Motorola E398

Motorola E398

User opinions and reviews

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  • r
  • radjimoto
  • Rxc
  • 15 Apr 2005

hey nikki,

it will only make sms typing a little bit faster. no lag.

    • N
    • Niki
    • iGg
    • 14 Apr 2005

    Can anyone PLEASE make a list of the upgrades that the new firmwares do te the E398?Please!

      • j
      • jordan
      • P$w
      • 14 Apr 2005

      sorry eng wil not b so good just

      actually moto e398 is very good. but i have some
      problems in installing
      2)themes and
      form my comp.All the skins and themes r in .zip format.
      i do know where 2 copy these .zip files in e398 folder location.
      if u know plz help in installing these files from computer.
      files r there but no idea where 2 save in exact location. HELP me plz......

        • a
        • abhi
        • Uqq
        • 14 Apr 2005

        hey i m realy intrested in dis fone but the thing is that a dont have any idea bout its videoplayer does E398 support softwares wich nokia does for playing videos

          • f
          • ferrysb
          • PF$
          • 14 Apr 2005

          I want info that feliz ask. So if anyone want to answer, I want that info too ^^
          ,cause i just buy E398 for 5 days, and i have upgraded the s/w, with a little skill and info about what i did :D

          Thx a lot guys, u really help me a lot ^^

            • F
            • Feliz
            • PxA
            • 14 Apr 2005

            Hello, I really interested on this Moto E398, i like computer much even though i;m not a advanced user yet...
            that's why i'm deeply attracted to this E398 and it's modifications.
            I got some very basic questions here, i'm afraid it'll be a disturbance if i put it into the forum :(
            -what is PST?
            -what is flex/flash?
            -what is reflash and reflex means? is it kinda upgrading my firmware?
            -what is RSD / RSD Lite?
            -the OS is synergy right? any suggestions website where i can download some applications? it's my first tie for phone with OS, and many people says to find a symbian OS because it's more worldwide known
            -this p2ktools, i run it from my windows right?

            please reply to my email if u think it's useless to explain it here :)

              • F
              • Feliz
              • PxA
              • 14 Apr 2005

              i can't wait to get this thing on my hands!! :p btw for any e398user, is this "rhythm lights" works only with internal melody (like samsung) or it's also can work with external sounds (like e380 did)? please tell me

                • O
                • Oppa
                • TST
                • 14 Apr 2005

                This phone sux

                i've been using it for half a year

                n last nite after i switched it off, i cant switch it on again, dunno wat went wrong.

                Besides tat, i think the buttons are not so smooth, kinda dificult for sms'ing

                  • D
                  • David
                  • TRT
                  • 14 Apr 2005

                  To set up SMS delivery reports, you will need P2kman and a hex editor. Details of the settings can be found at

                  You need to modify 0032_0001.seem, offset 3D(hex), bit 1. 1 for on, 0 for off.

                  A tutorial for using a hex editor and P2kman can be found at

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • RKn
                    • 14 Apr 2005

                    hey Ferrysb,

                    congratulations. Good for you. now that you had modded your E398 succesfully, i know the feeling man. now about your question, i think it has been asked before in this link. . this site is a must for modders like you. just sign up. its free. ask all you can. but be sure to post your flash and flex so they can anwer you better. good luck man.

                      • f
                      • ferrysb
                      • PF$
                      • 14 Apr 2005

                      to : Rxnq
                      ^-^ thx for your warning :) last night, i have upgrade my s/w, succeed! yay!! :D, my phone doesn't too lag anymore, and have a better speed at writing sms.
                      But I found one problem ^^, when i send sms, i can't find the menu to change "delivery report" to YES (the prev s/w had it), so I can't have delivery report now :(
                      Anyone can help me about this ? where can i setup it ?
                      Pls Help and thanks ^^

                        • D
                        • David
                        • TRT
                        • 14 Apr 2005

                        One thing I just noticed on my e398 is that after I reflashed and flexed, my phone all of a sudden became Quad-Band GSM. It used to be a Tri-Band. To check if you have Quad-Band GSM, do the following:

                        1. Press Menu
                        2.Open Settings
                        3. Select Phone Status
                        4. Select Other Information
                        5. Select Technology

                        If you have Quad-Band, it should say "Quad-Band GSM" on the screen.

                        MP3 Questions:

                        To get to the MP3 Player
                        1.Press the Menu button
                        2.Open Multimedia
                        3. Open Sounds

                        Getting MP3 files onto the phone
                        1. Plug USB cable into your computer
                        2. Turn your phone on and let it boot up
                        3. Connect USB cable to your phone
                        4. The computer should create a disk drive icon for your phone.
                        5. Right click on the MP3 file you want to transfer and then select copy from the menu.
                        6. double click the phone drive icon and open the mobile folder
                        7. open the audio folder
                        8. Right click your mouse and choose paste from the menu. The file will copy. Repeat these steps for the files you want to transfer.

                        You can play the files by going to the MP3 player. The steps to starting the player are above.

                          • P
                          • Paula Musgrove
                          • n14
                          • 13 Apr 2005

                          How do i access the MP3 Player on my Motorola E398 and how do i download music so i can use the MP3 Player. I have the software & data cable but not getting on very well with it

                            • f
                            • filchi756
                            • iXd
                            • 13 Apr 2005

                            can anyone help me?my e398 cant play mp3 music continueslly i have to press next to play the next song.

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • Rxn
                              • 13 Apr 2005

                              hey ferrysb,

                              are you really sure you want to do that? think it over a hundred times. your phone might be messed up pretty bad if you dont do it right. just my 2 cents worth of advise. go to this thread . you will read somes guys experience and i mean bad experience of them trying to mod thier cell and ended up with e dead phone. not that i discourage you but dont make your precious phone a guinea pig. do it only if you are 100 percent sure you know what you are doing. better yet, let the experts do it.

                                • f
                                • ferrysb
                                • PF$
                                • 13 Apr 2005

                                i'm planning on upgrade the firmware. If the installation goes wrong, what can i do to rollback the installation ?
                                And what is the defect of the newest firmware ?
                                Thx a lot :)

                                  • w
                                  • wanda
                                  • TC{
                                  • 13 Apr 2005

                                  urm urm...i bought tis phone last 3 months..but i din study finish d reference book..i am too lazy to read d tiny book and refer any many messages actually tis phone can frens pwn d same..but his phone locate hundreds msgs in his inbox..mine can keep only 75 msgs..
                                  i also have problem with d memory card which is stuck when i switch the storage device from phone to card..i have to remove d battery so i cn off d phone...
                                  the first using tis phone...the camera give a high quality and extrasatify..but after using it for 3 became blurr..
                                  can anyone help me by sending me msg?? because i seldom surfin tis web...
                                  really need help from those who expert...

                                    • t
                                    • tonyspri2
                                    • PZu
                                    • 13 Apr 2005

                                    I was hoping that formatting it would be the last resort. Anyway to recover the content?

                                      • r
                                      • radjimoto
                                      • Rxc
                                      • 13 Apr 2005

                                      just reformat it.

                                        • T
                                        • TonySpri2
                                        • PZu
                                        • 13 Apr 2005

                                        Help, corrupted T-Flash card
                                        I was copying mp3 files using USB cable to my E398 and windows reported that the last one was corrupted. When I checked the flash card, it is empty. When I use windows explorer, all the folders were gone. I turned it off and on again and connect it to my pc. Now it displays a lot of folders and files with huge sizes. What should I do?