're talking about single tasking, yes, the iphone does a very good job. However, the other SoC manufacturers are quickly catching up. There was a time it wasn't close between iphone and the other chip manufacturers. Now, with the 2016 chips, I think the difference in terms of performance in single core is less than 10%.
If you do multi-tasking on a phone the iphone sucks. The more apps you have running in the background the more it sucks absolutely.
Graphics? The main reason it performs better on graphics is because of the lower pixel count, not due to the GPU.
The camera is second rate in terms of hardware and tries to make up for it with software.
I won't get started on the overall hardware and software quality, design and testing. They've been horrible since the iphone 4, with an assortment of engineering and manufacturing issues. Apple has the most extensive developer beta program in the mobile industry and they STILL have 4-6 "patches within 2 months of a major x.0 release...and this is a premium device giving a premium experience? Not to me.
You want value for the money and quality? Let's exclude Samsung for the moment. You have HTC and Sony (excepting the M5 - it sucks) and in 2016 you can add LG to the list. These companies offer phones that have a wide assortment of features, basic geek feature like access to the file system. From there you can add features like SD cards, waterproof, dustproof, removable batteries, stereo speakers, FM radio, IR blaster etc. etc. Most of what you could ever want is there.
HTC even provides you with the tools to unlock the boot loader and install any ROM you want and their own kernel source as well. Now that is a company that supports a True Geek. Do you jailbreak? Do you unlock? If not, you're just a toddler in a playpen with an iphone. You aren't allowed out of the playpen because Apple knows most people can't be trusted with that much responsibility. They'll end up going to AppleCare and cry, "Mommie, my iphone broken and I can't fix it."
True Geeks like to look under the covers for intellectual curiosity and to tinker for a variety of reason. True Geeks don't just take a smartphone out of the box and say, "this is perfect". That's not a True Geek; that's a poser.
- ?
- Anonymous
- tSv
- 28 Mar 2016
akkizinta, 22 Mar 2016yes you are right....but what i cant get is why these apple... moreI believe it's because most the people don't have the options to mess around with the phone configuration as much with the iphone as you do with Android. Based upon what I've seen, I'm convinced most the people lack the discipline to manage the apps on their Android phone.
To put it another way, imagine if the iphones all came out of the box jailbroken and had cydia and other 3rd party tools that would allow you to tweak the iphone in the same ways you can tweak Android phones. I am sure you would see the iphone users creating the same mess they created on Android phones, by overloading the hardware.
So for most people, the iphone is great for them because it's the "nanny state" in the mobile phone world: you need to protect them from themselves for their own good.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Mfx
- 28 Mar 2016
I think apple is very expensive i prefer samsumg
- t
- touhou fan
- jkf
- 27 Mar 2016
my phone. its defiantly much better then the lg leon. sure, its overpriced for whats esstiently the same thign as the iphone 6. thr screen size it great! ive had a couple of issues already, the battery drains too fast and some of the built- in apps crash. overall, nice phone. espically the gold color!
via iPad Air 2
- ?
- Anonymous
- 6kx
- 27 Mar 2016
akkizinta, 22 Mar 2016buddy my phone worked perfectly for a week or soon... moreSame issues... fone gets stuc at times..i ve using iphone 5 5s 6...but 6splus was a mistake i feel...very pathetic comparing to de previous models
- R
- Rohitraj
- f}N
- 27 Mar 2016
Mohamed, 22 Mar 2016Awesome awesome phone dont compare this with lacky androids... moreIts fabulous phone m using it from last 1 month no one can beat this phone ever its worlds no 1 handset at the moment !!!
- S
- SvM
- 27 Mar 2016
iPhone 6s plus water proof or not?
- A
- Al
- 26 Mar 2016
AnonD-13060, 26 Mar 2016Which phone is better in terms of camera performance ? I lo... moreFor camera Samsung is better
For safety iPhone is unbeatable
- D
- AnonD-13060
- iiW
- 26 Mar 2016
Which phone is better in terms of camera performance ? I love photography as well as some social apps. Should I go for iPhone 6s plus or Samsung S7 Edge ? How can we know through the specifications regarding the camera performance of a smartphone ? Give me a better option of the two. Thanks.....
- O
- Oba
- CDq
- 26 Mar 2016
waqas, 18 Mar 2016I want to buy mobile Which is the best smart phone in the w... moreI think u can go for an iPhone and one android phone, I use note 5 and iPhone 6s, both of them are good phones.
- A
- Adith
- rx2
- 25 Mar 2016
The iPhone may look weak on paper but a true tech geek will know that the apple A9 chipset is the most powerful mobile chipset yet!! It's not the number of cores to be looked into. In that case the Lenovo k4 note can beat the iPhone or the S7. Hence, iPhone is a very powerful phone. A dual core processor is enough for Apple to make it's phone powerful enough to compete in the market. (People who think I'm exaggerating, please feel free to watch some speed and power test videos on YouTube)