Jolla Jolla

Jolla Jolla

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  • 04 Sep 2013

Digenis, 26 Aug 2013any phone with xenon ? any phone with hard keyb ? in 4.0 in... moreour biggest mistake... buy the n900.. :p

    • P
    • Pencil
    • m2K
    • 03 Sep 2013

    I want stylus or working pen for smartphone, please!

      • D
      • Digenis
      • 0Tt
      • 26 Aug 2013

      any phone with xenon ? any phone with hard keyb ? in 4.0 inch ? with stereo speaker ? and no cloud software but only in pc the sms and the contacs and the mms ? thanks....

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • JyL
        • 15 Aug 2013

        Anonymous, 05 Aug 2013Will there be some kind of notification light on the device... moreJolla have on main screen "message/info hub" where all of them are mentioned. I suppose that if Jolla will have any LED then considering this is Linux it will be possible to program it to blink in case of event like missed message. In preproduction prototypes I haven't noticed LED (however I was not looking for, to be honest) and Sailfish has bars for indicting rang=power of radio transmission. But when it has locked screen it can display notifications about event like Facebook/whatzup/mail/SMS/MMS messages. Perhaps it can realise that even without blinking LED it informs you about what you want, and in better way.

          • D
          • AnonD-140268
          • HBL
          • 15 Aug 2013

          Anonymous, 10 Aug 2013You know what? There's almost all the Sailfish OS based Jol... moreSee u in 2014 :)

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • t1$
            • 10 Aug 2013

            AnonD-140268, 09 Aug 2013Wooohooo. I love the details, cute story bro. Android hater... moreYou know what? There's almost all the Sailfish OS based Jolla phones are sold out and this phone is in heavy testing. You'll see by 2014 how soon this OS will reach the masses.

              • D
              • AnonD-140268
              • 6pL
              • 09 Aug 2013

              Anonymous, 05 Aug 2013I have had Samsung Galaxy Y, HTC One X+, SE Xperia Play, S... moreWooohooo. I love the details, cute story bro. Android haters are free to buy apple. Aint that secure enough? And apps are plenty. Multi tasking u say? I'll see what happens to jolla after 1 or 2 years. Im here.

                • J
                • Jolla future user
                • JyL
                • 05 Aug 2013

                Anonymous, 05 Aug 2013Will there be some kind of notification light on the device... moreNo and yes ;) In presentations of Jolla mobile (not N9 or N900) I haven't noticed anything like this. Anyway there is cover of "second half" which can be equipped with hardware working like this. On photos in the net there were nothing like this.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • nmP
                  • 05 Aug 2013

                  Will there be some kind of notification light on the device? Like on the old Nokia phones, a breathing light that notifies events like missed calls and smses? That would be really great.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • t1$
                    • 05 Aug 2013

                    AnonD-140268, 04 Aug 2013So basically the problem of security persists if ur living ... moreI have had Samsung Galaxy Y, HTC One X+, SE Xperia Play, Samsung Galaxy Note II and Samsung Galaxy S4. Without exception all of them had heating, lagging and battery issues due to which i had to sell them, but the lag was more prominent on Samsung Galaxy phones because of Touchwiz UI, which is unstable and lags in basic applications such as gallery, contacts, dialer and camera. A lag is a freeze in the OS and i think you're immune to it if you can't see it. Android has lot of apps but if you look around the net, Android apps are often buggy and some of them do not work the way they promise to (read virus prone). That's the problem on android - every Tom or Harry with a PC can create an app or a virus and make it look legit and Google doesn't review applications manually and developers gets their apps live within an hour of submission and processing. There's always a lot of apps running in the background in Android OS (though you can close them but then again those apps gets restarted). It's really battery draining. Some permissions asked by Android applications are ridiculous, especially by free applications. Why an application request permissions such as read phone state and identity, send SMS without your consent, etc.? The answer is simple. The apps are selling your private informations which are stored on your device. Google is giving you free applications in exchange for your personal information stored on the device which they will sell to earn money and at the same time they are earning money by giving you free ad supported applications. Unfortunately, a vulnerability in Android lets apps to be modified by anyone and once if you install it then all your private data will be explored by the person who modified the application. Android has many apps but only a few of them are quality applications. Most of the applications in Google Play Store are pornographic apps, fart simulating apps, copy of another app by different names, themes for launchers, Whatsapp add ons, Live wallpapers etc., There's 2/4 of crap applications on Android. Recently, 200 millions Chinese SMSs was hacked by the US and all of those phones are Android. Google has implemented NSA codes into Android OS. The National Security Agency (NSA) codes in Android OS. This codes are always running in Android OS, which allows NSA to spy on the users. Meanwhile, NSA officials can collect material such as search history, thumbnails data, SMSs, emails, location data, Wifi passwords, what you download, Live chats and call history and such. Google has been spying illegaly ever since they were born. they have been proved to be guilty of spying on data through home wifi's using their street view cars...,and you can read more
                    Android apps are written in Java VM due to which it lags. Java is buggy and slow even on PC. Sailfish OS was demoed on Nokia N900 which has a single core processor and it was running so smooth and this means it's a resource efficient OS and Sailfish OS supports apps from other platforms such as Qt, HTML 5, native applications and Android applications. So, apps aren't a problem for Jolla. I have had very bad and frustrating experience with Android OS although i still have a Samsung Galaxy S3 and a Samsung Galaxy Y duos. We aren't obligated to buy anything you tell us to. Nothing lives forever and due to this huge fragmentation of Android OS and the day by day increasing risk of security and malwares on Android OS is gonna kill Android OS. It's very easy to factory reset Nokia N900, it's just that you don't know how to do it. Please don't talk meaningless stuff, search before you post.

                      • D
                      • AnonD-137981
                      • Lin
                      • 05 Aug 2013

                      u know nothing about linux , go have fun with your lagdroid stupidphone and dont waste your time here again

                        • D
                        • AnonD-140268
                        • HBD
                        • 04 Aug 2013

                        Anonymous, 04 Aug 2013Look, i have two Android phones, one is based on Android 2.... moreAnd PS 5 android devices and 1 iOS device + 1 maemo device is in my house atm and its not like someone stole my money from my account or copiied my photos and neither am i a politician whose children are threstened to be kidnapped nor am i a billionaire whose money is at threat
                        Im a normal person
                        Keeping maemo iOS meego jolla wont give me billions
                        Hackers have bigger $hit to do im sure
                        I cant lie to others anymore n900 was a pain in my a$$
                        If u dont trust me and brainwash into buying this NEW OS then go ahead
                        U'll be frustrated soon and buy an android or iOS as soon as ur done lying to urself that jolla is the worlds best OS sailfish

                          • D
                          • AnonD-140268
                          • HBD
                          • 04 Aug 2013

                          Anonymous, 04 Aug 2013Look, i have two Android phones, one is based on Android 2.... moreSo basically the problem of security persists if ur living in US or have a big bank account linked on ur fone, + u have to ve a master to know all this, in short what im still saying is N900 monster device, i used it, i loved it, i still love thier work their animations their working, but im.not a developer or have free time to go and learn how to just reset ur fone, trust me hard resetting ur N900 is the hardest thing to do on earth
                          Im quite happy with my Note II, will be soon updated to 4.3
                          Thankgod i came to android, i lost all hope in these new OSes and im quite sure once ppl use and get frustrated cuz they wobt have viber whatsapp fb app skype temple run, or whatever, java in browser whatever
                          I've learnt my lesson, i loved it, but i can breathe in easily using android power
                          Idk what lag is, ram iant a prob for me, popup video is awesome, 2 apps side by side in 1 screeen is awesome, the s pen is wonderful
                          Truely an advice get an android, nkt askong u to buy galaxy Y and cry for all ram and os updates
                          Get a powerful fone which u can afford, 900million android fones worldwide isnt a joke
                          Thats success

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • t1$
                            • 04 Aug 2013

                            AnonD-140268, 02 Aug 2013Dont waste money dont waste energy Buy something else Nok... moreLook, i have two Android phones, one is based on Android 2.3 and the other one is based on Android 4.2.1 Jellybean which is gonna get update to Android 4.3 a few months later and i am bored of them. I don't do customizations, i find Google Maps to be no efficient. Android OS is a resource hungry OS due to which Android powered devices don't give nice battery backup and once more than three apps are opened for multitasking, the system slows down. The RAM management in Android OS is not efficient. Android tends to lag because it always has many apps running in the background and most of the time if you kill them, they will get restarted. (self experience). Google has been spying ever since they were born. It spy on your search results, emails, thumbnails data, wifi passwords and other user's data.

                            Due to hackers attack on Android OS, Google has implemented NSA codes into Android OS. The National Security Agency (NSA) has obtained direct access to the systems of Google, Facebook, Apple and other US internet giants, according to a top secret document obtained by the Guardian.The NSA access is part of a previously undisclosed program called Prism, which allows officials to collect material including search history, the content of emails, file transfers and live chats,the document says. The program facilitates extensive, in-depth surveillance on live communications and stored information. The law allows for the targeting of any customers of participating firms who live outside the US, or those Americans whose communications include people outside the US.It also opens the possibility of communications made entirely within the US being collected without warrants. So, basically your personal data is no longer secure. Your personal infomartion goes to the NSA no matter where you are and which Android phone you've. Even Google is spying on your mails, search history. Some Android apps take pictures automatically and sends it to NSA, your gallery is also sent to NSA, the thumbnails to be exact. Android phones tracks your location and sends the information to Google which then would either go to NSA or Google will use it to advance their maps. You are no longer secure. Google doesn’t review Android apps manually and developers get their apps live within an hour of submission and processing, that app could be a malware created to invade your privacy. In Android, any Tom and Harry can create an app or a virus with a PC and make it look legit. It's ridiculous that a game requires permissions such as read phone state and identity, send SMS without your consent etc., Google gives you free apps for your personal information with ads. Unfortunately, a vulnerability in Android lets apps to be modified by anyone and once if you install your private information will directly go to the person who modified it. Android has a lot of apps but if you look around the net, Android apps are often buggy and some of them do not work the way they promise to (read virus prone). That's the problem on Android. It's not a secure OS. Most of the things in Android was copied from Symbian OS. In Ginger bread, lag has always been there and same story in Jellybean. It's just the animations which try to hide the lags but fails to do so in Jellybean. Sailfish OS is the future. The OS was demoed on Nokia N900 and Nokia N9,it was running smooth. So, it's a resource efficient OS and supports applications from other operating systems and hopefully apps will be sandboxed.

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • t1$
                              • 04 Aug 2013

                              AnonD-140268, 02 Aug 2013Dont waste money dont waste energy Buy something else Nok... moreLook, i have two Android phones, one is based on Android 2.3 and the other one is based on Android 4.2.1 Jellybean which is gonna get update to Android 4.3 a few months later and i am bored of them. I don't do customizations, i find Google Maps to be no efficient. Android OS is a resource hungry OS due to which Android powered devices don't give nice battery backup and once more than three apps are opened for multitasking, the system slows down. The RAM management in Android OS is not efficient. Android tends to lag because it always has many apps running in the background and most of the time if you kill them, they will get restarted. (self experience). Google has been spying ever since they were born. It spy on your search results, emails, thumbnails data, wifi passwords and other user's data.

                              Due to hackers attack on Android OS, Google has implemented NSA codes into Android OS.

                                • J
                                • Jolla future user
                                • JyK
                                • 03 Aug 2013

                                Alan E, 26 Jul 2013For the "radio", will it have an FM transmitter? ... moreJolla has not said clearly if FM transmitter will be on the motherboard, I hope so. If NOVAThor platform has it, then it more probable it will has it.

                                  • J
                                  • Jolla future user
                                  • JyK
                                  • 03 Aug 2013

                                  Anonymous, 30 Jun 2013I've seen the Sailfish OS in action, it's really nice but t... moreOne thing must be clear: Jolla's Sailfish OS is the MeeGo Linux more developed version. After N9 and MeeGo with Harmattan UI has been butchered by All-We-Know-Who the MER project thanks to Carsten Munk has been turned into MEego Reconstructed project. Sailfish is built on the MER CORE distribution (everything below UI and above kernel soft adaptations to a particular CPU). On it has been put Jolla UI, but if the Harmattan UI would be used it would look exactly N9. This construction of Sailfish OS: Jolla UI + MER core + MER compatible kernel adapted for a particular CPU makes endless possibilities like N9 has. Also that mean that ANY platform with CPU which has kernel adopted to working with MER core (now: ARM, x86, TI) can be booted and used with Sailfish OS, in reality that means most of existing. That is why Linux MeeGo Sailfish OS and Jolla are continuation of Linux MeeGo Harmattan and Nokia N9, also because the same people has built them both. And if something was possible for Harmattan + N9 then this is more then possible for Sailfish + Jolla. And Jolla's hardware is better, but Sailfish requirements are still minimal requirements of Linux MeeGo. So this all allow to expect better performance then N9. Also note: Android software used on Sailfish means that like Android have dalvik then Jolla have Myriard's AlienDalvik - so they run on Jolla like native, with the same speed like at Android. Only trouble can happen if software has UI coded not according to Android standard, so buttons can be out of screen or something like this.

                                    • J
                                    • Jolla future user
                                    • JyK
                                    • 03 Aug 2013

                                    Anonymous, 23 Jul 2013You didn't understand what i said i think. So far, there's ... moreYou are right Jolla can run together as many unique single soft as RAM allow (can hold + sys requirements also). In fact Saifish is MeeGo, of course more developed with MER project (MER = MEego Reconstructed, see about, but still it is. Different is UI as Harmattan was intelectual property of Nokia then Jolla developed own and better UI - Sailfish UI. So similarities are visible immidiately.

                                      • J
                                      • Jolla future user
                                      • JyK
                                      • 03 Aug 2013

                                      Anonymous, 23 Jul 2013But swiping vertical on the home screen reveals all the app... moreMultitasking is the strongest advantage of both Sailfish OS and MeeGo, as bot are FULL and PURE Linuxes what means hard rock solid stability, more then any other OS on the market. In Android a soft is "frozen" but in Sailfish/MeeGo it is RUNNING in the background. This allows to use many soft together, note: native Sailfish soft and Andrriod soft launched with Myriard's Aliendalvik (builtin the OS permanently) can be switched and used in the same time without any lags etc. just because of Linux multitasking abilities. It is more precisely described in wikipedia and Sailfish OS wiki, you will easly find links. Sailfish continues legacy of MeeGo (hence Nokia's Maemo & Intel's MObilin) and also good practicies of Symbian. You will try it and you will love it - 99% people do so. And 1% are payied haters and black PR in duty to propagate lies about.

                                        • J
                                        • Jolla future user
                                        • Jy8
                                        • 03 Aug 2013

                                        If anyone have doubts then there is a reference: Jolla will be better incarnation of Nokia N9, what in general mean that it will be not worse then the legendary N9. Linux Sailfish is FULL linux and also more and significantly developed Linux MeeGo, so there is no limitations in numbers of apps (N9 without lags can run 20), a limitation can be amount fo RAM and how big is a single soft. Also there is "second half" which can add additional RAM or hardware or software, not only colours. Those who were at Jolla's presentations were able to see and evaluate OS abilities and hardware. As presented were preproduction prototypes so not all details were shown, but only those already fixed. For me most wanted is, not shown, dual sim or tri sim options. As it is for asian market it is obvious that at last dual sim is the must. And so on so on. Jolla was presented many times and there are several reviews, be serious guys.