Motorola E398

Motorola E398

User opinions and reviews

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • 17 Oct 2004

does e398 worth to buy it??

    • n
    • neha
    • 17 Oct 2004

    thanks shabbar find it out & tell me . buy

      • s
      • shabbar
      • 17 Oct 2004

      hi neha , i will be getting in touch 2morrow with the moto service center and then i will be able to answer you , even i wish we could store more sms in the phone

        • C
        • ConfusedBuyer
        • 17 Oct 2004

        Thank you for your reply, Farhat H. I have one curious question. Does it have that trnasfer limit per file? I know the gx32 limit the file to 400kb per file. That really pissed me off because, other than compressing, I think even an mp3 song would be bigger than that and the gx32 costs a fortune. I also hear that many are having difficulting setting a mp3 ringtone, only one or two people is successful. Honestly I may not need an mp3 ringtone, but if I'm buying a phone right now while most have it, I think the one I buy should have it too. Just saw a Nokia 6230 display phone on special today for $388 US. Anyhow, I think I should wait it out before buying something I will regret later.

          • n
          • neha
          • 17 Oct 2004

          can we store more than 25 SmS in E398. 25 messages are stored in SIM.i am from india. "shabbar" r u there. i read somewhere that in E398 with S\W no. 34R sms can only b stored in SIM. Is that so?

            • g
            • greg
            • 17 Oct 2004

            i have problem with mobile phone tools. it doesn't find my e398. please i want help

              • h
              • hamzzz
              • 17 Oct 2004

              can anyone plzz tell me the price of this phone on Plemix its 279 us dollar. and ive heard this mobile is slow and all that.. but the features sound cool...can anyone whos used this phone add me on msn messenger so that we can talk .....the same email address

                • M
                • Maical
                • 17 Oct 2004

                Farhat >>> "But a few hundred $$ more)" !?!?! u crazy, k700 is only 50$ more. the Cool leds are called haptics or rythmic lights. And our confused buyer knew about the memory expansion and things like that. Also, Moto has more metal than k700, so i dont believe the k700 is stylisher.
                for other questions: if u want an mp3 ringtone, u must have the file on the phone memory (internal memory or RAM, whatever u want to call it) in order to set it as ringtone !!! This was answered many times before, so u should of searched the forum. U can't set as mp3 ringtone a file from the transflash card.
                Nate >>> yeah, u can buy a 128 mb transflash card, this is the biggest card available now.

                  • F
                  • Farhat H.
                  • 17 Oct 2004

                  Ok, ConfusedBuyer. Both K700 and E398 has features like Bluetooth, 65K TFT colours, VGA camera tht can record videos, MP3 player and other basics. But there additional features on the E398.

                  E398 has 5MB internal memory BUT you can expand it using TransFlash SD card (a 64MB card INCLUDED!!!), the screen size is bigger AND has 3D surround speakers on both sides with cool illuminating LEDs.

                  If youre looking for a complete multimedia phone AND cheaper between K700, the E398 is best.

                  If youre on the more stylish, business side, the K700i wins. (But a few hundred $$ more)

                  Hope this helps your decision.
                  (any other information you want to know, dont hesitate to contact moi!)

                    • L
                    • Lg
                    • 17 Oct 2004

                    juz wna know how to make the phone book contacts to appear once and not doubled?.tnx

                      • d
                      • d3m0nkiller
                      • 17 Oct 2004

                      Anyone noe how to set mp3 as ringtone? Had been trying the whole day after i bought it.

                        • N
                        • Nate
                        • 17 Oct 2004

                        hey guys is it possible to add a lil more memory to Motorola E398 something like 128 mb or more .

                          • M
                          • Maical
                          • 16 Oct 2004

                          ConfusedBuuyer >>> get a sonyericsson s700, it would be the best choice.
                          The nokia 6260 is also a good option.
                          Last, but not least, motorola E398 is very good value for money

                            • C
                            • ConfusedBuyer
                            • 16 Oct 2004

                            At first i really wanted a sharp phone due to its 262k screen. But knowing that the phones don't offer mp3 ringtones and bluetooth, I hesitated. (Gx32 is too much) Now I'm deciding upon E398 and k700i, since both are well equipped with those features. Please help me decide. Can the E398 record or play video? I know the K700i can but its memory seems smaller and internal only. My old SE t310 is dying on me and it's about time that I have to replace it. Basically my requirements are:

                            1) at least 65000 color screen(altough quite tempted by 262k)
                            2)mp3 ringtones
                            3) bluetooth
                            4) no unreliable phones such as Korean phones and Nokia
                            5) would prefer flipphone or slider, although not necessarily
                            Please help me out, thanks.

                            Highest Regards

                              • M
                              • Maical
                              • 16 Oct 2004

                              all ppl who have the sms problem. This is set by the network or the place u bought the phone from. U have to go to their service and tell them to change this.

                                • a
                                • arvind
                                • 16 Oct 2004

                                can anbody please tell me how to divert sms to phone memory?i am able to store only 10 sms in sim.

                                  • u
                                  • unknown
                                  • 16 Oct 2004

                                  wat's the latest price in malaysia market?

                                    • M
                                    • Maical
                                    • 16 Oct 2004

                                    shabbar >>>
                                    I dont think u can delete that material (wallpaper and other standard stuff) because it's in the ROM (read only memory) of the phone. Maybe with PST which edits phone software, but im not sure.
                                    Everything else u put on the phone memory it's in the RAM memory.

                                      • s
                                      • shabbar
                                      • 16 Oct 2004

                                      Neha , i am from india and am using e398 with s/w 34R but am facing no difficulty in using the phone , why do u ask ?

                                        • s
                                        • shabbar
                                        • 16 Oct 2004

                                        to transfer any video to my phone i first convert it to avi format with AVone gold video MP3 converter and then with the supplied cable tranfer it to my e398 the clarity i get is better than the one converted to 3GPP