Huawei P30 Pro

Huawei P30 Pro

User opinions and reviews

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  • C
  • Cloud238
  • 7Xn
  • 22 May 2019

Khuan, 22 May 2019SAMSUNG is going to launch a phone with 5x optical zoom lik... moreMay I know more about this upcoming Samsung Phone Model?

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • vV5
    • 22 May 2019

    Cloud238, 21 May 2019I'm really tempted to buy this phone because of the amazing... moreYou have no other options if you want to play safe, is either Samsung or Iphone, Expect both this phone to increase their price as there is no more competition, most people will avoid China brand, since Trump can destroy Huawei those other China brand will faced the same date sooner or later.

      • K
      • Khuan
      • vV5
      • 22 May 2019

      Cloud238, 21 May 2019I'm really tempted to buy this phone because of the amazing... moreSAMSUNG is going to launch a phone with 5x optical zoom like HUAWEI P30 Pro.

      You can wait for the phone to launch soon this year.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • 6jr
        • 22 May 2019

        Gregor, 21 May 2019That sucks. Selling it may not even be an option as buyers... moreAlways buy from panicky humans. Of course the Chinese government looks at your doings through your phone. So does every other government that has companies manufacturing phones (Japan, Korea, US). Hardly a secret, the Chinese are not more or less evil evil than the rest, buying a Huawei is no diff than buying Samsung if you know how to sideload...

          • C
          • Cloud238
          • 7Xn
          • 21 May 2019

          I'm really tempted to buy this phone because of the amazing camera. But with the latest news between Huawei and Google, im not sure if its wise. One of my options is the S10+, but honestly the camera on that phone is below par with this one.

          So what should i buy, P30 Pro or S10+? Hoping someone can help.

            Anonymous, 20 May 2019Only problem is that huawei will now try to release its own... moreThat sucks. Selling it may not even be an option as buyers are avoiding Huawei.

            Just saw a news report from Singapore revealing that people there are panicking and rushing to sell. Problem is the phone shops are rejecting all Huawei phones for trade-in deals.

            If you can sell it quickly at a reasonable price, it may be a good idea to do it fast before this news spread.


              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • Ngx
              • 21 May 2019

              Hmm, 21 May 2019Personally started to look for alternatives to Gapps. Being... moreOf course you can use google apps on huawei they won't be preinstalled on huawei phones you just needs to install them by yourself

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • Ngx
                • 21 May 2019

                Anonymous, 21 May 2019Too bad this phone wont be able to use google proprietary ... moreAlready existing phones will not lose support of google services only upcoming phones

                  • C
                  • Chee Khuan
                  • vV5
                  • 21 May 2019

                  NanaBongo, 21 May 2019So, how do I survive with the next Huawei phone without the... moreJust wait and see what will happen soon.
                  There is no final decision yet.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • vV5
                    • 21 May 2019

                    Andrew, 20 May 2019If only huawei is not a thief. Too dangerous to trust your ... moreYa.. and Google is not spying on you... there track your location 24/7, same goes Apple, Samsung, Motorola & etc

                      • U
                      • Unul
                      • 3I1
                      • 21 May 2019

                      For all the people that don't understand what's happening:
                      Huawei can still use Android because its open source.
                      This is about Google's apps and updates, Android is free to use by anyone.
                      Also existing devices won't be affected.

                      "OOOh what will huawei do because they cant use Android anymore?" Yes they can still use it and they will.

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • sxr
                        • 21 May 2019

                        Anonymous, 21 May 2019But is there proof?Too bad this phone wont be able to use google proprietary apps soon.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • 3x%
                          • 21 May 2019

                          rtzyxcv, 20 May 2019huawi phones has spying softwareBut is there proof?

                            So, how do I survive with the next Huawei phone without the Android platform, the playstore, the Gmail and the likes.
                            Is there any other interface or platform where these Google apps can be found and used outside the ANDROID WORLD?
                            Cos I'm not ready to use a Samsung or Apple product at all, they just bore me.

                            So what can I do?
                            Any help

                              • H
                              • Hmm
                              • JFA
                              • 21 May 2019

                              Personally started to look for alternatives to Gapps. Being sucked into Google system is a risk and not relaibale anymore.

                              Only Gapps I use is Gmail, Gmaps, Playstore and Youtube.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • JFA
                                • 21 May 2019

                                China should ban the iOS apps for security risk such that it makes Apple phones a brick.

                                So Apple suffer heavy loses in China and yet still embarrassingly have to manufacture their phones from China.

                                  The best thing that Huawei can do is to stop manufacturing apple products in China entirely. Then worldwide there would be a shotrtage and all the factories would have to move somewhere else where production is more expensive. Though Apple is already moving out many phones are still made in China. See, America has much more to lose. It's just like a card game where you thought you did a good move but your opponent does something much better.

                                    • A
                                    • Andrew
                                    • Kg}
                                    • 20 May 2019

                                    If only huawei is not a thief. Too dangerous to trust your information on the device.

                                      • s
                                      • shaban
                                      • D7g
                                      • 20 May 2019

                                      Anonymous, 20 May 2019I’m not falling for the scare tactics of the US government ... moreits a sort of protection , for apple and google pixel,, they did the same in the world or motorcycle honda and aherlydavidson

                                        • C
                                        • Chee Khuan
                                        • vV5
                                        • 20 May 2019

                                        rtzyxcv, 20 May 2019huawi phones has spying softwareMay I know the name of the spying software?