Asus Zenfone 10

Asus Zenfone 10

User opinions and reviews

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Chaos X 1982, 30 Jun 2023You are the one talking nonsense, I am saying facts.Yeah, go ahead and believe that google is spying on you, and don't ever buy a pixel phone again.

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • vaS
    • 01 Jul 2023

    That 144hz in supported games is unnecessary imo. Personally would've preferred AF on the FF camera over it.

      No need to upgrade from last year's model. I'm surprised the battery life did not get a significant bump like other phones using the 8 Gen 2 chip. It's basically the same model.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • mNT
        • 30 Jun 2023

        still usb 2.0...

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • iAE
          • 30 Jun 2023

          If support SD card, I would buy.

            [deleted post]Most of my 30+ SD cards are all Micro SD, with 2 or 3 Mini SD used in older phones. My mSD are used in phones and tablets first, next they are retired to camera (with an adapter) before becoming stretch disks for my laptop. I have used only around 3 or 4 full sized SD cos they come with my camera.
            Cameras don't comes with mSD slots because cameras don't need to be super slim, and since they change SDs all the time it's easy for smaller size mSD to be lost, full size SD are much easier to handle if you need to change card and battery in between assigments. They don't use internal storage and cloud because all professionals photographers and videographers knows cloud storage is expensive, slow and unreliable. Except Apple's which is just super expensive.
            If you got the real Kingston and Scandisk cards and they still spoils easily, you need to check online if the devices you use has a reputation of damaging Cards, I had one before and just threw it away. If not, you need to seek help from a priest.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • sX6
              • 30 Jun 2023

              Chaos X 1982, 30 Jun 2023If SD cards aren't reliable, Professional Cameras woul... moreAdmittedly, I assumed that given we're in a thread talking about a smartphone, we were very specifically talking about MicroSD cards here. You know, the ones that fit into smartphones and tablets, and the ones I've been having all the failures with. That one's on me, and I probably should have been more clear on that. But sure, feel free to move the goalposts to another planet and directly accuse me of lying while you're there.

              Every single failed MicroSD card I bought was either through Amazon on an official storefront, or a reputable physical store. I'm 99% certain none of them were fake, but I am willing to accept that that's not outside the real of possibility. One of the failures was in a drone camera and cost me half a day of footage, and another was in a tablet literally a month after I bought it. Granted, another one of the failures was in an RPi which is more taxing on writes than just data storage, but given that's a situation where a better media type would last much longer (I have SSDs that are still going strong after 10+ years, admittedly they aren't doing much more than OS duty and were expensive at the time but that's not the point) I don't see why that wouldn't count either. Then again, based on what you said about Kioxia hopefully those ones will actually last a while.

              In terms of full size cards, I can definitely agree that they're significantly more reliable. In fact, I still have cards from the format's inception that work just fine. Though back to my main point on MicroSD, I've yet to see a DSLR (or any other remotely professional camera that isn't an action camera or something similar for that matter) with a MicroSD card slot, and based on my experience I think that's for good reason: they just kind of suck in any measure outside of size and convenience. Even on the latter, so many cameras have USB and wireless connectivity now the only reason I can see why they wouldn't support internal storage and cloud backup is operational simpllicity.

              I'm just glad you had a better experience with these things than I did honestly. And for the record, for me is unbelievably rare that I'm disconnected from the internet for any real period of time, and it's honestly even rarer I would even want to do anything while disconnected (only thing I would feel comfortable using on public transport is something to block noise).

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • r$K
                • 30 Jun 2023

                justasmile, 30 Jun 2023Yeah and if you lose the phone, you lose the data inside. ... moreThen encrypt the SD card and keep backups of your data

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • r$K
                  • 30 Jun 2023

                  Anonymous, 30 Jun 2023SD cards are so unreliable the data they give might as well... moreI have like 20 over the span of 10 years and they all still work fine. Most of them are Sandisk. Idk what brands you buy.

                    What the Cloud Supporters don't understand is that having more phones with SD slots helps their Cloud Subscription to be cheap. And if US, UK, Jp and EU comes up with a law that bans mobile devices with not expandable storage, within weeks their Cloud Subscriptions prices will drop, so would their Video and Streaming services.
                    Because SD cards will post such a big threat to these cloud and streaming services if they are mandated on all phones, even on iPhones and iOS, these companies needs to keep price low so as to compete with SD slots. Why do you think iPhones, iPads, Nexus and Pixel started the no SD slot thread? They want to sell their Cloud services, hook you on it then they can hold your data hostage and start increasing their digital rent after you become reliable to their cloud. SD frees you, that's why Apple, Google and Samsung hates SDs so much.

                      Anonymous, 30 Jun 2023SD cards are so unreliable the data they give might as well... moreIf SD cards aren't reliable, Professional Cameras wouldn't be using them. Right now even most FF cameras uses SD and only the most expensive ones uses CF. Note that no professional cameras uses 32~512GB Internal Storage + Cloud. Based on this fact either you are very careless with your SD cards, or you are just lying.
                      I have owns like 30+ SD cards and only around 2 died on duty because I use a bad card reader. None has ever die while being used inside a Phone, Tablet or Digital Camera.
                      Now I primary use my old SD cards after they retired from my phone to be the Chrome, Firefox and Adobe scratch disk so as to protect my SSD C Drive. And they usually last around 3~6 months of being used as a scratch disk before failing.
                      So no, for me, at least for the past 5 years, the rate of failure for SD cards is 0%. If you are using Sandisk or Kingston you either got fakes or you are just plain unlucky, mu aunt's 16GB Scandisk (which is less reliable than Kingston) is still 100% usable inside a phone after like 7 years of usage. As for Kioxia and Sony they are almost indestructible, Samsung is around Kingston's level.
                      As for Audio, I only have around 7GB of Mp3 but I still keep them on my SD card because it's easier for me to change phone when all the stuffs are on SD cards. And I don't use cloud music because it requires an internet connection.

                        Hmm unfortunately no card slot. But the phone is very interesting.

                          Bzuco, 30 Jun 2023Micro SD card can also fails as any other memory chip or st... moreMost of my stuffs are on my phone, my SD card has only around 7GB of Media, which I backup to a SSD every week. I also backup my Whats App every day. SD card is my first level back up that has the most recent stuffs, while SSD is my second. I only use cloud for stuffs I am sharing with others. As well as for Whats App backup. I don't use it for my media.

                            justasmile, 30 Jun 2023Yeah and if you lose the phone, you lose the data inside. ... moreFirst, if my phone spoils, only the internal storage spoils.
                            As for SD card spoiling? It never happens to me.
                            Finally, I don't intend on losing my phone, but if you are the type that leave your phones in unsafe places without people looking, go ahead and use cloud. Just don't try to force that nonsense on people whom had never lose their phone.

                              xslvrxslwt, 30 Jun 2023I said spoof. No one said anything about buying a lame ahh ... moreOther than Pixels, another phones don't comes with unlimited Google Photos.
                              Also, the fact that you start insulting other people is evident of your own moral levels.
                              There is this idea of privacy, what I do is none of Apple's Google's or your business. And also, Cloud storage price and policies can change anytime, I don't intend to let Google or Asus or whoever hold my data hostage.
                              If you like to be spied on, go live in China.

                                justasmile, 30 Jun 2023Stop talking nonsense.You are the one talking nonsense, I am saying facts.

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • sX6
                                  • 30 Jun 2023

                                  Chaos X 1982, 30 Jun 2023Also, your reply just proves that you cloud supporters are ... moreSD cards are so unreliable the data they give might as well not exist.

                                  For some context, I've had a lot of SD cards now, I can lay my hand on at least 10 immediately but I'm 99% certain I have more. You want to know how many of those are still working? I'll tell you: Four.

                                  Yes, you read that right, four.

                                  The rest don't even show up on the computer (forget any data on them), and I've done all the troubleshooting steps this side of the galaxy.

                                  I don't know about you, but I can't trust any storage medium that has a 60% failure rate (I wasn't even doing anything heavy on any of mine, just data storage) with literally any data at all. And these aren't no name cards either, most of them are Sandisk or Kingston (haven't tried Samsung or Integral, I have one Kioxia card in an RPi that still runs and my mum's dash cam has one that's still running mint after 2 years so maybe Kioxia is better than most). I just can't trust these things to still have readable data on them when I want to access it.

                                  When someone puts an M.2 slot on a phone maybe I'll be interested in expandable storage, yes I realise they're much larger and 99% overkill but they're multiple times the speed an SD card will ever be, significantly cheaper in large capacities and incredibly reliable. Until then, I'll happily pay the whatever a month for cloud storage (Google One is £8 a month, and MS365 family is also similar) or just sync stuff to my desktop or file server, with the failure rate I'd probably be saving money.

                                  P.S: And the music argument I saw doesn't work either for a smartphone, as you'd be using a DAP for FLACs and the like anyway (that's the only way I can see anyone approaching even close to 600GB without having nearly 100,000 songs on their phone, and at that point I'm not convinced having convenient access to the whole collection is even possible even if it's in one place). Smartphones don't really have the output power to cope with the type of headphones you may want to use with FLACs (high sensitivity could work for some, but they have their own downsides).

                                    Chaos X 1982, 30 Jun 2023That's a blatant lie by Cloud service companies to con... moreYeah and if you lose the phone, you lose the data inside.
                                    If it spoils, you lose the data too.
                                    If someone has your phone, they have access to your data of MicroSD.
                                    At least on cloud storage, even when the phone is lost, data can still be transferred.

                                      Chaos X 1982, 30 Jun 2023It's not as fast as SD, and I don't Intent to buy... moreStop talking nonsense.

                                        Chaos X 1982, 30 Jun 2023It's not as fast as SD, and I don't Intent to buy... moreI said spoof. No one said anything about buying a lame ahh Pixel.

                                        Your problem for being braindead, sorry. Also if you care that your photos are being scanned for child abuse material - might as well send a warrant for your arrest now (as I can do that)?