Motorola C115
- P
- Patrick
- 17 Dec 2004
as far as I know, and confirmed by Motorola Belgium (Netherlands) this mobile is a DUAL band network and NOT a Triband.
- w
- wireless conections
- 17 Dec 2004
the infomation about Mot c115
- N
- Nimesh
- 17 Dec 2004
I've got problems downloading ringtones on my new c115.n Can someone help me please.I'm in deep trouble.I cant download a single ringtone.
- d
- dadi
- 16 Dec 2004
I like it because the light is blue
- z
- zurdo
- 14 Dec 2004
i also want ringtones!
- j
- janaka wijekoon
- 10 Dec 2004
- j
- jaan
- 09 Dec 2004
respected sir,i purchased branded motorola c115...its cute n nice 2 handle..but i wld like 2 kno abt the ringtone downloads and 2 play...thanq
- y
- yunus
- 08 Dec 2004
al prblm about downloading ringtones otherwise ok n fine n nice
- i
- imran
- 08 Dec 2004
yeh! its nice but one thing is miss bu company which is service light
- t
- thomas
- 08 Dec 2004
it is so small , so cute
- v
- varun
- 07 Dec 2004
This is a very good phone,and has a lot of features,which makes it a very good phone to use. It is the C - 115 meaning CLEAVER.
- H
- Huzefa Piplodwala
- 07 Dec 2004
Hi, this is a nice phone with good looks and lots of different functions.. but two key functions are missing in it. Downloaidng of ringtones and message delivery report.. I would like to know about it...
- m
- mr.fuji hiroko
- 06 Dec 2004
this phone is good
- v
- vishaal
- 04 Dec 2004
i bought this c115 which is a fantastic phone for its rate....but,it would have been better with have a good looks too..its a value for money phone
- d
- dagen
- 02 Dec 2004
very small....that's all
- a
- amit
- 30 Nov 2004
its nice set but i want to know how to know the report of message delivered and how to download new ringtones?also wanna know about how to assign different ringtones for my different contacts in my phonebook.
- s
- suyash jain
- 30 Nov 2004
its a nice mobile and i have also read all the feedbacks of the persons who bought it most of them are getting the problem in downloading the ringtones and same problem i am also facing plz solve our problem as soon as possible.
- a
- adrian
- 30 Nov 2004
this is a very good phone
- m
- mr.azahari(mas)
- 22 Nov 2004
this phone is good ,i think it,s better when you try it......
- m
- matt
- 20 Nov 2004
does any one know where i can find downloads for this phone it is a very nice phone but there are no downloads for it(with downloads i mean ringtones)