Motorola E398
- l
- ljubomir
- Tm8
- 13 May 2005
To all users os Windows98 and -SE.The important necessary drivers are available only in Moto's software and it's updates if you have an older version of it.
- N
- Niki
- iGg
- 13 May 2005
To Little Camel
You can find some programmes like Messenger in WAP.GETJAR.COM from your cell phone.
To Shaurya
E398 does support 256mb T-Flash.
To all
Does E398 support 512mb T-Flash?
- S
- Shaurya
- 13 May 2005
does this phone support 256mb card.can v play wav files also in this phone.......does this phon hangs sumtimes....please reply
- L
- Little Camel
- Ph2
- 13 May 2005
Please, anybody knows if i can install prograns like messenger or other program like that? If it exists, how can i install it?
- n
- nincromes
- 13 May 2005
To claw,
Maybe it's because your phone doesn't support the file type. For example, if you're trying to send an amr (recording) file, and your phone doesn't support it, it'll show the message that you got.
- c
- claw
- 13 May 2005
i've a question to ask.why when my friends tried to send me songs via bluetooth,the word'File Type Not Regconized'.can sum one plzzz help me
- A
- Acey
- mK9
- 13 May 2005
How can I install java games on the phone using the data cable?
- c
- catalin
- ms0
- 12 May 2005
the best fone
- W
- Welther Andrei
- mTv
- 12 May 2005
Thanks Niki, this is the best phone i ever had.
- N
- Niki
- iGg
- 11 May 2005
.jar games you can install by sending them to the phone with bluetooth.
- W
- Welther Andrei
- mTv
- 11 May 2005
How can I install .jar games on the E398.
- b
- bird90
- P7C
- 11 May 2005
thanks for the help and BTW, xvid (or even divx) is mpeg4?
- n
- nepllica
- RIb
- 11 May 2005
go to sound and press menu then select catogories and select all
I have 256mb t-flash , and its working fine
- l
- ljubomir
- Tm8
- 10 May 2005
many people are comparing e398 to K700i - well my father has k7ooi and I moto.What can I tell.The only hting better in k7oo is the refresh rate in fideo files and screen saver.But to the sound are uncompranable - e398 is the best mp3 player integrated in a phone.Once more k700i's camera is a piece of *hit.And one hint - do no ever bought D500 - is the dumest 1.3MP phone ever.even moto (0.3MP) makes better photoes.
- l
- ljubomir
- Tm8
- 10 May 2005
but the phone has not to be recognized as a removable drive.It just has to be recognizes as a modem and the transflas wiil be aoutomitically detected by the software of the phone.
- r
- rochester
- Qdr
- 10 May 2005
i"m having a problem with my motorola cell......that is: i wus trying to play a vidio and immediatly i click on the play buttom...this words came on the screen"Boot Loader 07.Do SW Version:R372_G_0E.20.8 BR Code corrupt Battery OK OK to Program Connect to USB"....WHAT DO I DO PLZZ.....i dont have the drivers...can any body show me how to download the drivers...plzzzzzzzz
- r
- rochester
- Qdr
- 10 May 2005
i"m having a problem with my motorola cell......that is: i wus trying to play a vidio and immediatly i click on the play buttom...this words came on the screen"Boot Loader 07.Do SW Version:R372_G_0E.20.8 BR Code corrupt Battery OK OK to Program Connect to USB"
- r
- radji moto
- Rxc
- 10 May 2005
correction. to enable the E 398 to be recognized as removable drive in win xp, set connction of E398 to memory not fax modem. menu settings, connection, usb,memory.
- l
- ljubomir
- Tm8
- 10 May 2005
FOR ALL USERS WHO HAVE PROBLEMS WITH THE PHONE(and to MAD).I didn't get it how come XP didn't recognize the software - I really can't get it.The first thing you must do is to switch the following thing in the phone - menu/settings/connection/USB/data fax connection.Then you may plug your phone into the comp.Then XP must automatically detect and INSTALL driver for the modem(the phone).If this doens't happen you must load your phone software and let it to set up the phone automaticaly AGAIN.That should do it.
- v
- vinoth
- 10 May 2005
I always get an error message sayin "request denied by phone" wen i try to load a song or video will sum one plz help