Google Pixel 3

Google Pixel 3

User opinions and reviews

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  • C
  • Cory
  • Qq@
  • 29 May 2019

I arrive at work today and the entire left side of my Pixel 3 bleeds light. I go to Verizon and they tell me that I broke the screen. There are no visible cracks. The Verizon reps says that I must of broke the screen when sitting in my car driving to work can't put this phone in back pocket.
I dumped the iPhone because it's camera sucks,,,,I bought the Pixel 3 because of its picture taking capabilities....I never would have guessed that for a $1000 phone I can't place it in my back pocket......Well when I'm done making payments on this POS, I will find another phone and it will NOT be a Google product. FU Google and ripping me off a $1000 bucks for a phone that can't simply withstand being put in a back pocket..

    • F
    • Fritz
    • jS4
    • 29 May 2019

    how is this phone compare to galaxy s10? only what I miss in this phone- micro sd slot and wide angel lens

      • d
      • didaswiwaw
      • xnV
      • 27 May 2019

      Anonymous, 17 Oct 2018What happens to all your photos and unlimited storage if yo... moreYou still keep all your old photos in original quality, but any new photos that you upload from your new phone will be reduced in quality. Basically the unlimited original photo storage only works for the picture taken from you Pixel phone, and the photo will be kept forever

        No issues with my overnight standby time. It drains like 2-3% like my other two main phones. The main culprit was probably not turning off the automatic email refreshing. I usually do that manually.

        The Pi Music Player waking up in the background might have been the other problem too but I noticed I turned off adaptive battery and it still drained only 2-3% at most.

        This Pixel 3 is a great phone. Zero regrets. This will likely be the series of phones I plan to keep upgrading to. There's nothing else out there I'm interested in.

          Update on my standby issues. It only drained 1% after 7 hours of sleep for both my Essential Phone and Pixel 3. They're set up exactly the same.

          The main culprits were probably not turning off automatic email refreshing and the Pi Music Player. Actually the Pi app would not play an entire song. I noticed it using headphones first and then through the external speaker.

          I kept playing Journey's "Separate Ways" to test it. Even had issues using the player in the notification shade. Refused to change songs. Updated the app. The latter issue resolved but not the former of cutting off a song after a minute or so. Uninstalled the app and got a much better music player. Everything is fine.

          Just make sure to manually refresh email. I do have adaptive battery turned on and have a few apps that are restricted like Play Store, YouTube, QuickPic, and Kiwi Browser. And I still use Greenify that I manually hibernate with the long-press home/pill button.

          Problem solved. Standby time drain overnight is back to the usual 1-2% I'm accustomed to. Not the 7%-10%. Pixel is a great phone. That was really my only issue. My main issue with my LG G5 which is image retention could be resolved as well using a S-Filter Lite which is different from the S-Filter I used prior. We'll see because that stuff comes back all the time.

            I'm having standby time issues with this phone. Battery can drain 7-8%% overnight after 6 hours. It wasn't like this initially the first two weeks. My other two phones don't have this issue. They drain about 2-3% after 8 hours of sleep.

            I think the main culprits are Pi Music Player and Play Store. They remain active for hours in the background. We'll see how it goes. I already turned on adaptive battery and restricted both apps along with Kiwi Browser and YouTube.

            I did everything else like turning off ambient display and even the one that recognizes songs. I also forgot to turn off my email account automatically refreshing. I always manually refresh that. If it doesn't change, I may have to turn on battery saver every night. If that doesn't work, then I'll just turn off the phone every night.

            Anywhere between 7-10% drain overnight is not acceptable. I don't use Facebook or whatever resource hungry app. Most of the apps I use are efficient. I even had to install Greenify again and it still drained like that.

            The Essential Phone is the one phone I have that has rarely given me problems. With that one, I just have to turn it off once every two weeks or the digitizer goes nuts or it freezes. Turning off phones weekly should be mandatory to clear the RAM usage.

            We'll see because I only put the sim in my Pixel 3 because I prefer its camera the best in case I'm out and about. With Essential, I actually prefer the better notification shade layout (has all 9 when you pull down twice instead of 6) and the speaker is actually louder and sounds more fuller. P3's speakers sounds hallow.

              • J
              • JJ
              • Tbh
              • 14 May 2019

              Really disappointed in the Pixel 3, used it for 6 months and never been impressed with the mobile performance. Recently the radio failed and going on 10 days for support to 'determine' the issue. Meanwhile I am left with an unusable phone. Warranty is worthless if they never find the issue.

                • e
                • elenucola
                • 0yC
                • 13 May 2019

                I am very disappointed with Google Pixel 3 .
                The phone is not worthy its value as it is very fragile - it fall from the couch to the floor (around 40 cm) and the back broke into crumbles...clearly not normal for a phone of this price range . Additionally, battery is not as good as expected, as by using, it lasts less than a day

                  • G
                  • Genzo
                  • CDH
                  • 12 May 2019

                  Shru81, 11 May 2019Google pixel 3 is the worst phone ever. I bought this phone... moreYou got a refurbished device that's why they send it back have been using this device for about 4months

                    • S
                    • Shru81
                    • uu3
                    • 11 May 2019

                    Google pixel 3 is the worst phone ever. I bought this phone from the US and got it to India only to find the phone volume is not working at all! With all the difficulty and burning my pocket, I sent it back to the US for replacement with a new phone! What they do, they send the same and labelling it as refurbished with sim tray and charger missing!! I am yet receive the replacement again.. Being a premium brand, I never expected to experience this! What's the use of paying a bomb on this useless device!! DO NOT BUY THIS AND REGRET LATER! LIKE ME!

                      Already my favorite smartphone ever.

                      1. Google Pixel 3
                      2. Essential Phone
                      3. LG G5

                      Battery life isn't quite as long as the Essential Phone but still longer than my LG G5 (and V20). Very relieved this Pixel 3 syncs with Android File Transfer for macOS.

                      Everything just feels smoother and comfortable on it. I took about 5 days before finally putting the SIM in because I didn't put all my stuff on it right away and just used it as a backup. Today will be the first day it's going to be my daily driver as my main phone.

                      I think this is a great phone so far that I've had it. I haven't experienced the RAM management issues. I need the Pixels to succeed or many of us are stuck in the Android world choosing between Samsung or the Chinese.

                      I've owned Pixel 1 & 3 and enjoyed them both. This is the product line with smartphones I plan to stay on for life. It has to always be the non-XL one. Never again with iPhone. And I don't like Samsung or these Chinese iOS copycat skins.

                      This phone gets an "A" from me. We'll see down the road the type of problems it has or if they were simply overblown and started by paid Apple and Samsung fanatics ranting about Google products on the Internet.

                        • G
                        • Genzo
                        • CDH
                        • 06 May 2019

                        Kingslayer, 05 May 2019I love this phone so far! Its only weaknesses are battery l... moreThe essential phone come with and LCD screen and the pixel 3 is a poled screen normally LCDs are more brighter than poled screens. I have seen so many comments about ram. I haven't encounter any of that I personally think 4gb of ram is ok for a pixel device the only downside of the pixel 3 is battery life 2910mhm power is not good enough for the device but it can make it through the day even if you are a heavy user. Camera and software is just magnificent

                          I love this phone so far! Its only weaknesses are battery life isn't the best and the display is quite dim. If the brightness is 31% on my Essential, I have to go 47% on the Pixel 3. If 50% in the former, about 66% in the latter. But what's weird is they start to nearly match by the 75%.

                          I use AMOLED LiveWallpaper with blank icons and only the name of the app is on display in white. I set the live wallpaper to only 15 FPS instead of 60 and it's smooth already. Conserve battery as well. I also don't regret the black one. I have no issues of the black scratching. I take really good care of my phones.

                          I still don't see the RAM management issues or other little quirks yet. I'm still on the November patch. The March one I've read brought back issues again. The camera is amazing and the software experience is great. Maybe in a few months, feelings could change.

                          My Essential Phone is still a great phone. I've had it for only 8 months. The fingerprint scanner doesn't recognize my fingers right away. Not all the time at least. So it's starting to show its age and I did clean it. I could have issues with this Pixel months from now.

                          All three phones I rotate daily (LG G5, Essential, and Pixel 3) aren't perfect. No phone really is especially the older they get.

                          My G5 has the worst battery life, overheats randomly, and annoying image retention. But tends to be great all-around and the only one with IR blaster and multiple batteries.

                          Essential has the fingerprint scanner issue and inferior digitizer. I don't have issues with call quality. That's more with T-Mobile's spotty coverage. The phone is awkward to hold but the actual design, build quality, and battery life is no doubt the best.

                          Pixel 3 has RAM issues and whatever else people have complained about. But I love the feeling of the phone when I hold it. An even narrower phone than my G5. It also has the best camera and noticeably the fastest.

                          I genuinely like all three phones and fairly equally even with all their flaws. Feelings could change in six months. My favorite brand of phones are now Pixels. I'll be sad if the Pixel 4 and 5 flop again, Google will get out of the phone hardware business for good. Their Nexus devices weren't exactly popular either.

                          We will all end up with Samsung or another Chinese copycat as our only Android options. Pixel may not be around for very long if it keeps flopping in sales. But so many people bash it. I get it. They have flaws but Google could always pull the plug and you will regret losing them.

                            • G
                            • Genzo
                            • CDH
                            • 02 May 2019

                            Anonymous, 09 Oct 2018Geeezuuus... no SD-slot, 2900mAh, a single camera on the ba... morePixel 3 is and awesome device I have been using it for about 3months now the only downside is the battery life. 2910mhm power not good enough for a 850euros device but it can make it through the day. I don't need to talk about the camera and software because is the best. Awesome screen

                              • A
                              • Andski
                              • Aen
                              • 30 Apr 2019

                              Well Google, add 3.5 mm jack and FM radio, so the phone will be more useful. Otherwise you will be following Sony.

                                • s
                                • simmayor
                                • rff
                                • 24 Apr 2019

                                Battery life isn't that great. Google's apps are annoying and difficult to use. If you add a photo to an album, the text app can't find it. If you use the web messages feature, your messages sometimes get lost. Lots of dumb push notification spam from Google. Why is it telling me about a hockey game when I've never searched for hockey and never watched a full hockey game in my life?

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • nw}
                                  • 23 Apr 2019

                                  Kingslayer, 21 Apr 2019Be stuck in their sandbox. And stock android isn't? They removed the option for custom contact colors, custom message colors, can't change font, can't change AOD style, can't even remove the google searchbar from home screen. Flexibility!

                                    Kingslayer, 21 Apr 2019Be stuck in their sandbox. Yes, apple is bad but Google is worse. Google makes the best software but when it comes to hardware, *slap face emoji* ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

                                      Anonymous, 09 Apr 2019Google are just making a poor man's iPhone. Although, I sho... moreBe stuck in their sandbox.

                                        • s
                                        • ss
                                        • vIe
                                        • 20 Apr 2019

                                        ss, 19 Apr 2019is your Ring Tone volume ok? do you find it good enough?Have no doubt. Google is cheating us. I sent the phone for service with in three days of purchase regarding the low ring volume issue. After a week , they are saying that they have checked the volume and it is as per the standard. I asked them what is their standard decibels but they dont know about decibel and they dont have any standard over that. The person told me that when he hear the Ring Tone it seems to be ok for him!! now they are sending back my phone. No replacement. My God! what a fool i am.