HTC Wildfire
- K
- Katto
- waU
- 11 Dec 2012
hi guys,
I think that neither people who say "phone is very bad" nor the ones saying "phone is wonderful" are right. why? because phone is somewhere between. when you consider the price of the phone and the year of release - may, 2010 (and now is november, 2012) it is irrelevant to expect very much out of it. especially comparing it with today's models doesn't make sense. I'm not saying that phone is perfect, but I think that you got what you paid for. even though phone has some problems, it is far far away from being "worhless", "crap", etc.
now I want to give you a hint!!!
in order this phone to be better working, you have to do two things:
- first, you have to root your phone. rooting wildfire is very easy, you just need computer connected to the internet and the usb cable of htc (generally the one u use for charging). because of the "posting rules" I won't be able to share directly web adresses, but if u search on any search engine for "how to root my htc wildfire", "S-OFF", and "alpharev", you can find plenty of information (generally on forums, xda-developers, etc).
- After u finish rooting, u have to find a ROM for htc wildfire. there are much ROM's on the net, but the most widely used are ones from cyanogenmod. whatever the ROM, u get the upgrade to at least 2.3.x Gingerbread, but some rom developers went further and developed roms with 3.x Honeycomb. generally, whatever the ROM, u get more useful and better working wildfire.
BUT you should be aware/chek one thing. if your phone is still under warranty, you should chek whether or not warranty is void (annuled) when software changes are made. if it is not then ok, you can follow the above described steps, but if it is out of warranty when software changes are made, then you have to choose between better working htc and warranty.
because I am a user of HTC Wildfire, I can say that after rooting a thought it was not the same phone a used before root. nevertheless, it is up to you whether you root your phone or not, I just wanted to share my experience and hope to be helpful to some of you.
best regards.
- F
- Funter
- waU
- 11 Dec 2012
joel, 01 Dec 2012i put a fingerprint screen lock on my phone, but its not sc... morehahahah r u kidding me???
- r
- randy orton
- Ntg
- 09 Dec 2012
enpratik, 07 Dec 2012Hi, please help me to find file manager because it doesn't ... moreThis phone is amazing
- P
- Prakash
- uux
- 08 Dec 2012
enpratik, 07 Dec 2012Hi, please help me to find file manager because it doesn't ... morejst dwnld a filemanager apps from googleplay
- e
- enpratik
- fsM
- 07 Dec 2012
Hi, please help me to find file manager because it doesn't display, i have some files and folders in my micro sd card but i can't browse it. Thanks
- D
- AnonD-86547
- NwL
- 07 Dec 2012
if your friend hasnt inserted an sd card ,ask him to.
- ?
- Anonymous
- nGK
- 06 Dec 2012
Have a friend who cannot accept or send photos, do the not have something set up?????
- H
- HTC rulz
- N9e
- 06 Dec 2012
Time to upgrade again. The wildfire is an excellent phone at the cost range. Wifi hotspot works like a charm, no complaints what so ever.
- R
- Raj
- 7tJ
- 05 Dec 2012
jim, 15 Nov 2012root it then u can go to 2.3 thats what i did now i can use... morehai this is rajesh i been using this phone more than a year ,the problem is its hanging many times some times even turn off phone automatically ,so i want to upgrade to 2.1 to 2.2 could you please mail me to thanks
- s
- saqib
- Kgf
- 05 Dec 2012
Assalam o Alikum.. my Htc Wildfire has some signal problem...i mean again n again it drops signals in Warid sim but when i use Zong it does not drop can any one tell me the solution ??
- A
- Aham
- nbk
- 04 Dec 2012
I have this phone for 1 year and a half, and i have a problems w/ my phone. 1. if u install something big the phone works slower 2. touch is not good anymore 3. I can't softare update Android (on this mobile is android version 2.2, but now is on the market Android 4.4) so I have many complains!
- H
- HTC WildFire User
- tUv
- 03 Dec 2012
Hi all, I have been using this mobile since from last one yr. I found the following prbms, 1. if u install some big size games then opetaions becomes slow. 2. Charger is not supporting to mobile, while charging the mobile operation becomes slow & i hav changed the charger also after two months from purchased date but the prbm was coming even after changing the charger. 3. after 8 months use mobile hanged out & HTS Service centre has replaced some internan screen parts & charged Rs. 2350 as i was losen the Original bill & warranty. Other than these mobile operation is excellent, smooth & very good. Thank u.
- p
- passanger
- 3xs
- 01 Dec 2012
hi guys,
I think that neither people who say "phone is very bad" nor the ones saying "phone is wonderful" are right. why? because phone is somewhere between. when you consider the price of the phone and the year of release - may, 2010 (and now is november, 2012) it is irrelevant to expect very much out of it. especially comparing it with today's models doesn't make sense. I'm not saying that phone is perfect, but I think that you got what you paid for. even though phone has some problems, it is far far away from being "worhless", "crap", etc.
now I want to give you a hint!!!
in order this phone to be better working, you have to do two things:
- first, you have to root your phone. rooting wildfire is very easy, you just need computer connected to the internet and the usb cable of htc (generally the one u use for charging). because of the "posting rules" I won't be able to share directly web adresses, but if u search on any search engine for "how to root my htc wildfire", "S-OFF", and "alpharev", you can find plenty of information (generally on forums, xda-developers, etc).
- After u finish rooting, u have to find a ROM for htc wildfire. there are much ROM's on the net, but the most widely used are ones from cyanogenmod. whatever the ROM, u get the upgrade to at least 2.3.x Gingerbread, but some rom developers went further and developed roms with 3.x Honeycomb. generally, whatever the ROM, u get more useful and better working wildfire.
BUT you should be aware/chek one thing. if your phone is still under warranty, you should chek whether or not warranty is void (annuled) when software changes are made. if it is not then ok, you can follow the above described steps, but if it is out of warranty when software changes are made, then you have to choose between better working htc and warranty.
because I am a user of HTC Wildfire, I can say that after rooting a thought it was not the same phone a used before root. nevertheless, it is up to you whether you root your phone or not, I just wanted to share my experience and hope to be helpful to some of you.
best regards.
- j
- joel
- fuS
- 01 Dec 2012
i put a fingerprint screen lock on my phone, but its not scanining my print.
- D
- AnonD-84207
- uZH
- 01 Dec 2012
all the games on HTC Wildfire lags alot.. can anybody tell how can i speed up my phone
- D
- AnonD-66161
- 2W9
- 30 Nov 2012
Milli, 26 Nov 2012Lately i have so many problems with this phone.
Touch scre... moreHi
I`ve got the same problem from sixth month, since the mobile purchased. I scolded at the mobile shop to claim n make service in warranty period. There will be no workouts/factory reset is a best solution. You`ve to replace the touchpad with the help of hTC service center. I did the same and now there is no issues
- ?
- Anonymous
- JxL
- 28 Nov 2012
Learn about a process called root guys and you really can speed your phone up after that
- t
- tom
- nEY
- 28 Nov 2012
texting on this phone is very bad. freezes everytime i try to open a text or when i try to send one. It can barely store any texts and it freezes when i try to delete any! im always pressing the bottom buttons by accident thats annoying.
Any apps slow the phone down even more. i no longer get a vibration when i get a text and sometimes not even a notification!
Hate the phone, had to switch to a blackberry 10 month before my contract has run out as i am sick of it.
- D
- AnonD-82575
- nGT
- 27 Nov 2012
I have this phone and i don't recommend it to anyone, this is coming towards the end of my contract which i've had for two years and it was great to start with but within a few months it started to bog down and not work properly it doesn't play the recent games/apps its got super old software on it and i cant wait for my upgrade being available in three days in which i will either get HTC 8x, Iphone or Samsung Galaxy Nexus.
Just don't even look at this phone its got multi-touch and all that rubbish but its rubbish at doing it it's glitchy and slow don't waste your money.
- n
- no fear
- uwd
- 27 Nov 2012
Milli, 26 Nov 2012Lately i have so many problems with this phone.
Touch scre... moredude touch screen hould be replaced NO other option
fine and better to sell your phone display cost around 3500/-