Motorola A1200

Motorola A1200

User opinions and reviews

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  • M
  • MJ
  • Y7u
  • 18 May 2006

Thank for all the info about this phone..but now I don't know what to choose!!! I have been using the E68i for about a year and was thinking of getting the A1200(ming) soon but now after reading the postings I don't know if i'm upgrading or downgrading???? The cons i have about the e680i is batt life,weight and size! Comments please!!

Thx in advance!

    • M
    • Marc
    • T7w
    • 18 May 2006

    I have been trying to use the voice-recognition. It says that when you press the button the voice-recognition file will load and then you can begin using it. Every time I do this it says "unable to load due to an exception". Does anyone have any suggestions on what I can do to get the file to load. Thanks in advance for any help.

      • s
      • syracuser
      • a6R
      • 17 May 2006

      never had a camera phone and this one is so cool. what kind of little video formats can i use? i got a 3gp2 and couldnt open it. is ther a program to convert them i can download or do i have to do it on my computer. i have a mac. thanks

        • P
        • Pasha D
        • 4}D
        • 16 May 2006

        To ALL folks ,
        Cingular(in USA) uses 1900mhz(old antennas) and 850mhz(most of them and new ones) antenna signals, so therefore(from experience) ANY tri-band phone works with T-Mobile perfectly fine(t-mobile antennas are 1900 mhz frequency) and works not as good but still works with cingular!
        therefore, To HAVE a BEST reception of signal you must have Quad-Band phone(for cingular users) and you will be fine if you have tri-band and T-Mobile service!

          • M
          • Milani
          • Y9I
          • 16 May 2006

          Does anyone have the longman dictionary file?
          Also the MSN messenger in Chinese, does anyone know how to make it English?

          I really appreciate any help

          the link that newbie has posted about the longman does not work anymore.

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • 4Vv
            • 16 May 2006

            Well Ive Tried to put A1200 software into an E860i, told me wrong Java Application, ran it again and it worked, so Im guessing any software from previous Linux base, "A" model should work.
            Time for me to go, any questions e-mail me.

              • J
              • Jim
              • i7P
              • 16 May 2006

              I got this phone about a week ago. Bought it in Guangzhou China for $400 USD. Came with a bunch of extras; two batteries, 3 chargers, belt clip, handsfree headset, 128MB T-Flash card, USB cable, backpack, purse, cup, external USB speakers. Not sure why they had some of the stuff, but they kept throwing it in. Chose not to get the Bluetooth headset with it for an extra $50, because I already have one.

              Haven't set it up for my email, hopefully no problems there. Synced it up to outlook without any problems.

              One annoying thing that took me a while to figure out. It has a feature called "Info Services". Couldn't really find much about it, actually nothing about it. It looks like something like SMS messaging, but I think it is more of a broadcast, and you cannot tell where it comes from. Never heard of it, but I would get a spam on it every 5 minutes, all through the night, had to finally turn my phone off. Got very annoying. Called customer service here in China and they had no idea. Finally I found that you can turn it off. You go to the messaging screen from the button on the top of the screen. Then you click on the menu in the lower right, choose Service Setup, and then you can configure the "Info Services".

              Anyone know if software written for the A768 will work on this model?

                • c
                • castillo_corp
                • 4Vv
                • 16 May 2006

                Your trying to get the most out of your battery life, 24hrs is too long and might affect the battery in a later time, You are just trying to charge to battery fully without reducing its max capabilities. 8hrs is good enough.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • jMI
                  • 16 May 2006

                  Does anyone know how long to charge your phone for when you first get it? The people on said for 24 hours...does it really take that long?? Wont the phone tell you when it is done charging?

                    • c
                    • castillo_corp
                    • 4Vv
                    • 16 May 2006

                    What you said about the frequency is very true, although, there is a setting for E680i to change the reciever to connect to the Cingular Tower better, I believe it is NetID 310 for Cingular, now I am not telling anybody to get an E680i, but keep in mind that these two phones are software identical. Keep in mind that E680i accepts SD/MMC while A1200 accepts T-Flash(MicroSD) which only goes up to 1GB, it will be a while till T-Flash goes to 2GB.

                    A1200 Has unique features called Voice Printing, and Voice Lock, Business Card Reader.
                    Voice Lock, you can use your voice to securely unlock and lock your phone, Business Card Reader, stored the card info by just taking a picture of the card.
                    I have not yet fooled around with Voice Printing.

                    I have an

                    And so far I rate A1200 the lowest.

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • QYM
                      • 15 May 2006

                      The E680i is better than than the A1200? It could be, but keep in mind that the E680i does not have the 850 frequency capability, so if you are in California, for example, where Cingular uses that frequency, well you are going to have a great phone, but not use for it. There are many great phones out there, and yes, some are better than the A1200, but they don't have the frequency needed to operate properly in California. Not sure about T-mobil, but I use Cingular, and I need a phone with the 850 frequency capibility.

                        • c
                        • castillo_corp
                        • 4Vv
                        • 14 May 2006

                        I have this, and so far all I could say is this is a reduced version of the Motorola E680i, same Linux OS hasn't been updated, but new programs, smaller, and comes with Opera 8.0, This really isnt worth it, but good to have if you want something stylish, and compact.
                        This is slightly smaller than an E680i, but I would rather, if I was you, buy another phone, with features like WiFi. Honestly I would still choose a E680i, rather than this phone.

                        Contact me for more info about this phone.

                          • A
                          • A. Ng
                          • ijE
                          • 14 May 2006

                          It's great. I want to ask where I can find the Bible application. Please help.

                            • J
                            • Jas
                            • TC}
                            • 14 May 2006

                            My gprs n mms service been activated... n it is been used smoothly..
                            But.. now the problem is.. my msn can not log in.. always stated "error"...
                            My email also can't function...
                            Any one know to set it???

                              • A
                              • Alex Rod
                              • 4gu
                              • 14 May 2006

                              Does any know if this phone will sync or work without any problem in a Linux box?
                              What I mean, will the Linux box sees this phone in a plug and play fashion?


                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • TBd
                                • 14 May 2006

                                In Shanghai, the phone costs 3800RMB (about 470USD). extra battery is 280RMB (about 35USD) or 180 for a generic one.
                                The CDroms both have English and Chinese version of the software. Manual is in Chinese but can be downloaded from HK site.
                                Comes with 2 styluses and USB cable.
                                Looks great. But slow though

                                  • J
                                  • Jose Hernandez
                                  • Bi0
                                  • 14 May 2006

                                  Gr8 phone, sharp crispy image, even dough specch recognition ain't the best yet... besides, how can I change de date from 1970 to 2006?

                                    • X
                                    • Xzavier
                                    • 49u
                                    • 13 May 2006

                                    I have an Motorola A388c which looks very much like the A1200.

                                    Question, when talking on the A1200 does the phone sound like you are talking on a walkie talkie or some sort of cheap phone? 2 Do you have any issues looking at the main screen in sunlight?

                                    The A388c is a nice phone but those were some of the annoyances that it has, not to mention some of the issues which the currnet A1200 has.
                                    Thanks for the feedback!

                                      • s
                                      • stefan
                                      • QiP
                                      • 12 May 2006

                                      I need the instalation cd for this phone...can anybody help please ???

                                        • S
                                        • SAMCLARDES
                                        • Tgv
                                        • 12 May 2006

                                        Can the motorola A1200 compose or edit mircrosft word,exel,and power point?
                                        ANYONE, PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1