Apple iPhone 7

Apple iPhone 7

User opinions and reviews

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  • D
  • AnonD-636551
  • 7Xb
  • 20 Jun 2017

I have the iPhone 7 - (RED) and it's amazing. I don't really care about screen resolution because the size of the display of the 7 makes the screen resolution look pretty HD. One of the things I hate about the 7 is the battery life. I kinda want it to last a little bit longer. But overall, it's a great phone. And also, iOS 11 on the 7 is really buggy and it made the 7 a little bit slower.

    • N
    • Neebo
    • Aw}
    • 19 Jun 2017

    I've had a apple iphone 3s,4s,6 and now the 7. I have tried android phones and just can't get on with them. I find the 7 very responsive and it gets things done pretty quick.i love 3D Touch. I think I will always be a apple fan.

      • D
      • AnonD-1825
      • p7d
      • 19 Jun 2017

      Zack, 19 Jun 2017Yea it's sad to see ppl spend so much on a phone that doesn... more"Yea it's sad to see ppl spend so much on a phone that doesn't even have the latest in terms of specs... i mean it's so weird how the latest iPhone 7 is closer internally to a Samsung S4 than the S8.. but i guess ppl only care about the logo when they buy these..."

      Brainwashed android boy detected!

      IPhone 7 is very competitive phone with S8 in every measure which matters for mass market.

      Sure you android boys can keep buying bigger numbers on paper ans get this :D iPhone 6s vs galaxy S8 speed test, just pathetic.

      It's so weird how over two years old phone can beat newest android "speed" beast ;)

      But again if thats what you want :) we iPhone users buy overall product and overall experience, not invidual specs. It's all those specs and software and hardware together which makes the overall user experience, iPhone is very balanced device, you know making smartphone is always making compromises and it's very hard thing, you have limited space and limited money to put everything inside of that small covers.

      "but i guess ppl only care about the logo when they buy these..."

      You are quite right about this, its called awareness, it takes years and years to build it, Appel have made great phone ten years now and people knows exactly what they get when they buy Apple logo and it wont be disappointing.

      This is big reason why iPad was instant hit, people knew because it has Apple logo it has to be fluid, fast, easy to use have great apps and games etc. Even without owning one because users already knew Apple delivers great products which users like to use a lot.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • 043
        • 19 Jun 2017

        Anonymous, 19 Jun 2017Writing such a comment is like just writing "I'm completely... moreIf I was able to edit my comments, I would write "cores" instead of "votes"

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • 043
          • 19 Jun 2017

          Zack, 19 Jun 2017Yea it's sad to see ppl spend so much on a phone that doesn... moreWriting such a comment is like just writing "I'm completely stupid"
          A10 Fusion is the fastest chip in a phone, almost 1 year after its release. The numbers with the least meaning are the number of votes and the size of the RAM

            Zack, 19 Jun 2017Yea it's sad to see ppl spend so much on a phone that doesn... moreI'm an Android user, but kinda sad to read this comment. Technical specs don't always equal performance. And surely we don't have to have the latest specs to perform good. And what is this latest spec anyway? chipset? RAM? camera? screen?
            All in all I'm amazed by how good Apple A10 is. Things that hinder it a bit is the battery capacity and it's screen resolution, at least for me.
            Peace from XperiaX user.

              • D
              • AnonD-553488
              • QtQ
              • 19 Jun 2017

              Zack, 19 Jun 2017Yea it's sad to see ppl spend so much on a phone that doesn... morealso people dont just pay for logo they pay for the experience of iOS, security, OS updates beautiful hardware, integration with other Apple products and lot of other things that comes with buying an iPhone. Yup I do agree that there are people who pay for the logo but then this happens with lot of things but its always about the Apple logo.
              I am not against android in any way, coz without we will not be in mobile world where we are now. Imagine only one mobile OS dominating completely (either andoid or iOS) with no competition there would be no innovation happening. No one would push each other. So remember we need iOS as much as we need android, its just that people buy what they prefer thats it, you can leave them alone if they spend their money on something they liked but you dont. relax. peace.

                • D
                • AnonD-553488
                • QtQ
                • 19 Jun 2017

                Zack, 19 Jun 2017Yea it's sad to see ppl spend so much on a phone that doesn... morea typical Android user caring only about specs.. i mean seriously you are comparing S4 internals with iPhone 7 and even if they are same can you compare the performance of both. I am sure S4 wont even come close to iPhone 7 performance heck even in day to day tasks S8 dont easily beat iPhone 7. And iP 7 is around 650$ and not 1000$ not everyone want the biggest memory for most 32GB is fine.
                Please use the forum to spread awareness and appropriate suggestions. Just dont come here and start writing rubbish, it doesn't help others in any way.

                  • Z
                  • Zack
                  • Trk
                  • 19 Jun 2017

                  Anonymous, 15 Jun 2017Who tf pays 1,000 dollars for a friggin' phone? Seriously? ... moreYea it's sad to see ppl spend so much on a phone that doesn't even have the latest in terms of specs... i mean it's so weird how the latest iPhone 7 is closer internally to a Samsung S4 than the S8.. but i guess ppl only care about the logo when they buy these...

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • 043
                    • 18 Jun 2017

                    Anonymous, 15 Jun 2017Who tf pays 1,000 dollars for a friggin' phone? Seriously? ... moreI don't feel like that with my iPhone 7. But I think that many chinese phone users feel superior because they think people are dumb to pay more for a device of a big reputable brand with often great design or support. It's like having to choose between a Citroen/Opel or an Audi/Mercedes/BMW.

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • 043
                      • 18 Jun 2017

                      AnonD-553488, 18 Jun 2017for 1000$ you get - iPhone 7 - 256GB or iPhone 7Plus - 128G... moreI also don't think iPhones are that expensive. I got my 128GB 7 for € 745 in November last year (!) and right now it's only € 695. Another good option is to buy used iPhones every 1 or 2 years and only pay € 150 for it (5s), then 1 year later sell it for € 100 (like 5 is at the moment) and buy a newer one for € 150. But it's far easier to just buy a brand new one every 4-5 years like I did. My previous phone was the iPhone 5 and if it goes like that, my next phone will be 9s or 10 and if your phone gets too slow to really use it before its last months, you always have something to look forward to.

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • g}t
                        • 18 Jun 2017

                        Anonymous, 12 Jun 2017Standard android low end gets 0 years android mid range g... moreI DONT THINK SO.

                        While you make a good point about software issues with android, but you are miles away from the truth when it comes to how much these phones can last.

                        1st pixel was built by their phones must have the same level of physical rigidness...(that is a high praise considering how non-classy and simple pixel appears)

                        Now, 0 years?
                        You sir are wrong....if any one who buys phones that last approx 0-1years and in a span of 5 years....he would have spent a considerable amount of money that he was so opposed to before...and sir, this never happens.

                        People who know how to meddle with their phones customise their androids....
                        People who like their securitt, have brands which use vanilla android or aosp and they don't take too much time to push through the updates.

                        People who don't do any of these, well they won't really care for security updates every few months...

                        Enough of my jabbering about android, you seem to have bought apple often do u see an iphone ranging more than 2 yrs without a cracked screen....not often i reckon.

                        Maybe I'm a magician who has 2 androids, one 3 yrs and one 4 yrs old...even a windows and symbian NOKIA phones as my backup with NO physical damage whatsoever...

                        Now in general, no one can tell you how long your phone will last...drop your iphone...screen shatters....say iPhone makers have very talented designers....aaaah i mean those which made the iphones 2-3 years they're just...well you know the rest...

                        For anyone who wants this phone...wait for iphone 8...maybe...just maybe... we'll get the upgrade that we want...(not just the ecosystem...)

                          • D
                          • AnonD-553488
                          • gwE
                          • 18 Jun 2017

                          AnonD-1825, 17 Jun 2017People who have money and don't need to settle for less. ... morefor 1000$ you get - iPhone 7 - 256GB or iPhone 7Plus - 128GB and other android phones like Galaxy S8Plus.
                          Now if I am willing to pay so much which phone will last me 4-5 years with continuous and timely security and OS updates. Its clear - iPhone.
                          But we dont have to spend 1000$ for latest OS and security updates, we can get
                          iPhone 7 32GB - 675$
                          iPhone 7 128GB - 810$
                          and at these price points I find them value for money as those who have used iOS knows how good it functions over the years.

                          So yes not everybody pays 1000$ for phones and you can get value for money mobile in 600-800$ range. OR you can go for 200-300$ mid range androids and change them every 1-2 years for latest OS and security updates and in the end you pay same over 5 years but you use mid range device always where as in iPhone you use top end throughout.

                            • I
                            • Ivan
                            • 3qK
                            • 18 Jun 2017

                            confuse, 18 Jun 2017need opinion... for good battery life, performance and came... moreWhich OS did you have previous? Android or ios? Because those are really different systems to use.. performances od iphone 7 and xiaomi mi6 are great. Huawei is inferior device.

                              • c
                              • confuse
                              • tu6
                              • 18 Jun 2017

                              need opinion... for good battery life, performance and camera... which one is better? iphone 7 @ mi6 @ honor 8?

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • X{X
                                • 17 Jun 2017

                                MS, 17 Jun 2017You are absolutely right..Correct

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-1825
                                  • p7d
                                  • 17 Jun 2017

                                  Anonymous, 15 Jun 2017Who tf pays 1,000 dollars for a friggin' phone? Seriously? ... morePeople who have money and don't need to settle for less.

                                  And iPhone with iOS ecosystem is far from mediocre, but good try

                                    • M
                                    • MS
                                    • D01
                                    • 17 Jun 2017

                                    Anonymous, 15 Jun 2017Who tf pays 1,000 dollars for a friggin' phone? Seriously? ... moreYou are absolutely right..

                                      • g
                                      • gabrielita
                                      • 9LA
                                      • 16 Jun 2017

                                      prem , 14 Jun 2017i like this phone this is very smart I think so

                                        • A
                                        • Andi
                                        • DWC
                                        • 16 Jun 2017

                                        Anonymous, 15 Jun 2017Who tf pays 1,000 dollars for a friggin' phone? Seriously? ... moreCapitalism mate.