Motorola E398
- e
- e398 fans
- 10 May 2005
can anyone pls tell me where can download 3gp video & theme for e398???
- s
- sudheer
- 10 May 2005
This is the best phone i have ever seen..but i have got 1 problem with this one..hope some one helps me out!!!
I have copied 5 mp3 songs in the external memory card..but whenever i go in to the sounds directory it is showing it as empty...but when i press a * or # then it is show and play the is also showing a line called "unfiled" at the top..This problem has been started recently..Initially it was working fine..and its a great phone believe me!!!!!!!
- s
- shabbar
- 10 May 2005
guys i have some great news for all just found this wap site which has over 200 applications and games for e398 and best of all the download is free
- M
- mA{
- 10 May 2005
hello!who know a USB driver to worck at windows XP,i'have the original cd with soft but that not worck at winxp(windows does not recognize it)ai whant a link or somenting tank's
- l
- ljubomir
- Tm8
- 09 May 2005
I "little" correction - maximum transflashs are 512mb - as you said - correctly
- l
- ljubomir
- Tm8
- 09 May 2005
to simpleguy - e398 recognizes all video files in mpeg-4 you can use the softwares included in the Nero packet.If you don't use Nero you may use the web site for searching and write "video decoding\encoding software"
That's from me:)
- l
- ljubomir
- Tm8
- 09 May 2005
To mackavelli - as I know the maximum capacity of transflash cars are 128 - 256 are remarkable but for that volume 128 are amazing:)
- l
- ljubomir
- Tm8
- 09 May 2005
To Pepsi:).So ..... my computer is running under Windoes98SE but I don't think that has matter on this problem.When you plug your USB cable in your comp. must find new hardware.So here fine.But then it tells you that Windows cannot detect drivers - it can't.But you can.(by the way you must switch your phone to - menu\settings\connection\USB\and you must select to read data base (not transflash)if that doesn't work - I mean automaticaly detection - you should do the next...).
You must select universal usb driver.
So this is in my memory - I did this on Saturday but I have short memory(a bit stupid - don't you think ,but in some cases is good).If this doesn't work cose I told you you may mail me - - then will solve this problem...:)
But I FORGOT - I didn't remember that but I think that after switching the phone to "data base" the software would recognize the for now. write soon.:)
- R
- Ron
- P$0
- 09 May 2005
SOS!! can any1 tell me how to select the phone/card memory to store the SMSs??? right now, all my SMSs makes its way straight to the Sim, i.e. at any given time the inbox can only store 15 msgs max!! i know its possible to use the fone memo to store msgs cuz most of my friends are doin it...!! but HOW??? HELP!!
- s
- simpleguy
- TC{
- 09 May 2005
bird90 ; hi..its not possible to get or transfer a pc movie to ur E398...coz I also own a E398..nowadays, sometimes I watch movie by my phone while working or waiting bus or while walk home. (Try to find a software that support 3gp. give u 1 name: "3GP Video Converter") "Have a nice day...
- m
- mackavelli
- 09 May 2005
can i use a 256mb t-flash card with my motorola e398?
- p
- pepsy
- MfA
- 08 May 2005
Lyubomir, I dont get what you mean, my computer running Win 98 cannot detect the driver, please guide me step by step. Thank ou So Much
- b
- bird90
- P7C
- 08 May 2005
Nice phone! best of the best but 2 things I cant do: how I can delete mp3 from it? its possible to get videos of the pc and pass to the e98 then watch it?
- c
- calvin
- 07 May 2005
how to use IM in e398 ??? how to set up for IM ?? Can i do it through web ?? Do i need to pay for it ??
- J
- Jackal
- PT7
- 07 May 2005
I'm trying to work out if i can record sounds with this phone. I know theres an option in the MMS message and you can record a sound to send in an MMS but then you can't store it. I sent it to myself and i could then store it but is there an easier way that doesn't cost me money sending an MMS to myself?
- l
- ljubomir
- Tm8
- 07 May 2005
don't listen to them - moto's software is running even under Windows98 - on my
Windows98.But just keep in mind - when you connect it to the USB you must have already switch the phone to read it (the comp.) from the data base of the phone - settings\connection\USB\.... .Once you've done it everything goes right. if got any questions you may mail my if you want -
- R
- Rob
- 07 May 2005
Hmm.. Where to download free games for the E398?
- h
- hitender singh
- Pxx
- 06 May 2005
everything is possible with motorola
just go to
and enable and delete anything
- N
- Niki
- iGg
- 06 May 2005
To Tase
I tested the battery of this phone and it worked for a week in stand-by mode.
- t
- tase
- Mvt
- 06 May 2005
Can you tell me if javagames and aplications can be downloaded on this phone?
...and another question: how long can the phone stay in stand-by?
Thank you for reading this message and I hope someone will answere me. :)