Huawei P30 Pro

Huawei P30 Pro

User opinions and reviews

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  • M
  • Meddy-Wise
  • C8m
  • 19 Apr 2020

Hello, my p30 pro seems to have a storage capacity that does not function well, it is rated 64 GB, but does not work to full capacity, every time I try to save more than 20 videos, a few audios plus some few files, it is like 'free some space' yet I even have very few apps, shd I recommend it is FAKE & if so, do you folks manufacture 'fake' phones & leave it to circulate. -spent huge sums of cash on 'shit'

    • N
    • Nick
    • tZ0
    • 19 Apr 2020

    Regardless of Gorilla Glass or Aluminosillicate, it is built with a strong front. If you smack it from the front or your phone fall flat, chances are it will not break. If your glass is hit from the edge it will crack

      • S
      • Sabiq
      • XPE
      • 18 Apr 2020

      Hi guys
      Can you help please
      My p30 pro is Japanese docomo support model means (hw_02l)
      I didn't get emui 10 update, and i can't use themes app, and how to get rid of docomo services(i hated)

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • f3d
        • 16 Apr 2020

        X Tech, 12 Apr 2020Hey buddy do u have "Burn-in" problem? cuz i've heard AMOLE... moreI have a samsung A8 and i game 24 seven phone is 2 years old and no no burn in it has an super ameoled screen so no

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • IV@
          • 16 Apr 2020

          Mof, 11 Apr 2020It's 2020,even after the release of Mate 30 and p40 series ... moreThe advertisement is a game changer, the phone is the reality changer(worse)

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • KiA
            • 15 Apr 2020

            X Tech, 12 Apr 2020Hey buddy do u have "Burn-in" problem? cuz i've heard AMOLE... moreyes amoled l and super amoled . i have problem with my samsung s7edge
            better choose ips screen much better

              • O
              • Onyeobioma
              • Nug
              • 14 Apr 2020

              Badar , 08 Apr 2020Hello I am facing a difficulty as below When I am on a c... moreIt happens in any other phone too

                AndreEA, 02 Apr 2020I have been using p30 pro for over 6 months and I can say I... moreHey buddy do u have "Burn-in" problem? cuz i've heard AMOLED displays will have some burin-in issue after a while specially if u play games alot
                is it true?

                  • J
                  • Juno
                  • v{u
                  • 11 Apr 2020

                  Can anyone tell me the quality of earpiece ?

                    Great perfomance, great battery life, great camera. Now to the not so good parts: sound-mono! The speaker is placed down och the short side of the phone, which means that when you're browsing/listening to something holding the phone uppward, the sound gets muffled. Like really bad.
                    Scratches easily. The combined headphone/charger jack bothers me more than i anticapated. I miss Sony.

                      Anonymous, 11 Apr 2020Seriously why is everyone so stressed about Gorilla Glass??... moreI've had this Phone for a month and already I have a long, yet shallow scratch on The display. That's why you stress about gorilla glass. Had a Sony with gorilla glass before this Phone, dropped it numerous amount of Times on The floor, The asphalt, u name with.. Without ever getting a scratch on The display.

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • BiP
                        • 11 Apr 2020

                        cauncey , 06 Apr 2020Thinking about buying a p30 pro but put off by the fact it ... moreSeriously why is everyone so stressed about Gorilla Glass?? Huawei use Alumisilicate glass and believe me I've had my Pro for 6 months and not a single scratch

                          • M
                          • Mof
                          • CFC
                          • 11 Apr 2020

                          It's 2020,even after the release of Mate 30 and p40 series the p30 pro is still a flagship. This phone was a gamechanger together with the mate 20 pro.

                            this phone is absolutely great, all performances are at high level, cameras are fantastic and zooming system is working great,long lasting battery with fast charging and great memory space makes this model really a pro

                              • A
                              • Aamir nadeem
                              • 3AM
                              • 10 Apr 2020

                              Sound on ear piece not clear as it should be

                                Great cell phone with a beautiful design. It has all the features of a premium device and every segment is well covered. The camera captures great photos in all conditions, and the battery and charging system are excellent.

                                  Abe, 04 Apr 2020I'd like to add to my previous comment that after checking ... moreyes, all Huawei phones released before Google ban have functional Google service and will continue so on, but also new series released with no Google service preinstalled doesn't mean that you can't use your favourite apps, there is just a change in a way you download it, Huawei has managed to provide customers a few options how to continue using them and they are as functional as they were before.

                                    • B
                                    • Badar
                                    • a4{
                                    • 08 Apr 2020

                                    Hello I am facing a difficulty as below

                                    When I am on a call and want to write an number on the calling screen once I write there is no edit option or backspace please let me know

                                      cauncey , 06 Apr 2020Thinking about buying a p30 pro but put off by the fact it ... moreGlass on p30 pro is really high-quality so you don't need to be worried about scratches.

                                        • c
                                        • cauncey
                                        • n5a
                                        • 06 Apr 2020

                                        Thinking about buying a p30 pro but put off by the fact it doesn't have gorilla glass so wondering how touch the glass on the screen really is against scratches etc as my oppo reno 2 has gorilla glass 6 and not a mark on it