LG KG800

LG KG800

User opinions and reviews

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  • B
  • Branden Tang
  • q{{
  • 26 Feb 2008

I do not recommend this phone AT ALL. I have the Rogers TG800 one, and right when my warranty goes up, it starts feeling like it's gonna break. The slide mechanism is interfering with the video, and etc. Getting it replaced with a Sony Ericsson W300i... =S

    • S
    • Simon
    • nEq
    • 25 Feb 2008

    I got my LG Chocolate second hand. As a result, I don't know if I was particularly unlucky or whether the LG is simply not all that good. My Chocolate will switch itself off at random intervals, it has a nice habit of switching on touch sensitive controls in my pocket (the result being my phone calling a very baffled person at the other end of the line) and also my phone can't connect to the internet, and hence can't download. It really is more for looks than performance I think.

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • pky
      • 24 Feb 2008

      i've had this phone for about a year and i didn't like it at all.it looks very nice but i've had many problems with it:the battery was awful,the bluetooth very slow,sometimes when i was getting a call there was no ringtone,although the profile was set for General,many times it just froze and i had to wait a while until it worked again.

        • s
        • sam
        • pTW
        • 17 Feb 2008

        i have had this phone since christmas 2006,i am pleased with it but the bluetooth is pretty awful. it is really slow and you cant do anything while you are sending or recieving. a really cool thing is that you can look, steal and delete peoples files if you are paired with them in bluetooth, only LGs and Samusungs can do that.

          • s
          • sabari
          • 2SN
          • 17 Feb 2008

          i have a white lg kg.it doesn't support browser settings i.e i can't connect to net.even my bluetooth failed to work

            • B
            • BEN
            • mcC
            • 16 Feb 2008

            I was actually thinking of buying this phone but after reading all these opinion i dont think i will be buying it again.It seems everyone is complaining about the same problem. Thanks for your advice.

              • m
              • miha
              • msk
              • 09 Feb 2008

              hello. i have a white chocolate phone. i bought is in may 2007 and i didn't had any problems with my phone. if you justtake care of it and don;t drop it on the floor. it;s "delicate" kinda. it atracts people. if you are carefull and responseble you should have no problems. :) good luck! bye

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • 47H
                • 09 Feb 2008

                I have just recieved the new LG KG800 in the mail yesterday, and right away I liked it. I had been waiting for the arrival for 2 weeks. But, I started having problems 4 hours after I got it. The shiny, black casing started to come of of the battery. I'm not sure if any of you guys have this problem, because I can return it for a new one within 14 days. PlEASE help me!

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • wdU
                  • 09 Feb 2008

                  its quite a gud phone....
                  quite delicate as it luks....need 2 take gr8 care of it...otherwise u'll keep complaining about it!

                  i hve had no problems with it...i m having dis phone for last 4-5 months!

                    • o
                    • orce
                    • 0U@
                    • 08 Feb 2008

                    i would to by this model of phone !! what do we think???? it s a great idea or it isn t ????


                      • S
                      • Sophia
                      • ReE
                      • 08 Feb 2008

                      I dont have positive or negative to say about the phone, other than its a very nice looking phone, the features look okay, its small (how I like it) . Im thinking of getting one but I am so confused because of the differing feedback. How can it be the same phone u all are talking about?

                        • l
                        • lg kg 800
                        • p7J
                        • 08 Feb 2008

                        this phonee is not worth itt i bought it and after two weeks the number keypadd wass not lightingg I had to change it I have samsung j600 which iss definetly betterrr. this phhone has stylee but feautress are bad

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • PP$
                          • 08 Feb 2008

                          ive got a chocolate phone, my friend has a chocolate phone and his girlfriends got one, and none of our phone has stuffed up yet. had it for bout a year now. everyone tends to exagerate bout every phone breaking in a second.

                            • D
                            • DIANA
                            • jZW
                            • 07 Feb 2008

                            omg it's true!!!

                            the screen starts to fail within a period of about two months!!

                            if you plan on buying this model... make sure you have a warranty!!! it's soooo frustrating!

                            1. colors blur
                            2. screen freezes
                            3. screen freezes more often, only when open
                            4. screen freezes when open and when closed
                            5. screen cuts in half, bottom is white
                            6. whole screen permanently white!!

                            this all happens in a period of about three months, and two months after first use!! even if you take perfect care of it like i did!

                            be careful!!

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • Y9}
                              • 06 Feb 2008

                              I want 2 know can u add video to the phone...... don't really have time 2 keep searching..... read specs from almost 20-30 sites & all it says is that it accepts mpeg4,aac&mp3 but been only able 2 put mp3's on the phone please help n e body.......... thankx

                                • F
                                • Flavi
                                • pk5
                                • 05 Feb 2008

                                The phone is good:)..i have no problems with him...work great

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • kNC
                                  • 03 Feb 2008

                                  I don't know about all these problems people are having, but I've had the phone for over 18 months and my phone works fine. The battery life is cool especially since the phone comes with 2 batteries. The only problem would probably be the keypad. The touch sensitive keys do require some getting used to, but they're pretty interesting in my opinion. The KG800 is a big outdated now in my opinion and there are others out there that are probably better, but the phone is still a solid phone and a decent purchase even today.

                                    • M
                                    • Manini Kobue
                                    • St1
                                    • 01 Feb 2008

                                    My LG KG800 screen is just white. Want to know what I can do to be able to read messages on my pc because right it connected to it. Please help.

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • m{D
                                      • 01 Feb 2008

                                      I also have to say that this phone is worthless. It's problems, problems, problems.
                                      Buy another phone.

                                        • C
                                        • Connobi
                                        • MAE
                                        • 31 Jan 2008

                                        Nice & slim, thats about it. The phone menus are clunky, as is the keypad. Its not even back lit (not on mine anyway). Texting is a truly awful, slow, painful affair. The keys are unresponsive & in some cases require several presses. Adding words to the T9 dictionary is so awkward it makes me shout out loud!! An okay budget phone, & thats being generous. If you have the option, go Nokia or Sony Ericson