Huawei P40 Pro

Huawei P40 Pro

User opinions and reviews

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  • S
  • Shui8
  • KZK
  • 11 Mar 2021

krissy, 09 Mar 2021....i just try to obtain same or better quality than i can ... more'i just try to obtain same or better quality than i can get with Mi Note 10, which P40pro can't achieve even at 50MP AI, and since that is it's best mode, it makes sense to use that'
- Again, no. 12.5mp pixel binned mode are the best & optimized one, with AI or not.

'if you want to take potato pics you need no P40Pro, any phone that costs 1/5 of that price will do the same job.'
- I am very sure P40 producing no potato pics. Only u said that.

'As for how a smartphone camera works, i did programming and fixing electronics for living. Your understanding of cameras is too simple, you did read somewhere some terms and that's it.
- I dont care what u do for a living. Your explanation regarding on how camera works are totally wrong. Again and again. If u think my understanding is too simple, yours are twisted around. Please learn how sensor size, lens, aperture, focal length, quad bayer, RYYB, BM3D processing, Super Res algorithm, on how it really works. Starts with Wiki.

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • 0V2
    • 11 Mar 2021 you get another camera review here i am not gonna say anything more ppl here are at best in amateur photography since they use phones instead of DSLRs so there is no point explaining how lens and digitalizer sensor work to amateur.. I will only say my brother got hooked by this crap talk and bought note 10 pro 700€ thrown now he's looking to by Galaxy S or mate 40 pro, coz he was heavily disappointed.. Thanks to all xiaomi fans here "explaining how earth is flat"..

      • Z
      • ZeroGhost
      • pVc
      • 11 Mar 2021

      krissy, 08 Mar 2021yea P40pro has physically bigger sensor, thus it can catch ... moreXiaomi fans talkin I got access to both note 10 pro and mate 20 pro. My brother believed that crap you talk of and bought it i had and have mate 20 pro.. I can real life verfy their capabilities.. In the most time my images are clearer and brighter lighted.. There conditions under them note has proven to be better but that rather rare tho I hate that snaps faster.. I don't care for whose what and how is done I want to snap get clear bright photos and that my mate is besting my brother current note.. He will soon change tho to mate 40 pro or S21 the current rating kings.. So don't mislead ppl he lost 700€ tanks to ppl like you just to see my 2yo mate 20 pro is on equal ground

        • Z
        • ZeroGhost
        • pVc
        • 11 Mar 2021

        krissy, 09 Mar 2021....i just try to obtain same or better quality than i can ... moreMy brother has note 10 pro, I still have mate 20 pro my night photos are clearer and brighter duno what you say I see the difference real life, he is so flustered that he is getting ready to buy the mate 40 pro or S21 pro to beat me + p40 pro bested note 10 pto in camera ratings by huge gap, and for your info the size of the sensor behind the lens is what improves the image quality especially night time and here p40 and mate 40 got bested only by S21 so is your note10 taking taking better images than s21 pro as well?

          Shui8, 09 Mar 2021let me guess, you using 50mp mode? stick with pixel bin... more....i just try to obtain same or better quality than i can get with Mi Note 10, which P40pro can't achieve even at 50MP AI, and since that is it's best mode, it makes sense to use that.
          if you want to take potato pics you need no P40Pro, any phone that costs 1/5 of that price will do the same job.

          As for 'how a smartphone camera works' , i did programming and fixing electronics for living. Your understanding of cameras is too simple, you did read somewhere some terms and that's it.

            • S
            • Shui8
            • KZK
            • 09 Mar 2021

            krissy, 08 Mar 2021did i already mentioned that the P40Pro can not focus at ni... morelet me guess, you using 50mp mode?

            stick with pixel binned 12.5mp resolution for your daily pics.

              • S
              • Shui8
              • KZK
              • 09 Mar 2021

              krissy, 08 Mar 2021yea P40pro has physically bigger sensor, thus it can catch ... moreDitch the usage of 50mp/108mp, be it on AI or not. QUAD BAYER SENSORS ARE MEANT TO USE AT PIXEL BINNED MODE, which is at 12mp for P40, 27mp for Note 10. Those high res on tiny sensor only useful at a very very good lighting, the rest pixel binned res are more optimized. Huawei also fuse those high res into hybrid zoom (cropped & upscaled pixel binned 12mp + downsample & cropped 50mp onto 1 image). The final results are still 12.5mp, as its the most optimal given the sensor size, with high pixel size gained.

              Sigh, getting tired of this kind of conversation if one lack basic knowledge & never understand how smartphone camera works.

                Shui8, 08 Mar 2021'yes the amount of pixels is twice.....50MP vs 108MP&#... moredid i already mentioned that the P40Pro can not focus at night?
                i tried to take pics of a town or rather a bigger village that was maybe 2km away, it was well lit, regardless what i did the pics were blurry, no prob on Mi Note10, i could focus it manually or let it do the AF, i could even focus it on objects that were probably more than 5km away - at night!

                Huawei better be fixing this!

                i could mention that i was able to install google street view....which keeps on telling me it won't work without google services, but it does, and it does stitch the pics to a photo sphere, but just like on the xiaomi, the stitching is not perfect....unfortunately can't login, and can't choose folder to save pics, so need to export pics;
                Online banking works since day one, just needed to clone it, all features work, same for facebok, amazon, teamViewer and PayPal.
                So if they fix the camera i won't complain.

                  Shui8, 08 Mar 2021'yes the amount of pixels is twice.....50MP vs 108MP&#... moreyea P40pro has physically bigger sensor, thus it can catch light better, it actually shouldn't need pixel binning, or even need to use it, bcoz that reduces the resolution by 4, that is why in auto mode, the pic resolution on the Mi Note 10 is 27MP, this is the outcome of pixel binning, of course noise and imperfection is being reduced that way, as well the file size, for the P40Pro auto mode takes pics at about 12MP;
                  The interesting part is that the 50MP pics from P40Pro come at a size of some 17MB, while the 108MP by xiaomi are at 24MB, twice the resolution but less file size per pixel;

                  and now with plain words, in order to match or almost reach the quality of the 108MP, P40Pro needs the 50MP AI mode, which takes pics in 3~6seconds or so;
                  Mi Note10 for the very same pic needs 0,0x~0,2sec, it's hard to tell, bcoz the ISO on neither of the phones reflects the actual time needed to take the pic, Huawei actually shows time in seconds to hold the phone as stable as possible , on the Xiaomi you tap on the shutter button and the pic is done....of course it takes like 3sec to process it, but in that time you can do other things with the phone;

                  Summary? at same/similar quality, Xiaomi takes pic many times faster, the colors are very close to what i see with my own eyes = the effect you do not want?????;
                  P40Pro can take pics with accurate colors, but only in the 'wide' mode but it has to be on Auto, and then the resolution is 3840x2592 ~10MP;
                  at night P40pro 'assumes' colors? probably the RYYB is at fault, twice the yellow....yea, need RGB color range to get accurate colors;
                  at night the Mi Note10 is only good in pro mode....which beats P40pro in all modes.

                  now if you know something about taking pictures on daily base, then you know that you have to be able to capture the moment, Mi Note10 does that at 27MP(continously) or 108MP(but limited by the processing time, so you can take like 1pic each 3seconds),
                  P40Pro at 12MP with inaccurate colors, or at ~10MP with accurate colors;
                  The 50MP without AI is useless, too many artifacts, needs very good light, with AI need to keep still for few seconds, moving objects can not be captured even if those move slow - like a ship.

                    • S
                    • Shui8
                    • KZK
                    • 08 Mar 2021

                    krissy, 07 Mar 2021on normal usage P40Pro battery lasts longer than Mi Note10,... more'yes the amount of pixels is twice.....50MP vs 108MP'

                    - What? U mention are about resolution, not sensor size. P40 sensor are a bit bigger, with bigger pixel size in pixel-binned mode as well, 2.44 micron size. Those are just basic knowledge on camera hardware, and you seems fail to understand about it. 108mp? Whats the use of it if its not using for intermediate zoom (digital zoom between each optical lens). I can get high quality pics at 35, 50 & 80mm without using any dedicated lens & sensor like the rest of other brands.

                    'obvious i guess = twice the size, the physical size is better for catching the light'
                    - Better for catching light? P40 sensor are bigger, pixel size are bigger, plus using RYYB which improves further from other phones for catching light. No other phones has low light capabilities, wide dynamic range as P40/Mate 40 that can just be taking using Auto, no need Night Mode.

                    I'm really scratching my head hearing your explanation.

                      • S
                      • Shui8
                      • KZK
                      • 08 Mar 2021

                      krissy, 07 Mar 2021on normal usage P40Pro battery lasts longer than Mi Note10,... moreMy younger brother owns S20 Ultra. And no, my observation, P40 are the better camera (eventhough some parts on the S20). Details are more natural.

                      Look, I got my own preference, style, observation that P40 suits better, along side with my mirrorless camera. You got yours, while I dont agree with your opinion, to each its own. I will never use it with Master AI on, what you say about text enhancement, just an adjustment of contrast boost, as I said earlier.

                      I stand with my point.

                        Shui8, 06 Mar 2021'but if i turn off the AI, the quality will be worse&#... moreon normal usage P40Pro battery lasts longer than Mi Note10, that includes the camera, bcoz 108MP takes more power and more to process it, and Huawei has the superior battery/App optimization;
                        yes the amount of pixels is twice.....50MP vs 108MP, obvious i guess = twice the size, the physical size is better for catching the light, but like i said, Mi Note10 straight out of the box made better pics than P40Pro now;

                        as for master AI:
                        "Master AI is a pre-installed camera feature that helps you take better photos by intelligently identifying objects and scenarios and optimizing the camera settings accordingly. Master AI is able to identify a variety of scenes, such as stages, beaches, blue skies, greenery, and text."
                        it's more than just colors, for text it will look for straight black lines and fix them, same with buildings and roads, but not to that extreme level as with text. So it can process parts of a picture differently, which for you would mean maybe even hours to get it right.

                        And i have to disappoint you, Samsung S20 Ultra does better pics than P40Pro, tested just today with a friend who just bought it, unfortunately i didn't had the Mi Note10 to compare. I also liked how the S20Ultra screen scrolling was smoother, but it is definitely bigger, the few milometers more in size make the S20Ultra too big, it also wobbles more on the table than P40pro, both with a silicon case on. It's just sad, you have to hold both phones in order to type messages, else you will get annoyed 😑

                          • S
                          • Shui8
                          • KZK
                          • 06 Mar 2021

                          krissy, 06 Mar 2021....but if i turn off the AI, the quality will be worse lol... more'but if i turn off the AI, the quality will be worse'
                          - Not in my book. Master AI on add colors & contrast boost based on scene detection. I dont need those extra thing as I like to controls my own, editing later on. Most of my photos shot with AI off (Auto HDR), with some of it with Pro Mode, when I need certain scene to be exposure locked & darken the shadows. I dont get what do u mean with twice the sensor? P40 a bit bigger, Note 10 more res, but with smaller pixel size.

                          'and the comparison link....from GSM arena? come on, i test it under real life conditions, usually without a tripod'
                          - I've seen it real life, I gave the link just to proof it to you. As a person owns an actual APSC & Full Frame camera, I simply dont like the oversmudge details that Note 10 image processing has. P40 are more neutral to my eye. But it is still anyday better than Samsung processing.

                          '1day with everything on = flagship quality? that makes like 98% of all phones to a flagship 😅'
                          - I said more than 1 day. I'm a heavy user, work email coming in and out, with a lot of camera usage. Of course Note 10 better on that regards, as it has bigger battery & slower chipset to begin with. Duh?

                          About FPS? Yes the rear FPS on my older Mate 20 work faster as its physical (same as Mate 10), but it doesnt effect me much as I rather trade it with way way better camera with the rest of other upgrades.

                            • P
                            • P40 PRO GOD
                            • uSZ
                            • 06 Mar 2021

                            Guys help me why is my p40 pro dual view in camera app keeps force closing when im opening it? EMUI 11

                              Shui8, 06 Mar 2021'maybe bcoz it takes 1~2 sec longer for 'sharpeni... more....but if i turn off the AI, the quality will be worse lol
                              and no, Mi Note 10 does not over sharpen, it doesn't have to, it has twice the sensor that P40pro has, so if it uses it to capture pix at lower resolution it doesn't need to do anything.

                              and the comparison link....from GSM arena? come on, i test it under real life conditions, usually without a tripod.

                              and 1day with everything on = flagship quality? that makes like 98% of all phones to a flagship 😅
                              2days at least, even Mi Note 10 can do that.
                              And here something i started with 2days ago, P40pro in normal mode, WiFi/Data etc. are ON, and the Mate10Pro on battery actually shows the precise battery status and how long it's on since last charge.
                              So far after 2days 4hrs, the P40Pro is down to 80%, Mate10pro 96%. Need to mention that i barely touched the Mate10Pro....and got to love the fingerprint scanner on the back, it unlocks so fast, that even P40Pro looks old compare to that.

                                • S
                                • Shui8
                                • KZK
                                • 06 Mar 2021

                                krissy, 05 Mar 2021in terms of video P40pro does best out of all phones i owne... more'maybe bcoz it takes 1~2 sec longer for 'sharpening the image?'
                                - Those text appear when image stacking (Auto HDR) is happening in certain scene, when its needed (Master AI on or off). I believe Mate 10 has it too (might be less aggressive). You can always choose not to use it by tap to focus for exposure locked, or go to Pro Mode & leave everything in Auto. The text wont appear as Auto HDR dont triggered. Also I failed to understand on what basis Mate 10 better than P40, in low light. Because from what I've seen, its the opposite, by far. Details are pure because of the bigger sensor, dynamic range are plenty up to 15 stops. Mate 10 was nowhere near that. I mean its good on its era, but not currently.

                                'where i could not decide, which had more details, on some spots P40pro on some Mi Note10'
                                - Well I can easily spot the difference, the more 'details' u've seen on Note 10 might be just oversharpening (check the comparison link I share with you earlier)

                                The history of the Huawei P series, no comment, as it got nothing to do regarding P40 camera quality. The same goes to battery life, where differences on chipset, tech, etc are different between those two. As long as I can get more than 1 day battery life with everything turned on, its a flagship quality for me.

                                  Shui8, 05 Mar 2021EMUI 11 fix the purple tint on grey object on certain situa... morein terms of video P40pro does best out of all phones i owned, in terms of pics, it could take 2nd spot, if the light conditions are good.... well, more details on the P40pro? maybe bcoz it takes 1~2 sec longer for 'sharpening the image' ? i tested it few times, Mate10pro takes pics at low light faster than P40pro, and P40pro take similar time as Mi Note10, where i could not decide, which had more details, on some spots P40pro on some Mi Note10.
                                  Don't forget that the 'legend' of huawei phones started actually with P8, and Mate10 was at it's release one of the best phones out there - It still beats P40pro on standby time by few %, and in Airplane mode, Mate 10pro lasts over 18days on one charge; the Mi Note 10 on battery saver can't stay on for longer than 5days if you do not touch the phone, disable location, disable WiFi and disable Mobile Data.....i didn't have to do that on the other phones, it still takes best pics tho, and, if you murder all of the phones i mentioned= play with it until the battery dies, Mi Note 10 will last min 8~9hrs, ~6 for the P40pro and ~4hrs for the Mate10;
                                  navigating with google maps will be possible for 10hrs straight on the Mi Note10 👌 , to be specific, it was from Luxembourg to St. Tropez....few weeks before the lockdown.

                                    Shui8, 05 Mar 2021It is unfortunate then. Hopefully the next major Camera ID ... moreMaybe you're not using the FFC for video but glad to hear that for you everything is ok.

                                      • S
                                      • Shui8
                                      • KZK
                                      • 05 Mar 2021

                                      Livius, 05 Mar 2021Thank you for the answres. Unfortunetely the FFC is still v... moreIt is unfortunate then. Hopefully the next major Camera ID update for P40 in April will improve on that specific situation.

                                      As for me, that issue have no effect on my style of usage.

                                        Shui8, 05 Mar 2021Not sure, dont remember how the original quality FF indoor ... moreThank you for the answres. Unfortunetely the FFC is still very bad when recording videos indoors, almost unusable even with EMUI 11. I checked my phone yesterday.