Jolla Jolla

Jolla Jolla

User opinions and reviews

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  • D
  • AnonD-140268
  • 3Cg
  • 02 Aug 2013

Dont waste money dont waste energy
Buy something else
Nokia Maemo powered N900 was my beast for 2 yrs but i should tell u it did give me a hard time
I've shifted to galaxy note 2 and my life is so charmed nw, cuz of android power and support
The world breathes android and iOS, dont be cornered by getting such device trust me
If u cobsider buying this
First see whats happening with the N9 Swipe Meego monster
It looks cool it is cool its v new and v clean
But believe me its not for the ones who want a stable fone for their lives
Yeah its android app compatible but thats all crap, theres no comparison to android supported phone and android phone
Get a launcher in ur android and thats it
Im sure android monsters will develop this in chreaper snd cleaner versiin with more support
So why waste on this?
Get htc samsung sony if u think im right
Oh and PS : N900 runs 32 apps at a time and is PURE multitasking
But it still couldnt do any better
Apps like whatsapp facebook viber what we breathe in and out are not available so whats the use?

    • D
    • AnonD-35586
    • RX{
    • 02 Aug 2013

    AnonD-148263, 24 Jul 2013Actually it is limited to 9 apps at the moment but it'll be... moreno ,its not limited to 9 apps ,check this out :­31227535361

      • E
      • Esk
      • 3a7
      • 31 Jul 2013

      Anonymous, 30 Jul 2013Wondering if this phone can run more than 9 apps, picture q... moreThe device isn't released and most of the hardware is unknown! How do you want anyone to review it yet?

      Anyway - what we do know of what you asked. It theoretically can run more than 9 apps, we're talking Linux here. Whether the number of graphical apps is restricted due to the active covers is another thing entirely, but it would seem strange if Jolla took this approach. They might alternatively use more than one screen of covers, or only show covers for 9 apps while running more in the background.

      The OS is indeed pretty resource efficient. Jolla's first demos showed Sailfish running well on the Nokia N950, using a single-core Cortex-A8.

      It's likely to support media formats which gstreamer can (i.e. loads!), as with the N9. However, due to the improved chipset, it shouldn't have the N9's problem with HD content.

      Info Jolla have teased so far on the Other Half suggests there are direct data and power connections, though what standards these follow (if any) are unknown. If this is correct, both a hardware keyboard or external flash are possible. However, this is entirely reliant on halves being produced for these purposes.

      Not sure quite what you mean by a 'lock key', but the power button does lock the device as in many phones.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • t1$
        • 30 Jul 2013

        Wondering if this phone can run more than 9 apps, picture quality of the device, how powerful will be the flash, if there will be some recovery option in case if you do something wrong that'd corrupt the OS, support for different keyboards, if apps can be installed from third party sites, the other half will be a qwerty keyboard or a powerful flash, how powerful the battery would be, if the OS is resource efficient, if native video call would be possible, if there will be Nokia Maps or not, how many features it will have, if it will be a 720p or 1080p screen, if the device can play all major media formats, if there will be a lock key. Give it an in depth review come on.

          • j
          • jendkers
          • 3FE
          • 29 Jul 2013

          Hope that it will have FM transmiter... It's very cool to have my music with me everywhere where is radio :)

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • ndH
            • 28 Jul 2013

            I want one!

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • n2p
              • 28 Jul 2013

              "Can it run more then X apps?"
              It's full multitasking Linux, unless any application decides to somehow 'eat' all the memory you can run however many you want/need.

              There is no reason to believe the limit on multitaksing in jolla is not memory bound just like any other OS, the interface on the homescreen may or may not support only showing 9 applications simultaniously but if that is the case there will surely be a way of handling more applications, you can probably even try out how that is handled in the SailfishOS SDK.

              Even the n900 (this devices' grandfather) can run quite a few applications simultaniously, this is a video of the n900 being pushed pretty far:

                • D
                • AnonD-169597
                • mYn
                • 27 Jul 2013

                The OPEN phone! Please hurry Jolla, need my phone asap!

                  • D
                  • AnonD-169597
                  • mYn
                  • 27 Jul 2013

                  The OPEN phone! Please hurry Jolla, need my phone asap!

                    • A
                    • Alan E
                    • Y1n
                    • 26 Jul 2013

                    For the "radio", will it have an FM transmitter? That's really missing from most new phones but it is why I keep my N8 in my pocket!

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • t1$
                      • 26 Jul 2013

                      Sausage, 26 Jul 2013For all of you who wonder if it can run more than 9 apps, i... moreCan you post the link to the preview video in which its shown Sailfish OS can run more than 9 apps? Thanks.

                        • S
                        • Sausage
                        • pd6
                        • 26 Jul 2013

                        For all of you who wonder if it can run more than 9 apps, it can. In some preview video it is quickly shown that if you do long press on any active app, you get a vertically scrollable list of all the open apps. Here you can also close those apps.

                        BTW, got my Jolla t-shirt today, says "I AM THE FIRST ONE" with red/white Jolla-style letters. Eagerly waiting for the launch of the device.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • t1$
                          • 25 Jul 2013

                          Thanks dude for answering how multitasking is done on MeeGo OS. I am waiting for this phone and i won't buy any high end Android phones ever because Android has many malwares, it's not resource efficient like Symbian is, since there are NSA codes written in Android OS it spy on user, Google does the same thing. What i really hope is, something like NSA stays away from this OS and Sailfish OS provide the best multitasking out of them all like MeeGo OS can. Over 100 apps at time! That'd be great.

                            • D
                            • AnonD-169041
                            • PqS
                            • 25 Jul 2013

                            This gona be great, a true N9 succesor i cant wait.

                              • D
                              • AnonD-26593
                              • U$4
                              • 25 Jul 2013

                              jjaone, 24 Jul 2013Many will buy this.. don't you worry. The pre-order campai... moreyeah right :)

                                • D
                                • AnonD-148263
                                • HA2
                                • 24 Jul 2013

                                AnonD-26593, 24 Jul 2013it something like this, when all the 9 open apps (cards) ar... moreActually it is limited to 9 apps at the moment but it'll be changed soon.

                                  • j
                                  • jjaone
                                  • p7Y
                                  • 24 Jul 2013

                                  AnonD-26593, 23 Jul 2013who will buy this?? Come on man do u know that preorder opt... moreMany will buy this.. don't you worry. The pre-order campaign was already solt out! Most importantly it's for all of us, who don't like vendor locked in platforms and ecosystems, but want to live in the open wild ;)

                                    • D
                                    • AnonD-26593
                                    • U$4
                                    • 24 Jul 2013

                                    Anonymous, 23 Jul 2013But swiping vertical on the home screen reveals all the app... moreit something like this, when all the 9 open apps (cards) are filled and a 10th app is opened, a new page of open card generates below the previous 9 cards page till it completes 18 cards and so on.

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • t1$
                                      • 23 Jul 2013

                                      AnonD-26593, 23 Jul 2013hi, the homescreen is not restricted to 9 apps but more jus... moreBut swiping vertical on the home screen reveals all the apps that's in the phone? How multitasking is done on MeeGo OS? Anyone tell me in details.

                                        • E
                                        • Esk
                                        • 3a6
                                        • 23 Jul 2013

                                        Kaacz, 23 Jul 2013Why is still this wrong info about Java?! MIDP is java plat... moreI suppose this might get a PhoneME port (JavaME for N9). GSMArena just put that info on almost every phone though, by the looks of it, and it's usually wrong.