BlackBerry Torch 9860
- d
- delight
- 3sE
- 13 Aug 2012
I didn't want to buy it at first but thankfully I did bevause its such a good is Excellent with a premium feel,scree is so good, keypad is excelllent and speed of phone generally is super fast and is good for a .obile phone I'm satisfied and music is also thing was not mentioned in the specs which is tethering, this phone can actually share network through wifiand dats so cool!!it is also a very good communication device and has everything you all its a well made device and I'm glad I bought it .
- D
- AnonD-66624
- 3sE
- 13 Aug 2012
siya, 10 Aug 2012in this blackberyy i can use nimbuz and voipcall is possibl... moreYa. You can surely download.. Am using it
- R
- Ricky
- Kiy
- 12 Aug 2012
planing to buy this phone..
i want to ask,, what is the advantages and the disadvantages of this phone??
thank you..
- D
- AnonD-66549
- utD
- 12 Aug 2012
i want to buy a phone choice is between xperia sola and blackberry torch 9860......what should i buy??? plz help
- Y
- Yellow
- UG3
- 12 Aug 2012
Anonymous, 06 Aug 2012hi mee too android user but i changed to bb 9860 and found ... moreBut I am still dilemma to choose 9860 or 9850.
- r
- rahul
- uBW
- 12 Aug 2012
can we update to 7.1 ??
- s
- siper101
- 11 Aug 2012
RIM sucks, 08 Aug 2012What makes me frustrated is seeing RIM company declaring lo... moreapple does not make money using high quality phones. in fact, apple is notorious for deliberately missing out features to incise customers to purchase their next phone, which in turn misses out features that the latest blackberry's, samsungs, nokia's all have. RIM is actually in the majority of how they build and release phones. Apple is only as profitable as it is because much like nike, addidas etc, it is simply a popular brand and even though their are people out their who genuinely buy apple products for the features and applications available, the majority of apple customers only buy apple products because they are sheep - and they want what their friends have and what is "cool." This then creates a marketing cascade, meaning their are only so many apps available on apple, because more people have apple than any other brand. Android is the most popular OS, but that is split between the HTC, Samsung and other branding. That said Android is stealing more and more market share from apple every day giving meaning to the saying "all good things must come to an end" - and trust me, apple will end one day.
Personally i have this blackberry, not apple or android, purely because I prefer the blackberry OS to that of any available on the market. After using symbian, Android and iOS, blackberry os tops them all (apart from OS6 which was rushed, and rubbish).
- s
- siya
- nx@
- 10 Aug 2012
in this blackberyy i can use nimbuz and voipcall is possible or not?
- ?
- Anonymous
- 3n%
- 10 Aug 2012
shilpi, 08 Aug 2012does blackberry torch 9860 support viber ?only for messages
- s
- shilpi
- 08 Aug 2012
does blackberry torch 9860 support viber ?
- T
- 3sE
- 08 Aug 2012
RIM sucks, 08 Aug 2012What makes me frustrated is seeing RIM company declaring lo... moreFirst of all your comment is true and I agree with you , but RIM is making good progress.
And this device ( torch 9860 ) is really amazing , so not all bb devices are cheap. But the thing I like in most bb's is the price range , its really affordable and worth it ...
And besides BBM is an addiction !
Hope you agree with that ;)
- R
- RIM sucks
- 3sE
- 08 Aug 2012
What makes me frustrated is seeing RIM company declaring loss......
I mean if RIM stops making lots of cheap quality bb phones and start saving money for making a high quality phone they would have lots of profits and less loss's ...
For an example look at apple's company , they start saving money for each phone the want to make .... So they make only 1 phone each year ! And they always have new feature's ....
But RIM doesn't work that way , they spend billions of dollars on making cheap phones and they have almost the same features ! For an example look at os6 devices(they have the same processors as the previous generation which is os5, but only new os and camera that's all) and os7 devices(powerfull processors and the same os theme but a little bit different from os6, but crappy battery life)
So to me I think RIM company tries to rip off its customers by offering the same specs but with different OS !
I hope RIM could work hard in releasing BB 10 ....
- p
- psksharma
- uti
- 06 Aug 2012
Yellow, 05 Aug 2012Hi alls, I am android user ^_^ n really luv it. BUT... mo... morehi mee too android sony xperia user but i changed to bb 9860 and found some advantages and some disadvantages in bb ,over all 9860 torch is excellent in touch,music,vidoplayback,little bit gaming and internet,but lack off apps,its supports multiple video formats like avi,mp4,3gpp and etc like android mx i am satisfied with bb over all this is a great bb phone.
- ?
- Anonymous
- uti
- 06 Aug 2012
Yellow, 05 Aug 2012Hi alls, I am android user ^_^ n really luv it. BUT... mo... morehi mee too android user but i changed to bb 9860 and found some advantages and some disadvantages in bb ,over all 9860 torch is excellent in touch,music,vidoplayback and internet,but lack off apps,its supports multiple video formats like avi,mp4,3gpp and etc like android mx i am satisfied with bb over all this is a great bb phone.
- Y
- Yellow
- Kxk
- 05 Aug 2012
Hi alls,
I am android user ^_^ n really luv it.
BUT... most my coworkers use BB, so they push me to hv BB.
I like full touchscreen, take lots photo, FB, and fast browsing.
Plz advice me ur BB preference.
Luv ya..
- V
- Khv
- 04 Aug 2012
can somebody tell that is it possible that we can work with this set while transferring the data by blue tooth
- O
- Omer
- KI6
- 04 Aug 2012
Insisted on BB Torch 9860 against all advice. I must say its a super all touch cell by BB. No issues faced so far. Upgraded to OS 7.1. Rock solid construction, great feel in the hand especially in landscape, zippy fast... Ive switched from Jelly Bean, i find the BB keyboard a bit different, especially the backscape key can grow a bit. Overal no complains.
- m
- mrsteven97
- Kiu
- 03 Aug 2012
i have used blackberry torch 9860 for 6 months and that phone is amazing!! it is very smooth , very fast and i don't have any problem... The best BB i've ever used.
- t
- torchi
- Ld0
- 03 Aug 2012
Why do u guys always have bad comments for this device ?!!
Its a beautiful handset and a fast BB ...
Its the smoothest BB I've used .
And the battery life is normal .
So stop giving people a bad impression of this phone !
If u don't like it , buy an iphone that have's apps and games for kids !!
Blackberry is a (smartphone)
- R
- Rach
- HCc
- 03 Aug 2012
Awful phone. Had it 7 months (almost) and haqd problems since the start. It keeps teeling me that I don't have enough app space despite me deleting the majority of apps that were preset, and today it turned off having a full battery and won't turn back on