HTC Wildfire
- p
- pradeep
- 2WY
- 26 Mar 2011
My phone battery is standing only 8hrs maximum....
some times the phone is not at all ringing, only vibrates......
most of the videos, are not playing in the available version.....
wat the hell is this,,,,...
- p
- pradeep
- 2WY
- 26 Mar 2011
often my phone is not ringing.....
\pls say any solutu
- k
- kraxi
- kSE
- 25 Mar 2011
this phone messes up ihave this phone in idont like it to much anymore sorry
- B
- Bharathi
- ut%
- 25 Mar 2011
What about front camera?...
- M
- Ma.mourad
- ft4
- 25 Mar 2011
wildfire or iphone 3gs ?
- k
- kaim bai
- PGj
- 25 Mar 2011
there is only 1 prob ... we have 2 press middle button dat is quite difficlt while taking pic ...otherwise phone is dshing
- ?
- Anonymous
- upY
- 25 Mar 2011
is d manufacturing of dis phone stopped?
- a
- anonymos
- 3xx
- 24 Mar 2011
Just got My HTC Wildfire and I can't download Gaydar or Grindr because the phone isn't compatible.....Isn't it weird?
- D
- AnonD-4548
- fvI
- 24 Mar 2011
Battery life is pooooooooooooor ,, 8 hrs at minimum usage. :(
- A
- Achin
- vGM
- 24 Mar 2011
Does the phone has document editor and viewer ?
What formats it support ?
- R
- vIw
- 24 Mar 2011
costly but better
- N
- Nandu Rajagopalan
- vbZ
- 24 Mar 2011
I am currently using a Blackberrry Curve 8250.. wud like to go in for a wild fire.. any takers and givers ???
- S
- Shobhit
- bJ7
- 24 Mar 2011
Hi guys,can you tell me the video resolution of htc wildfire?hurry........
- x
- xyz
- uwZ
- 23 Mar 2011
i like the spec of this fone and wantt to buy it.......
does anybody have this fone,, whats your opinion,what about the battery backup
- y
- yasu
- 2Zc
- 23 Mar 2011
hTc Wildfire is one of the best phone ever!!!! compatible,,nano,slim n dash looking.
- ?
- Anonymous
- MPe
- 23 Mar 2011
Ako, 22 Mar 2011Can I SMS sending by group?yes, you can.
- a
- angry bird
- PS6
- 23 Mar 2011
how can i download game for htc wildfire?
- D
- AnonD-577
- PGj
- 23 Mar 2011
[deleted post]whats is price in india and can we play flash videos on internet
Answer: Price in india would be around 13-14k MOP. You have the youtube app. Apart from that, it plays videos on sites, which are posted on But doesn't really support full flash.
- D
- AnonD-577
- PGj
- 23 Mar 2011
Ako, 22 Mar 2011Can I SMS sending by group?Can I SMS sending by group?
Answer: Yes you can.
- ?
- Anonymous
- wdU
- 23 Mar 2011
GPRS:Up to 114 kbps downloading
EDGE:Up to 560 kbps
its on the official htc site
u can snd sms to groups
the wildfire already has the flash, donno about the "live wallpaper"