Motorola E398

Motorola E398

User opinions and reviews

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  • c
  • christine
  • AeC
  • 27 May 2005

can anyone tell me if they have successfully used this phone as a modem? ie via a data cable connected to your laptop and accessed the web through your phone network provider

    • D
    • Dita
    • mEv
    • 26 May 2005

    I love this phone! :)

      • m
      • mae
      • PSv
      • 26 May 2005

      hi vic,
      try installing the software again via usb device, when the windows message blah blah appears, just ignore it.when ur done,disconnect the cable then connect it sure that the phone is turned on.a message box will appear then follow the instructions. when ur having problems,try disconnecting it. it worked for me.once your done, you'll be glad you tried.

        • s
        • serendipity
        • 4nK
        • 26 May 2005

        I brough this phone like two weeks seem like a great phone...white and red...very cute. One day i was texting a msg to my friend and the screen frozen and went black than all it rested itself for no reason.....than recently my ear piece stop working..and i have to use the very great in loud areas..

          • h
          • hidden_kenobi
          • PWv
          • 26 May 2005

          same problem as me

          but i have card reader no problem with data transfer

            • V
            • Vick
            • Uq9
            • 25 May 2005

            Got the phone with a data cable, was happy. Data cable didn't work, got sad. Bought a bluetooth connecter, was happy. Bluetooth paired perfectly with the PC, but still cant install Motorola's Mobile Phone Tools. Am now hopping, fuming mad. When I try to install MPT, windows (xp, service pack 2) kicks in and tries to install the phone as a modem, then gives an error saying "windows does not recognize blah blah...the connected device may not work properly". PC and phone are paired, but can only send files from pc to phone not vice versa. Bummer. Any enlightened souls who can help?

              • r
              • radjimoto
              • Rxn
              • 25 May 2005

              Hi Mae,
              the security code default is 000000 . the unlock code is 1234.

                • h
                • hon
                • F4n
                • 25 May 2005

                thanks for all ur help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love this web!!!! all full with kind and helpful ppl!! :) ...

                  • m
                  • mae
                  • PSv
                  • 25 May 2005

                  i love this phone, im the type who doesnt buy gadgets on impulse, and i made a great decision on this one coz its light and the sound is music to my ears. i love the software that comes along with it, ie., the melody software. however, cud anybody help me on these?
                  1. whats the default security code for the phone?
                  2. is there no setting wherein the keypad will lock after being idle for a period of time?
                  3. how many messages can be stored in the phone memory? can i transfer messages in the memory card?
                  ---thanks so much...

                    • D
                    • Danny Pan
                    • Uef
                    • 25 May 2005


                    Just bought e398 a few weeks back, great phone, really love it. However, I noticed a strange problem, that the screensaver will stop running after about 30 secs. It goes like this. Screensaver kicks in, and then the LCD backlight turns off, everything normal so far. Then after server seconds, the screen will light up, and screen saver will show as a still image, until the next time I press any key. Same for default MTV saver. Any idea why?

                      • n
                      • napalm
                      • C%0
                      • 24 May 2005

                      Does anyone know where I can get this phone in white with the red sides? I think that one looks sexy. If not, i'm still getting the black one.

                        • E
                        • E398
                        • Uiw
                        • 24 May 2005

                        Far as i am concerned there is NO bad side to this phone at all guys!!!
                        i know lots of ppl compare this to the SE K700 but im not sure why cos for one thing the SE phone costs about 25% MORE than this!!! and that phone DOES NOT have expandable's just a stupid phone with flashing colours and animated wallpapers...its not worth tht money at all...the ONLY good thing abt that phone from my experience was its bluetooth...
                        there is a FM radio headset available for this for abt 25USD. so even after you buy that, the E398 is still 75USD cheaper than the K700. so all tht phone has then is video rec over this...but when you see its quality...:D boy you'd rather have expandable memory and stereo speakers tht sound fabulous ANY DAY !!!
                        so you see? the E398 is miles better than tht phone in many respects...
                        best bang for your buck this is...

                          • N
                          • Niki
                          • iGg
                          • 24 May 2005

                          To dezamagitoru
                          I had the same problem once and I took off the T-flash and than turned on the phone.And then tha alarm and (ring style) detail worked.Then you can put the T-flash in again.

                            • y
                            • young padawan
                            • PWv
                            • 24 May 2005

                            you should enable the alarm clock first

                              • d
                              • dezamagitoru
                              • mK9
                              • 24 May 2005

                              i bought this fone 3 days ago. i seem to have a problem, i can't change the ringtone... i've changed it once but now it just doesn't work. my alarm clock also don't work...

                                • l
                                • ljubomir
                                • Tm8
                                • 23 May 2005

                                to jhobel.Look those who suggest you to install XP are unawared to the problem.My comp is running under 98SE platform.True I had some "problems" with the recognition by I manage to success.Look the first thing is to...look I have written the method in a previous opinion of it carefuly and If you have any problems you may mail me at "" .AND The software must recognize the phone even without the recognition under windows and it's true - it find it as modem.

                                  • p
                                  • piotrek_plc
                                  • mN5
                                  • 23 May 2005

                                  jhobel - Are you running it under Windows 98? If so, where did you get drivers for USB? What program are you using to transfer data? How is the phone "seen" by the computer - as a disk? I'm asking because everytime I try installing it it's seen as a Motorola USB Modem - during the installation system is asking for drivers which aren't on the CD provided with the phone and that's the problem.

                                    • m
                                    • masta
                                    • TSS
                                    • 23 May 2005

                                    what's the bad side bout this phone?
                                    i mean does it jam easily and so on

                                      • j
                                      • jhobel
                                      • PBY
                                      • 23 May 2005

                                      hey piotrek. i had the same problem with my fon at first. but when i tried to connect my fon to the computer, it just automatically detected my fon and it connected. i suggest u just try again. that's what i did.

                                        • S
                                        • Sedayu
                                        • PF8
                                        • 23 May 2005

                                        Dear hon,
                                        you have to move/copy mp3 song to your phone memory from tranflash.