iPhone 15 Pro's Action Button confirmed yet again mere hours before the unveiling

We're now mere hours removed from Apple's grand unveiling event taking place on September 12 at 10 am local time in California. And a lot of companies want to steal a bit of the spotlight for themselves it seems, even for a very short period of time.

Case in point (pun intended): case maker Spigen. It makes very well regarded smartphone cases generally, but today it decided to put on its leaker costume and posted this on X:

It's not even a subtle post, is it? There's something new and different, what could it be? Oh look, the incredibly oft-rumored configurable Action Button! It's there, under a Spigen case, for all to see, waiting for you to decide what to use it for. Unlike with the fixed-function mute switch that it's replacing, this will all be up to you.

We do wonder what Apple, a notoriously security paranoid company when it comes to leaks, thinks about a stunt like this. But anyway, the post is still up at the time of writing, so it's fair game.

In case you needed yet another confirmation that the Action Button is coming, well, there you have it. Note, however, that recent rumors all agreed that only the iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max would have it. Why are the vanilla models left out? To create some artificial differentiation, of course, just like last year with the Dynamic Island - which is landing on all four models this time around, by the way.

If you're wondering how to watch Apple's event, here's our guide for you, and don't worry, we'll bring you all the news as it happens.

Reader comments

Nokia 3310 ran Series 20, which was definitely not Symbian. Nokia 6600 ran Symbian 7, and that was definitely a smartphone OS. A 5-second search for "Symbian" on Google reveals, at the top, a link to Wikipedia's entry that starts with ...

You're one of those "special" people huh? At the top of my head I can say Nokia 3310. Nokia 6600 comes to mind as well. What a weird comment section this is, with bozos like yourself trying to act all tough and smart lmao

Mention one of such feature/dumb phones that ran Symbian OS. Take all the time you need, I'll wait.