Jolla Jolla
- D
- AnonD-26593
- U$4
- 23 Jul 2013
AnonD-148217, 22 May 2013so who will buy this?who will buy this?? Come on man do u know that preorder options are already closed now. They are already sold out even before release :)
- D
- AnonD-26593
- U$4
- 23 Jul 2013
Anonymous, 23 Jul 2013You didn't understand what i said i think. So far, there's ... morehi, the homescreen is not restricted to 9 apps but more just like n9. It has only vertical swipe to swich between lockscreen to menu launcher to open apps. Pls correct me if i am wrong
- ?
- Anonymous
- t1$
- 23 Jul 2013
Kaacz, 23 Jul 2013You not understand swipe UI. This philosophy no need more h... moreYou didn't understand what i said i think. So far, there's one homescreen in Sailfish OS on which only 9 applications can run(not sure about it but i have seen in a video). So, multitasking would be limited to 9 apps, correct? But if we have several homescreen which can be accessed by swiping from left to right or vice versa, then we can run 9 more apps on the homescreen. I have never used MeeGo but i have seen it in action. MeeGo can run 50 or more apps. It was the king of multitasking. What i really hope is that we can run as many apps as possible in Sailfish OS just like in MeeGo. I already have two Android phones and i am bored of them. I want a new phone with a new OS which will never ever have NSA codes and Sailfish OS is my choice.
- K
- Kaacz
- 6sQ
- 23 Jul 2013
Anonymous, 21 Jul 2013Here are the things that i want to see in Sailfish OS:
Mor... moreYou not understand swipe UI. This philosophy no need more homescreens. I was use N9 with first swipe UI .. With only one homescreen with icons(groups), one with multitask and one with PIM. Simply, quick, elegant.
More screens with icons are not more ergonomic.
Please do not force Android/iPhone philosophy to SailfishOS. Is Unlike. Go and buy Android/iPhone and don't destroy this awesone UX.
- K
- Kaacz
- 6sQ
- 23 Jul 2013
Why is still this wrong info about Java?! MIDP is java platform for dumbphones eg. Nokia S40. I dont know smartphone with MIDP emulator. :p
- K
- Kaacz
- 6sQ
- 23 Jul 2013
Anonymous, 21 Jul 2013Here are the things that i want to see in Sailfish OS: Mor... moreBut Jolla is OPEN. Icon themes solved this. :)
- K
- Kaacz
- 6sQ
- 23 Jul 2013
Anonymous, 21 Jul 2013Here are the things that i want to see in Sailfish OS: Mor... moreBut Jolla is OPEN. Icon themes solved this. :)
- N
- N9 user
- x3c
- 23 Jul 2013
Fully featured mobile phone with unique resp. unlike OS. One of the most promising new developments and my respect to the Jolla and Sailfish teams who took the challenge.
I'm in stand-by to get one :-)
- o
- omeranko
- JbX
- 23 Jul 2013
We love you jolla, dont give up.
- D
- AnonD-29433
- Hxe
- 23 Jul 2013
Jolla is well aware of the fact.. And dont worry.. They understand what privacy means. Unlike other OSes out there..
- ?
- Anonymous
- t1$
- 21 Jul 2013
And the most important thing which i forgot to mention, hope Jolla would review every app for Sailfish manually and keep NSA or something like that away from the OS. We don't want our personal information to be tracked or given to the goverment. I hope Jolla wouldn't be like Google which doesn't review Android apps manually and developers get their apps live within an hour of submission and processing. I hope someone from Jolla is listening me... ): This OS is the only hope for me as i am tired of every other OS out there which tracks an user's data and sends it to NSA or the goverment. Better don't do business in the US or else NSA will catch this OS too. ): =( )= :(
- ?
- Anonymous
- t1$
- 21 Jul 2013
Here are the things that i want to see in Sailfish OS:
More polished and modern icons(previously the icons were simple and modern but Jolla did a huge mistake by creating those different shapes icons. I want to see all the icons in same square shaped like in iOS or just give us the options to have three icons sets by defualt in the OS itself. Please don't forget to give the icons which were previously designed), ability to have 7 or more homescreens out of which on 5 homescreens, mulitasking would be possible, a notifications toggles bar which will be revealed by swiping from bottom and then swiping from bottom again(notifications toggles must have a brightness slider, wifi, gps, some general profiles such as general, silent, outdoor, meeting, data connection etc.), the option to select other keyboards, a strong video and music player like in MeeGo, no vulnerability in the OS, no apps can be modified by anyone, option to install apps from third party sites, option to add icons on the lock screen, a well desinged transparent analog clock in square shaped, a transparent dual clock with many countries and for easy to select, like in Touchwiz UI with written state name, capital name and then country name, like this: Helsinki/Finland, London/UK, Austin/USA etc., hope Sailfish OS would be resource efficient like Symbian and MeeGo, a wide range of media support, a good camera interface with pro-like settings, more games, no adwares, no games which have the option to spend money for in game powerup stuffs, hope Jolla won't distrubute the OS to every manufacturers which will let them modify it, thus avioding OS fragmentation; and managing both the hardware and software by Jolla itself, more updates to the software, always have SD card and removable battery in Jolla's next phones, a good camera tech, and a blacklist. Hope Jolla phones would sell like hotcakes worldwide.
- J
- Jolla future user
- JyK
- 12 Jul 2013
Jolla is really something new from long long time, and FULL Linux what makes possibilities endless by all means.
There were in the air pure empty discussion about software for Sailfish and hence Jolla smartphone, so here is the true:
"Software available for Sailfish OS devices
IF, upon Jolla's declarations that Sailfish OS is be able to use software from following platforms
- Sailfish (natively created + ported like from Qt, Symbian, MeeGo - developers have reported that porting a Qt written software with Sailfish SDK takes a few hours only)
- MeeGo (because of backward compatibility thanks to MeeGo code legacy included in the Mer core)
- Android (using built-in Alien Dalvik by Myriad Group, which will allow to use it like a native, but with limitations which can happen about UI, if not ported and adjusted)
- Unix and Linux (as Sailfish is Linux then using such a software is possible, especially RPM packages, either in terminal/console mode or with limitations implying from using Sailfish UI, if not ported and adjusted)
- HTML5 (because it is ready for this kind of software then use oncoming FireFox OS software can also be possible probably)
THEN a number of unique software possible to use can be estimated by adding number of software from the list above. In general it can be expected to be not less than 500K unique software pieces at the beginning.
above: from source of Wikipedia at "Jolla" article
here is the list of most wanted software (based on requests from users) with mentioned status which are already ported to Sailfish and which are "dev contacted" and which denied - note there is only 1 (one) denied to be ported.
In a few words: Sailfish one of better supported with software platform. And so is Jolla smartphon. There is no problem with software for Jolla. Sailfish SDK and Qt makes it one of better and easier platform for developers - they say so.
There is one important news you should notice as fan: The prebook campaign is gooing to be ended "in nearest days", you can prebook and have fixed price or you can prebook by free with only reeservation.
What is still unclear is at what markets will be dualsim device, I think certainly on Chinese but got no idea how with the others.
- N
- Nicoinmotion
- P1G
- 11 Jul 2013
AnonD-125413, 20 May 2013The design looks good but I will promise you that It won't ... moreWhy you need 8 cores when you can do all the work with just 2??? have you ever used a N9?? just singlecore and 50 apps running in multitask, no freeze task like android or even iOS??? it's not about the cores, it's about the OS...
- N
- Nicoinmotion
- P1G
- 11 Jul 2013
Black Xero, 21 May 2013Have you used all those 4 phones you are comparing. In term... moreSmooth may be, efficent?? hell no... N9 it's the king of efficientness, have you tried to write a note on your planner, while you are reading something on internet?
- E
- Esk
- m9L
- 09 Jul 2013
AnonD-162767, 07 Jul 2013Bluetooth 3. Why not Bluetooth 4?Bluetooth version, like most of the specs, hasn't been confirmed yet - it's likely just guesswork on GSMArena's part.
- G
- Ganpat
- vLy
- 09 Jul 2013
AnonD-86273, 01 Jul 2013This is being developed by the old staff at Nokia (when Mic... moreIt's not the people who worked on Symbian, but Jolla team are the people who worked on Maemo / Meego at Nokia. When the meego was discontinued by Nokia, the team came out and started the Jolla. Sailfish OS is the reincarnation of the meego as we can call it, though its actually based on the Mer core. Jolla device is for those who want to upgrade from their N900, N9 and also other android/apple iphone people who got bored of their OS.
- D
- AnonD-137981
- SuA
- 08 Jul 2013
AnonD-162767, 07 Jul 2013Bluetooth 3. Why not Bluetooth 4?maybe to keep the price low
- D
- AnonD-162767
- nrn
- 07 Jul 2013
Bluetooth 3. Why not Bluetooth 4?
- D
- Deadwood
- t1$
- 06 Jul 2013
On a side note, I couldn’t help but notice that Apples new Iphone iteration due for an Autumn release features something very similar to Jolla’s ‘ambience’ function – coincidence, I think not. In IOS7, it appears that by changing the wallpaper on the homescreen, you also change the look and feel of the phone which seems (like the ambience feature in Sailfish) to reflect the colours in your wallpaper image.
A lot of the other features in IOS7 seem to have been heavily influenced by MeeGO, Web OS and many other operating systems. There go Apple again taking from others and calling it their own!
So let’s support the real innovators and help get Jolla up there with the big boys!
Sail On…