Apple iPhone SE (2020)

Apple iPhone SE (2020)

User opinions and reviews

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  • J
  • Josh
  • s%{
  • 16 Oct 2020

se 2020 is worth buying now my budget around $400
this will be my first iPhone

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • LX7
    • 16 Oct 2020

    192 cm Asian Boy, 15 Oct 2020Apple doesn't need budget product? se 2 is the so-call... moreSE 2 is the "so called" budget phone as you say but apple is not looking for or will have a $200 budget phone because:

    1) you can do nothing worthwhile with $200.
    2) the $200 phone buyer simply doesn't care about quality, they just want the most number of pseudo-features for the pocket change they are willing to spend.
    3) $200 people will still think the $200 iphone is too expensive at $200.

      NewUser07, 07 Oct 2020If you want those changes then the phone would increase its... moreno one cares

        • 1
        • 192 cm Asian Boy
        • s}g
        • 15 Oct 2020

        NewUser07 , 08 Oct 2020Apple doesn’t need to have a “budget” line for their produc... moreApple doesn't need budget product? se 2 is the so-called budget product and stop defendin' apple, illogical apple fan.

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • s}g
          • 15 Oct 2020

          NewUser07 , 09 Oct 2020Apple already decided long time ago mate, you and others ju... morekeep fantasy lol

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • s}g
            • 15 Oct 2020

            Josh, 14 Oct 2020Yeah, except Samsung, LG, Nokia, Sony, all manufactures are... moremoto?

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • LX7
              • 15 Oct 2020

              Chromatica, 15 Oct 2020You are paying 40 PERCENT MORE for bigger display and batte... moreXR is now $499 just $100 more than this, very worth it if you need the larger phone with larger screen.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • LX7
                • 15 Oct 2020

                Anonymous, 15 Oct 2020idk what you mean about phones breaking from updates, never... moreIt looks like you use the android phone from fantasy land.

                And that feature of downloading from "alternative sources" is just like opening a pandora's box, yeah you can use for free paid for apps... but all hell could break lose anytime you dare to use those apk malwares out there.

                Go to any popular android phone comments section and you will find purgatory there, kind of laughable if it's not happening to you, on iPhone threads what we get is continuous hostile fire from android users, can tell you this if android phones were so good iPhones would be irrelevant and this thread would be deserted.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • JBa
                  • 15 Oct 2020

                  Anonymous, 11 Oct 2020Using a phone while being ignorant of technology is actuall... moreidk what you mean about phones breaking from updates, never happened to me on any android.

                  also "malware packed play store" lmao malware doesn't get on the play store and when it does the app store has them to.

                  even before i didn't know shit about tech i used androids and liked them

                  in fact i found iOS to be more frustrating when i tried it out for two simple reasons: you can't download apps from outside the app store (there are a couple apps i like that are not available there) and there is no back button, it is always in a different place and you need to find it.

                  like literally you sound like you have only used 1 android in your life, and bought the shittiest one in the world, and condemned the rest forever because i have literally never had to "fight with my phone" to get it to do something

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • gM$
                    • 15 Oct 2020

                    Anonymous, 13 Oct 2020you can recognize android troll since they are starting the... moreAnd can recognise apple fanboys like you who basically have no point to say rather than pointing out irrelevant stuff

                      • j
                      • j
                      • Dkx
                      • 15 Oct 2020

                      does it support 2 Nano SIM? and Dual Volte?

                        • o
                        • okkk
                        • XQ6
                        • 15 Oct 2020

                        amit chennai, 14 Oct 2020Can anyone help me, is it good choice to buy iPhone XR now ... moreits now 25k on flipkart.

                          amit chennai, 14 Oct 2020Can anyone help me, is it good choice to buy iPhone XR now ... moreYou are paying 40 PERCENT MORE for bigger display and battery and older chipset. Get urbeats 3, a fastcharging powerbank and the SE. Youre buying more for less money.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • Dkw
                            • 15 Oct 2020

                            amit chennai, 14 Oct 2020Can anyone help me, is it good choice to buy iPhone XR now ... moreIf your budget allow you then definitely go with iphone xr.
                            A12 bionic chip is pretty fast

                              • N
                              • NewUser07
                              • nx{
                              • 14 Oct 2020

                              amit chennai, 14 Oct 2020Can anyone help me, is it good choice to buy iPhone XR now ... moreIt makes no sense this question as you are asking if to buy older technology with less future support more expensive rather than new technology, cheaper and far more future proof. So logically the choice is without question IPhone SE 2

                                • I
                                • Irfan Khan
                                • DkF
                                • 14 Oct 2020

                                amit chennai, 14 Oct 2020Can anyone help me, is it good choice to buy iPhone XR now ... moreGo for XR long battery life🤗

                                  Can anyone help me, is it good choice to buy iPhone XR now in Oct 2020, specially if I'm getting it for INR 37000. Or iphone SE for 26000, chich one is good option

                                    • J
                                    • Josh
                                    • 7t}
                                    • 14 Oct 2020

                                    Anonymous, 11 Oct 2020lmao thank you for your opinion apple shill, but none of th... moreYeah, except Samsung, LG, Nokia, Sony, all manufactures are Chinese. Except Samsung no other company sells their latest phones in my country. And Samsung is stiffing a shitty processor in their flagships for our region. So, no Samsung for me because of their shitty processor and no Chinese phones because I'm afraid of the backdoors in their hardware or software. That leaves me with only Apple; even though I don't like their products because they are way expensive.

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • 8r}
                                      • 13 Oct 2020

                                      Anonymous, 11 Oct 2020lmao thank you for your opinion apple shill, but none of th... moreyou can recognize android troll since they are starting the sentence with LMAO.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • 88k
                                        • 12 Oct 2020

                                        I'm seriously considering buying this phone on BF. I never thought I'd come to this point, as I'm not an Apple fan, but Android phone manufacturers leave me no choice. Pixels are not sold in my country, so my only options for a compact phone are this one or a S10e, but the later was released one and half year ago. It already got Android 10, 11 is around the corner and after 12 (about one year from now), no more major Android updates. On the other hand, the SE 2020 will still get another 4 major iOS updates. The outdated design of the SE 2020 bothers me a little, but I can live with that if the phone fits in my pants pockets and I can use it with one hand. Regarding battery life, as I don't game and don't watch long videos on a phone, I'm confident it will last until the end of the day for me.