HTC Desire

HTC Desire

User opinions and reviews

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  • D
  • AnonD-4089
  • t7x
  • 18 Mar 2011

pinoy from rizal, 18 Mar 2011does the actual proxy site in your school asking for a pass... moreNo it's not. You just have to put the right proxy url and port in the settings and you're done. That's how we do it when we use our laptops in school. But the thing is.. I can't find the proxy settings for wifi in my Desire.

Have you tried using the internet in your phone as the server is covered by proxy? Were you able to connect?

    • p
    • pinoy from rizal
    • 9xk
    • 18 Mar 2011

    AnonD-4089, 16 Mar 2011It's been a week since I bought my Desire, and man I am ver... moredoes the actual proxy site in your school asking for a password or something?

      • K
      • Kaloy
      • wHr
      • 17 Mar 2011

      2months with my Desire and am still in love with it

        • Q
        • Quiapo Dibidi
        • vaP
        • 17 Mar 2011

        Just installed "keyboard for gingerbread" in my desire.. and im lovin it.. got it from the market.. and it really made my txting and typing faster... a must have app for guys who have big thumbs like me.
        And i like the keyboard layout.. black and gray.. suits well my Black Desire...

        PS.. if anyone has/had issues from this app.. a warning wud be much appreciated.. thanks!

          • Q
          • Quiapo Dibidi
          • vaP
          • 17 Mar 2011

          mememe, 15 Mar 2011to pinoy from rizal and quaiapo dibidi: thanks to your rep... moreYeah someone's suggesting u to go for desire hd...
          desire hd has good specs.but i would suggest u to feel the actual unit.. hold it in ur hand.. and u will really be surprised...
          Its Sooooooo BIG!

          Cmon.. u aint gonna gain any macho points with desire hd's exteriors. its really just missing that Sexy factor..which the desire is overflowing with..

          take a quick peek at gsmarena's review of desire hd.. the word "Big" and its synonyms are scattered all over its pages...

          Both running software-wise..they're just the same.. but who would you prefer to spend your days with...
          Big Momma or Megan Fox? hehehehe..

          Sexy, Visually provocative and Stare-magnet Drool-stimulating.. thats HTC Desire's looks...

            • D
            • AnonD-4089
            • t7x
            • 16 Mar 2011

            It's been a week since I bought my Desire, and man I am very very very satisfied.

            Been showing it to my friends, and I can say that they too like my Desire. One of them even found it "sexier" than the iPhone (I mean no offense. haha)

            Anyways, everything is working well with my phone. I've not experience any trouble with it yet. The battery life lasts for a day (I don't really mind having to charge it everyday). The camera isn't as great as those on the Sony Ericsson devices, but hey it performs pretty well. For videos, as a former WVGA (800x480 pixels) @ 15fps recorder, the Desire works "ok" with 720p @ 30fps. But one downside to this is there is no autofocusing once you started recording. I'm also happy with the optical trackpad in my phone. You'll find it useful for editing texts and selecting things as you go around using your phone (like easily ticking a link without having to pinch-zoom).

            The only thing I have trouble with is accessing the proxy settings on my phone.. Which I found out is a huge problem on Android devices. I've searched everywhere on the net to find a solution for my problem (can't access wifi in school because of the proxy), but luck hasn't come to me yet :|

            Anyone out there who knows how to setup proxy settings on Desire (Froyo)? Without rooting the phone of course..

              • j
              • jackson
              • vGF
              • 16 Mar 2011

              its the best phone in the market...100 times better than the wildfire or the hd
              ive been using this phone for the last 6 months absolutely no probs..
              wildfire is a poor mans phone

                • p
                • pinoy from rizal
                • K79
                • 16 Mar 2011

                got to play nfs shift, n.o.v.a, h.a.w.x, and assassins creed on my desire, the phone handled it without any sweat, good thing most of these games were transferrable to the sd card otherwise it'll eat up my phone memory.. and last week i also got a sennheiser hd408 "ear cans" for my listening pleasure (bach, vivaldi, segovia, hendrix, chicago, the eagles, omd, the beatles, the smiths, marley, slayer, rico blanco {wtf!}, etc, all sounded great!).. i guess i really have it good.. oooh desire baby

                  • Q
                  • Quiapo Dibidi
                  • t7r
                  • 16 Mar 2011

                  mememe, 15 Mar 2011to pinoy from rizal and quaiapo dibidi: thanks to your rep... moreSomeone is suggesting u a desire HD..? hmm.. desire HD's specs are good. but i would suggest u to have the actual feel of the unit. hold it in ur hand.. feel it..the form factor will really surprise you..
                  ITS SOOOOOO BIIIIIIGGGG!!!!

                  cmon... i believe u aint gonna get some macho points for the exteriors of desire hd.
                  take a peek at gsmarenas review of Desire HD.. the word "BIG" and its synonyms are scattered all over the page..

                  No one can deny that Desire's just oozing with Sexyness , definitely Visually Provocative and got that stare-magnet drool-stimulating looks over the Desire Hd...

                    • S
                    • Satheesh Kumar CyB
                    • t}A
                    • 16 Mar 2011

                    Restarting problem was due to CPU issue in old desire.
                    But new Desire was came with replacement.
                    I have new Desire.
                    You can check via Fast boot.
                    it will show like as "P....4".

                      • S
                      • Satheesh Kumar CyB
                      • t}A
                      • 16 Mar 2011

                      Anonymous, 16 Mar 2011there are some applications that i cannot unistall!! how ca... moreDefault app from HTC can not be deleted.
                      By rooting your device you can.

                      Some app can not be moved to SD card until it was supported app.

                        • p
                        • pinoy from rizal
                        • 9xk
                        • 16 Mar 2011

                        mememe, 15 Mar 2011to pinoy from rizal and quaiapo dibidi: thanks to your rep... morebro, somebody is suggesting you get desire HD or wildfire.. desire HD is ok, but are you willing to spend a couple more? i mean a LOT more? i didnt choose this phone coz i dont want phones with no buttons or hardware keys, and the keys make the desire sexier or macho (in my opinion), and thats another reason why i didnt go for n8, sgs galaxy or iphone4.. no hardware keys.. i dont care about the "font" either believe me it wont even matter.. anti aliasing? not important you wont even notice it, graphics are for gamers but hey im also a gamer and "gameplay" is more important for me.. now with the wildfire, it was also a choice before, but comparing this to the desire is utmost blasphemy! same advice with mr quiapo dibidi, take your time (it took me six months to buy my dream smartphone!!!).. and follow your heart's desire

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • ppP
                          • 16 Mar 2011

                          there are some applications that i cannot unistall!! how can i remove them....also some applications can not move to the SD card

                            • c
                            • cuties4rme
                            • 3sU
                            • 16 Mar 2011

                            Desire with internal memory and candy cam would be a better option. Apart i'm loving it.

                              • Q
                              • Quiapo Dibidi
                              • vpd
                              • 16 Mar 2011

                              [deleted post]I got my desire for 22,700..and thats a straight payment using a card.. ul get a lot of discount if ul get it in cash....

                                • Q
                                • Quiapo Dibidi
                                • vpd
                                • 16 Mar 2011

                                mememe, 15 Mar 2011to pinoy from rizal and quaiapo dibidi: thanks to your rep... moreYeah!! Thats the way to go dude... Desire will really be a far better choice than Wildfire. I mean think of it...
                                Both (desire and wildfire) will hurt your pocket..but what reaction do u want to have after getting hurt...
                                -a bit smiling with your eyebrows raised...
                                -or grinning and overwhelmed by so much happiness, satisfaction and contentment....??

                                Dont rush into things. let it take time if ur in a tight budget.. your patience will pay off...
                                Dont let yourself say "I should've bought..." after buying a phone...
                                i'll be waiting when you've bought ur desire..
                                Good luck!

                                  • p
                                  • pinoy from rizal
                                  • 9xk
                                  • 16 Mar 2011

                                  aab888, 14 Mar 2011my desire is 6 months old, it started heating up and it res... moreany electronic device like phones, other gadgets, etc are bound to break in some point.. be it a samsung, iphone, htc, nokia or watever.. i don't know what happened to your desire or other users phones, i guess you took care of your phone? i dont know.. if it was an issue with the motherboard so be it for us users, i guess we will all encounter the same set if countless issues with other brands as well

                                    • A
                                    • Ameer
                                    • utQ
                                    • 16 Mar 2011

                                    mememe, 15 Mar 2011to pinoy from rizal and quaiapo dibidi: thanks to your rep... moreDesire's font aren't as smooth as Desire HD. Anti-aliasing is missing. Atleast this is what I found out while using my cousin's Desire. I have Desire HD. If anyone asks me, I would suggest wildfire, but let me tell you, I haven't used wildfire, it is just the comparison. If anyone wants to go for Desire, I would recomment either Desire HD or Wildfire. By the way, I don't know the price of "Desire-S", but it should be worth the buy.

                                      • p
                                      • pinoy from rizal
                                      • 9xk
                                      • 15 Mar 2011

                                      mememe, 15 Mar 2011to pinoy from rizal and quaiapo dibidi: thanks to your rep... morego pinoys! and also a quiet prayer for our japanese brothers and sisters

                                        • m
                                        • mememe
                                        • YT@
                                        • 15 Mar 2011

                                        to pinoy from rizal and quaiapo dibidi:
                                        thanks to your reply guys..i'm really inclined to buying desire as compared to wildfire. it's just my budget that keeps me considering wildfire. but after reading your posts, it's really desire that i desire! thanks again.. btw, i'm pinoy from paranaque..