Motorola E398
- k
- kristofer
- iGg
- 20 Jun 2005
My sms msg are stored in my phone memory.I don't know how?
- D
- Deepak
- P$3
- 20 Jun 2005
Hi all,
This phone will definitely be the cost-effective one in the market in its class. All it lacks is a responsive interface and a video recorder. Also, the Phone software (given with the package) is buggy.
- e
- eclipse
- PxW
- 20 Jun 2005
i'm getting this fone this week from aussie and i want to know wat the biggest possible T-flash for this fone... cos the t-flash only sell 256MB flash cards... is dat the biggest or 512MB? and does it lag if a 256Mb flash is installed?
- N
- Niki
- iGg
- 19 Jun 2005
E398 is definitely better than SE K700.
- t
- theRapist
- mTw
- 19 Jun 2005
Guyz...i need some help here ..i am a bit troubled ...i wana` buy myself a new phone and i need your help; i have to choose between E398 and SE K700...there both great phones but each is diferent. I am a bit worried about K700`s memory space but i am not pleased with e 398 not having Irda and Video ...please an opinion ...
- f
- faz
- 468
- 19 Jun 2005
TO david
I wouldnt recommend u gettin the 512MB cuz then the fone will have a made lag
- a
- azar
- Uqq
- 18 Jun 2005
this phone supports a card capacity of 512mb ??? ive heard ppl having trouble using a 256mb. anywayz, any idea wots the latest firmware available for this phone? can we flash it with any other model firmware, probably enabling video recording ?
wel thanx ... n the phones awesome any which ways
- N
- Niki
- iGg
- 18 Jun 2005
To Davit
The largest memory card you can get for this phone is 512mb T-Flash.
- l
- ljubomir
- Tm8
- 18 Jun 2005
to rob_D.yeh.That phone takes first an image for the "RAM" and after that for the real memory.It's a little bit illogical but it's true.(A little hint:when you take a photo the picture is really saved when the band with "capture and back" flash.then it is safe to move the phone).
- D
- David
- xXF
- 18 Jun 2005
i read about this phone over and over again. it seems like a nice phone and i kinda want to get it. but i do have a question.
whats the largest memory u can get for mp3?
cuz i really want to know.i need lots of memory for mp3 function.
- t
- theRapist
- mTw
- 17 Jun 2005
boyz&girls this mob is quite nice!!has great looks&incredible sound quality! it`s downpoints come from the lack of IRDA!!!&that anoing thing with full screen view that is also missing!but if you buy it only for the "jukebox" it`s perfect !! incredible sound!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111
- R
- Rob D
- PQr
- 17 Jun 2005
hi, i really like this phone, its awesome!
2 questions -
1. When i take a photo, its displayed on the screen but often the saved image (and the thumbnail reprensentaion) are different to the saved image. Is this right??? wats going on?
2. My bluetooth keeps failing, sending me the error msg "Bluetooth Power Failed". Any solutions?
thanks for ur help :)
- s
- sarena
- 17 Jun 2005
Thanks a lot Radjimoto! I have not try coz my usb cable left at home...see later i will try...thanks once again! cheerz!
- T
- Thomas
- F4p
- 16 Jun 2005
I jus bought a E398 recently. How do you tell if it's authentic? cuz from the net pics i gt bout the phone,there are some parts which is quite different: the back of the phone doesn't have the "E398" label (almost similar to that of the rear bottom) and the colour of the rubber headset cover is black, and not grey as shown. pls advice. I'm from singapore by the way.
- S
- Suman
- P$y
- 16 Jun 2005
This phone is very good looking & attractive,
but I don't Install Skins and Java Games. Please tell me how to Install. Otherwise this model is very good for all perpouse.
- k
- kenzo
- mAQ
- 16 Jun 2005
it's a great phone, super fun, excelent camera and sound.but i have a q:how can i delete some o the phone pix and sound??pls.can anyone help me?
- y
- you dont wanna know
- Rxc
- 16 Jun 2005
you like games? but dont know how to do it? go here. read the thread " easier way to enable java uploader " . once you have activated java uploader on your cell, man, you can install games. i have 28 installed.
- r
- radjimoto
- Rxc
- 16 Jun 2005
HI Sarena,
its simple . change your phone
usb connectivity to memory. then plug your phone to computer. the computer will recognize your phone as storage device. go to my computer you will see it. open it then drag and drop files to music folder . its a lot faster this way than using motorola tools. although you have to install motorola tools for you to use this function. has to do with drivers.
- s
- sarena
- 16 Jun 2005
hi users!
can i actually transfer mp3 songs via motorola E398 usb cable coz i've tried so many times but failed.i have installed the motorola phonetools software and i can actually transfer pics etc frm that but not mp3...can someone tell me coz currently i use card reader to transfer mp3. its very troublesome when u have to open the t-flash frm the fragile....
- a
- alban
- mc9
- 15 Jun 2005
very gudd