Motorola E398

Motorola E398

User opinions and reviews

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  • m
  • me
  • PQ2
  • 18 Feb 2005

To ucsmfu

I found out your problem when you copy and past the website from the forum to the address bar it comes out like this­hp?t=1817
Instead of this
Just remove the %AD near the end and it should work. Sorry for that.

To Huh:(

Security code is 000000 (six 0's) by default
Unlock code is 1234 by default

To Jim

LOL ROFLMFAO, Sorry just had to get that off my chest.
One the phone isn’t user friendly it is you are used to a Nokia. It is like going from a PC to a Mac for the first time.
Two the head set is easier then a Nokia to plug in just open the rubber guard on the top of the phone then plug it in like you would a standard 2.5mm jack for an MD, iPod, Discman ect.
Three voice tags simple go to phone book put entry in phone memory (not simcard), then go edit, voice name, record voice name, then you’re done.
For bluetooth security code read replay to huh.

All those degrees and you ant read English or Arabic. (Referring to the owner’s manual that tells you haw to operate the phone.)

Before criticizing make sure you have your facts straight or you will look like a drop kick and be upstaged by a 16yer old who hasn’t finished high school yet Mr. 2 Masters degrees and the MD of an engineering company.

    • u
    • ucsmfu
    • Y13
    • 18 Feb 2005

    hey me, the website still doesn't work

      • L
      • Levent
      • aHP
      • 18 Feb 2005

      to Jim;
      hey jim, all i can tell you as an old nokia user(about 9 years), u really impressed us here with the degrees u'r holding but i'd call anyone a moron simply who can not plug the headset to the headset jack ;) moto interface might not be user friendly to you cuz it's been your choice to use nokia always only that shows u have no vision, and are back minded. Once you realize what you've been missing out there, others will be in diff. dimensions already. Btw, i'm an eng. too (which is so stupid to state in a froum like this) if it's gonna make u feel better.
      Kisses from UCLA

        • M
        • Maical
        • i8u
        • 17 Feb 2005

        i, on the other hand, hadnt have had any problem what so ever with this phone. Good value for money

          • J
          • Jim
          • Rxe
          • 17 Feb 2005

          I've used okia all my life. Today I bought a Motoroal E398...Arrrgghhhhh !!! big mistake. This must be the most user "unfriendly" phone \i have ever seen and used. It comes with a head set that you can't plug in. I've been trying all day now to attach a voice tag to some numbers, cannot do. \i've tried to attach to my bluetooth, asks for pin number. Told it is 0000. Guess what!!!! it's not. I've had this phone 15 hours now. It's being exchanged tomorrow for another Nokia. for the record, I hold 2 Masters degrees and am the MD of an engineering company. I supply 45 company phones, 44 of which are Nokia. \i was thinking of changing to Motorola but guess what.....\i don't think so. Ciao : )

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • F4p
            • 17 Feb 2005

            Hey can anyone recommend me good sites to download games for the E398?Please I really need your help,I have gotten bored of the pre-installed games already.

              • A
              • Ari_0
              • EmM
              • 17 Feb 2005

              They should but they won't for a while! It's in their interest to bring out a new phone making us all pay more =(

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • TST
                • 17 Feb 2005

                I noticed that the new V8 can support video recording.

                Motorola should provide a software update to enable video recording for e398.

                  • H
                  • Huh :(
                  • RIF
                  • 17 Feb 2005

                  I bought this phone together with the bluetooth wireless headset on Sunday through an agent . After charging it i tried connecting the phone to the bluetooth but then it asked for a PIN no. (i was told its 0000 (default)). but then when i key in the no. it says invalid PIN. so i took the phone back to the agent the next day and he says i must send to the customer service center.So i send it there and guess what they say they cannot repair the phone and if i want a new phone i have to wait for 1 MONTH !!! Crap i traded in my old phone for this and now i have to wait for 1 MONTH for the phone!!!! AAaarrrrrgggg :( what can i do?

                    • m
                    • me
                    • PQ2
                    • 17 Feb 2005

                    To brym

                    Yes they should work or a game similar

                    To Viper

                    Yes it does support email, multiple numbers under the one name, speed dial, voice name but no adress as far as i know.

                      • v
                      • viper
                      • P80
                      • 17 Feb 2005

                      Hi. I'm planning to purchase E398.
                      Does the E398 has the phonebook features like the MPX200 which able to save more information eg: address, email,...

                        • b
                        • brym!
                        • mi$
                        • 16 Feb 2005

                        will the following games run on E398?
                        -2004 real football

                          • M
                          • Maical
                          • i8u
                          • 16 Feb 2005

                          for kenneth: to set an mp3 track as ringtone, the mp3 file must be saved in phone memory. U cannot use mp3 tracks in memory card as ringtones.
                          for your next question, pls use the search field in the bottom of the page. Your question was surely answered before.

                            • P
                            • Pratik
                            • U2H
                            • 16 Feb 2005

                            Hey guyz,
                            I am lookin forward to buy this motorola e398 handset.have researched a lot on the web and have got to know that i doesnt support video recording.but rest of features are pretty good as they seem to be on the web.Just wanted to take advice from u guyz whether should buy this phone or not.Plz tell me about the bad features and the bad features regarding this phone and regarding the powerfullness and the quality of the sound,the mp3 ringtones,files transfer,and the most importantly whether applications can be downloaded on it.I m a teenager and m goin to buy a new phone so plz tell me whether to buy it or not.And do tell about the bad features of the phone and about the T-Flash memory.

                              • K
                              • Kenneth
                              • C{x
                              • 16 Feb 2005

                              can any1 plz tell me how 2 set an MP3 track as a call signal or ringtone.thanx

                                • m
                                • me
                                • PQ2
                                • 16 Feb 2005

                                Sorry ucsfmu here is the site
                                I don’t no how it got mixed up when copying and pasting.

                                To Marvin the is a search field at the bottom of the page use that all your questions have been answered in extreme detail more then 5 times.

                                  • m
                                  • marvin
                                  • PBs
                                  • 16 Feb 2005

                                  hella people...i want to ask if i can customize the message alert tone by using mp3 file or other supported it also possible to record video using this phone...lastly, is the any higher memory avalaible in the market, like 128mb or higher..thanks

                                    • u
                                    • ucsmfu
                                    • xy2
                                    • 15 Feb 2005

                                    the site u gave me for the firmware upgrade is not in english so i cannot read it, besides how do i upgrade it ?, what's the process. does there have to be reception when u transfer files onto the motoe398 ??

                                    cause sometimes musicfiles cannot be transfered

                                      • M
                                      • Maical
                                      • i8u
                                      • 15 Feb 2005

                                      yeah, of course u can connect to computer by bluetooth.
                                      to connect phone using windows98: add new hardware and install motorola modem driver from cd. Remove memory card and then connect phone. So dont install just the phone tools, u must do this separatly.
                                      but windows should see the phone memory card when u connect the phone with the card in it...

                                        • ^
                                        • ^_^x
                                        • R5v
                                        • 15 Feb 2005

                                        To Antonini-what do you mean by video? do you need video recording or do you just need Video playback? If you only need playback, this is a great phone for that.