Motorola C115
- a
- asif
- 15 Nov 2004
hi,i got problems downloading Ringtones, to cop it?
- m
- motoroler
- 14 Nov 2004
Hello, I want to buy motorola, one of: c115, c205 and today in bazaar i saw a motorola c116. Can anyone tell me, what are the differences between c115 and c116?? And is better to buy c115 (c116), or c205?? C115 is a little bit nicer, but in my country, c205 is more places where i can buy it.
Very thanks for your advices :)
Kind Regards, Motoroler.
- v
- vikash
- 14 Nov 2004
Motorola C115 is a beautiful phone. I liked all the features of the phone. But only one thing is that I downloaded two ringtones but I am not getting a save option to save the ring tones. Could any one please assist me how to save a ring tone.
- R
- Rafi
- 11 Nov 2004
Nice & cute phone, value for money as an entry phone. Those who espect more than basic, just forget it!
- m
- melody
- 07 Nov 2004
hey buds-its a really really cute phone.very compact and pretty.true..there is some prob with the ringtones but we'll find out a way.and ringing and vibrations dont go together.well u have some and u lose some.but all in all it is a hunk with a great battery back up.get it guys.
- V
- V. Chalapathy
- 06 Nov 2004
Handy with state-of-the art looks. Sure value for money.
- h
- hello
- 05 Nov 2004
can anybody help me to download or compose ringtones
- B
- Bilal
- 04 Nov 2004
problem with downloading ring tones. How to download ring tones ????????
- k
- kata
- 01 Nov 2004
I want to make a change, a friend give me C115 and I give him a C333, it's worth the change??
- H
- Hing
- 01 Nov 2004
This C115 has only SIM memory, no phone memory.
- s
- sravan
- 28 Oct 2004
hi, i am using this c115 since a month, it's a nice phone, i didn't got any problems with this till, battery backup is good, ringtone composer is very nice, even i downloaded some ringtones, its a nice phone.
- r
- rini
- 28 Oct 2004
HELL! thr r NO ringtone downloads available for c115!?!?!?! it stuck with it now..its SHIT.
- s
- sameer
- 28 Oct 2004
nice,light and cheap
but keypad is hard
major problem low sound ringtones
- S
- Siddique
- 28 Oct 2004
Yeh! Just yesterday I bought C115, knowing its standby time of 100 hrs and talk time of 8 hrs! Is it true, pls. let me know senior users?
- B
- BS
- 24 Oct 2004
Anybody got a manual for the C115 in English.I just got 1 from China and surprise surprise the manual is in Chinese.
- i
- iulian
- 22 Oct 2004
'morning! it's there enyone that can tell more about this phone? because i want to buy this kind of moto! if, send an e-mail to my adress! thaks a lot,i'm waiting!
- o
- onuegbu
- 21 Oct 2004
How to download ringtones for Motorola c115?
- f
- firas
- 20 Oct 2004
Motorolla c115 is a wonderful cellular phone,because it's easy for use,
smart and small.
- g
- gautam
- 20 Oct 2004
i own this fone.Those who have asked how 2 download ringtones- Ringtones cant b downloaded on this phone.Ringtone composer is a waste.There is not a single unique feature on this fone.It doesn't have delivery report for the sent msgs.Those who r planning 2 buy this fone, should purchase SAMSUNG RX220 for just INR 200 EXTRA.
- a
- ashwini
- 19 Oct 2004
hello............did neone hit upon 'how 2 compose'?plz lemme know