Huawei P30 Pro

Huawei P30 Pro

User opinions and reviews

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • vV5
  • 23 May 2019

vhutshilo vincent, 23 May 2019- The main cause for Trumps administration to take this st... moreEveryone know that, Trump need to clamp down China before it become the Biggest economy power in 2024, If China take control of 5G technology, US will be the next USSR.

    • f
    • farhan
    • 6QZ
    • 23 May 2019

    Luxor, 22 May 2019So, basically even phone sellers sees Huawei as worthless n... moreThats good now samsung and iphone rocks

      • f
      • farhan
      • 6QZ
      • 23 May 2019

      vhutshilo vincent, 23 May 2019- The main cause for Trumps administration to take this st... moreYes this is very good decision by donald trump now apple and samsung will lead in technology

        • f
        • farhan
        • 6QZ
        • 23 May 2019

        Anonymous, 23 May 2019The only to use Android through web apps and my advice to y... moreYes i also bought s8 plus

          • v
          • vhutshilo vincent
          • Nar
          • 23 May 2019

          The main cause for Trumps administration to take this step is Huawei is growing too big too fast! Because this all started with their 5G and rediness before everyone else to implement it
          -Remember Huawei is not just a phone manufacturer, they are a communications giant! And Trumps administration doesn't want the worlds telecommunication to be lead by the Chinese company
          -If history is anything to go by, America will lose like they did to Russia in the space race

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • vV5
            • 23 May 2019

            Khuan, 22 May 2019Better don't buy all those Chinese phones since nobody know... moreSamsung can rise their price again since there is very little competition, prepare $3000 for S10 & $5000 for S10+, even the A50 can be fetched $1000...hahaha

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • ypc
              • 23 May 2019

              Rohitmanmade, 22 May 2019Thats for only 90days after that boom finish for all users ... moreThen china will stop production of all soc for export. They will suffer in short term but boom, no more for phones for any one.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • ssY
                • 23 May 2019

                Anonymous, 20 May 2019I’m not falling for the scare tactics of the US government ... moreThat if you think Chinese are even better lol.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • ssY
                  • 23 May 2019

                  NanaBongo, 21 May 2019So, how do I survive with the next Huawei phone without the... moreThe only to use Android through web apps and my advice to you jump to Apple and Samsung before thing getting worst and this coming from mate 20 pro user.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • NgC
                    • 23 May 2019

                    I have 200$. who want to sell his phone?

                      • K
                      • Khuan
                      • vV5
                      • 22 May 2019

                      Rohitmanmade, 22 May 2019Go with one plus 7 pro or wait for galaxy note 10 if u hv n... moreBetter don't buy all those Chinese phones since nobody knows what will happen next.

                      To play safe, SAMSUNG is the only choice for now if you want to buy a new phone immediately.

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • dU}
                        • 22 May 2019

                        A month ago I finally got a phone that ticked all the boxes and this happened. Got to laugh at my own luck. It’s my blackberry z10 all over again.

                          • M
                          • MiiiMario
                          • iV%
                          • 22 May 2019

                          Buying this phone would still make sense, it was created before the law, and if Huawei doesn't ship updates there will always be custom OS's. I'd buy this if I had the money.

                            Anonymous, 22 May 2019You have no other options if you want to play safe, is eith... moreOne plus 7 pro is a good buy

                              Khuan, 22 May 2019Currently there is no more details about this phone. Galaxy note 10 is the upcoming or galaxy A80 with popup rotating camera

                                Yakuza, 22 May 2019Current Huawei model are still getting security update from... moreThats for only 90days after that boom finish for all users new & existing

                                  Emily0811, 22 May 2019hi... i looking for a smartphone that with high memory , la... moreGo with one plus 7 pro or wait for galaxy note 10 if u hv not bugdet issues

                                    Now ARM cutoff with Huawei that a huge blow for kirin processor

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • dU}
                                      • 22 May 2019

                                      Now ARM is also following suit on the ban it’s time for Huawei to talk with The USA as this trade war is spiralling out of control. I don’t think they have a choice now that their whole business relies on ARM’s technology.

                                        Luxor, 22 May 2019So, basically even phone sellers sees Huawei as worthless n... more

                                        Even Reuters is reporting on this spreading effect. One of the seller in the above article is even looking to offload his Huawei phones to another country that is behind on the news!

                                        '...But there are few takers.

                                        “If we buy something that is useless, how are we going to sell it?,” said Dylan On, a salesman at Wanying Pte Ltd, a Singapore retail and repair shop.

                                        'Its not that Huawei is a bad product. Its a very good product. Its just that nobody wants to buy it now because of U.S. policy,' he said, adding he was looking to sell existing Huawei stock online to overseas buyers in hopes they are less aware of current events. '