HTC Desire

HTC Desire

User opinions and reviews

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  • D
  • Dwane
  • pTC
  • 08 Dec 2010

Lancalot, 07 Dec 2010oh..and i just updated to 'Gingerbread' (Android 2.3) :-DI've had this phone for about 2 months now and I love it! I previously had the nokia n95 8gb for 3 years and then the n8 for a week (before sending it back for being shit)

Have you really updated to android version 2.3? As I recently had a firmware update that started with the number 2.3 but it wasn't actually 'gingerbread'. If you have actually got gingerbread how did you get it? Share the love man!

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • pKU
    • 07 Dec 2010

    I love this phone its amazing, all the people that moan about it and bad mouth it are liars and clearly make it up! Its an amazing phone and tbh it looks nicer than the new nexus phone..

      • i
      • igor
      • mYR
      • 07 Dec 2010

      JHR, 07 Dec 2010All feature and function is okay accept the battery life. i... moreYes,there is a 3200mph battery on ebay but is bigger and you get an extra cover for it. its 20 euros.go on youtube and search for it to see for yourself how it looks like.

        • J
        • JHR
        • PU%
        • 07 Dec 2010

        All feature and function is okay accept the battery life. is there any way to extend the battery life. like changing to high battery or by updating software ?

          • L
          • Lancalot
          • P$j
          • 07 Dec 2010

          Lancalot, 07 Dec 2010i've had my Desire 8 months now. it's amazing and quite pit... moreoh..and i just updated to 'Gingerbread' (Android 2.3) :-D

            • L
            • Lancalot
            • P$j
            • 07 Dec 2010

            i've had my Desire 8 months now. it's amazing and quite pitiful to see/ read people complaining and badmouthing this handset. makes me wonder if they were just one of the few unlucky ones or they just trying there utmost best to wrongfully discredit this phone.
            Anyways... many people have been asking about this phone cause they're interested in buying. Well...from a guy who has had this handset for 8 months i can tell you that i absolutely love it. it's the best thing that has ever happened to me.Sense is great (hopes it gets better). Android is topnotch. i think it has the best (could be one of the best?)on-screen keyboard. love the multi-tasking.
            But as with everything, it has its downfalls, and i so wish that they can be addressed in a later version but with the exact built (just love the built, shape of the phone)
            (1)Battery life is....i'll admit.... horrible, unacceptable.
            (2) would love a front facing/ secondary camera for video calls and so forth
            (3) Internal memory is a bummer...a big one. yeah you can put apps that automatically install on internal in the SD, but only some. and plus even for some apps, although you put then on the SD card, the component that on the internal is still too large. the low internal memory restricts your download capability or the amount of apps you can have stored; i always have to keep deleting apps, making space for new ones, and thats no fun.
            (4) sometimes i find opening certain folders like 'messages' can be a bit slow. dont know if this because of the low internal memory, not me not deleting messages (unlimited amount), or the processor.
            I've been with Samsung, Motorola, Nokia, I've claimed to be a loyalist to each one of them respectively, but i think i'm pretty certain when i say i'll stick to HTC; their quality is just great. don't regret my purchase.
            *would love an offical msn messenger app.

              • g
              • gdbg
              • nws
              • 06 Dec 2010

              for those who are not familiar with Android it is hard to start using, but as soon as you undestand the way you have to deal with Android I guarantee you: the best OS I tried till now. Don't give up that easy, and be patient and explore your phone!! And believe me if you do it for yourself by exploring and trying it is better than call to assistance, because in the first way, you hardly will forget the steps to do something you want. Hope I helped and good luck, you have one of the greastst phones (till now of course) there:-)

                • a
                • abhijeet patra
                • 2Z1
                • 06 Dec 2010

                phone iz gud......need to increase internal memory...and capability to operate in SD mode when charging through usb......othere wise the phone made my life.........gud one......

                  • E
                  • Emokid
                  • uMN
                  • 06 Dec 2010

                  mpopd, 06 Dec 2010I just got this phone today,I don't know about why the revi... moreThan there is a possibility of 1 of 3 things.

                  1) You have a faulty unit.
                  2) You are stupid and cannot operate a mobile phone.
                  3) You're an Apple fanboy trying to defame the phone.

                  It took me 15 mins to set up my Desire, which included 3 exchange emails, 2 hotmails, 1 gmail, custom settings for call forwarding and much more. I even changed the UI layout to suit my needs. I added network specific sim card settings, set up the bluetooth and wifi and pretty much everything else under the sun.

                  The best part of this anecdote is that I am not very tech savvy, but I still worked it all out no sweat.

                  If it took you a day with tech support to achieve nothing, that you probably should not be allowed in public places without a carer.

                  As you said, all the reviews are good. This would be for a reason... don't you think? This phone is certainly no lemon.


                    • m
                    • mpopd
                    • kxQ
                    • 06 Dec 2010

                    I just got this phone today,I don't know about why the reviews are for me this phone is dumb not smart,I tried to configure it all day spoke with tech support,looks like a lemon to me,

                      • D
                      • Droid
                      • JCM
                      • 05 Dec 2010

                      Tank, 04 Dec 2010Hey All, Does anyone know a good gps software with voice na... moreTank try copilot its doesn't need internet to download maps because all the maps have to be stored on the SD card that's why you will need minimum a 2GB card

                      Ps I have been using the desire for 4 months and I love it I don't have to use my laptop for the internet most of the time because the desire internet is as good as a computer the only bad thing with it is the poor battery & the low sound on the back speaker. I think its the best smartphone I have ever used

                        • A
                        • ALi
                        • syj
                        • 05 Dec 2010

                        Install Applanet and install paid application free of cost but u have to root ur phone for this purpose use APP2Sdd to shift your Applications from phone memory to the SD card and install as much application as u can cheerrssss

                          • S
                          • SFAN
                          • Yc0
                          • 05 Dec 2010

                          Anonymous, 05 Dec 2010Can someone plz tell me an honest answer and i mean HONEST)... moreHTC Sense is probably one of the best out there in terms of Android Skin and implementations.

                          HTC Desire's camera is probably just average.
                          The speakers on the back of the phone is poor.
                          Battery life is something that needs to be aware of.
                          No front facing camera.
                          Like all android phones, multitasking is not that good.
                          HTC Desire does lag from time to time, not sure if it's lack of internal memory or because of RAM and processor.

                          But it does have good build-quality in terms of hardware
                          HTC Sense is good
                          The WVGA Amoled screen is superb.
                          Default browser is pretty good, but I wish they would have built-on TABS on screen instead of pressing the menu button.

                          To keep in note: HTC Desire is similar to NEXUS 1, it does not have TRUE Multitouch. Pinch-to-Zoom is their main implementation of sensing 2 fingers.
                          But right now, their true multitouch implementation is a question.

                            • o
                            • obelus
                            • mw1
                            • 05 Dec 2010

                            Anonymous, 05 Dec 2010Can someone plz tell me an honest answer and i mean HONEST)... moreRelax. The Desire is a great phone. The only drawback is the limited amount of internal memory, so you'll eventually will have to root the phone to put your apps on the SD card. Oh and you'll have to charge the phone more than a regular phone, but that's a price to pay for every smartphone...

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • bC9
                              • 05 Dec 2010

                              Mr Big, 05 Dec 2010OK, where to start? I guess the beginning. I have been ... moredude...u totally dont ve an HTC Desire...!!! stocks can be disabled...
                              build quality is doesnt rattle...or wateva...ive had it for long enuf...longer than u anyways...its the way u use it...

                              the only valid thing i felt was the battery issue...

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • pTy
                                • 05 Dec 2010

                                Can someone plz tell me an honest answer and i mean HONEST) as to what this phone is actually like and what is wrong with it. Im getting this phone in 2wks and I want to make sure i've chosen the right one. Plz this phone has got 2 last me 2yrs and I want to live with a good phone and not batter myself with disappointment. Plz help me?!!!

                                  • M
                                  • Mr Big
                                  • n5@
                                  • 05 Dec 2010

                                  Mr Big, 05 Dec 2010OK, where to start? I guess the beginning. I have been ... moreOh, one more thing as well. With the 2.2 update the video camera should now capture at 720p, HD. BUT this is so gittery you couldnt call it HD. I spoke to a HTC rep about this and got, effectively, ignored.

                                  The Desire HD is exactly the same too which make me wonder why they call it the HD?

                                    • M
                                    • Mr Big
                                    • n5@
                                    • 05 Dec 2010

                                    OK, where to start? I guess the beginning.

                                    I have been using the HTC Desire for about 8 months now and feel that I have been using it long enough to make a definitive arguement, both for and against.

                                    Now my previous phone was an iPhone 3G, which despite the price tag and the apple brand is a very good handset. Its easy to use, functional and indeed pretty. Unlike the iPhone 4, but thats a different topic all together.

                                    I swapped to HTC as I'm not an Apple fan boy and have no loyalty to any mobile brand. I likes what I likes and thats why I chose the Desire. Its a pretty handset and on paper is extremely well spec'd with a fantastic processor and indeed an incredible screen. BUT and this is a big BUT... The build quality on it is so bad that I'm wondering why as a sim free handset it costs in excess of 500£? I've got dust under my screen which is simply unacceptable and I can hear a rattle from the handset when its shaken. Whats that all about? FFS... its a high end handset that shouldnt have these sort of bugs in the hardware.

                                    Now let me get onto the software.... Oh the software. Well, Android is fantastic, IF, you are a developer where it is positively a wet dream. Open source software means that the market place is expanding at a rate that no one really expected, but this is also a problem. Because of the fast expansion and the open source, the quality of the applications is low and as a result force closing happens a lot.

                                    HTC have put too much bloatware on the handset and as a result the power of the gig processor is almost lost. I mean who in gods green earth wants to look at stocks? It cant even be disabled.

                                    Lets talk about the Basttery life for a moment. I'm not deluded, I fully expect to have to charge my handset at the end of every day, which is fine, IF I use it for streaming YouTube videos or listening to my MP3s' but since I've been updated to 2.2 the battery has been BAD. I mean really BAD.

                                    Now to conclude. I like the Desire for a developmental tool and I quite like the Android operating system, but it is very infantile and needs further improvements to rival the iOS or even the BBOS.

                                    I think HTC have made a badly made handset though and as a result I wont be buying another one when my upgrade is due in 10 months time. Oh and I wont be getting any "new" iPhone either as these will still be hugely over priced even in 10 months time and their will be something much better out by then I'm sure.


                                      • e
                                      • erdem
                                      • p2e
                                      • 05 Dec 2010

                                      i've had this phone for a week now and since i bought it i can only listen to music record sound etc when i put the headset on because in the notification bar it looks as if i have the headset on even i havent plugged it in oh and i did a factory reset and it didnt solve the problem either

                                        • f
                                        • futurehawk6
                                        • kS%
                                        • 05 Dec 2010

                                        I've been looking at youtube videos about, but i need to hear from someone who has the phone. Is this phone worth getting? Is the touch screen messaging good? And is this phone available in the U.S.?