Motorola E398

Motorola E398

User opinions and reviews

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  • D
  • David
  • TRV
  • 06 Apr 2005

Update from previous post:

You can show or hide the dashes normally shown in phone numbers by modifying 004a_0001.seem offset 80 (Hex) using a Hex editor.

Value Function
------ --------------
01 Hides dashes in phone numbers.
00 Displays dashes in numbers.

I successfully did this using p2kman and XVI32. Make sure you make a backup of the seem file before changing the values.

    • D
    • David
    • TRV
    • 06 Apr 2005

    I upgraded the flex on my e398. Everything seems to be alright, with one small problem.

    When I am dialing phone numbers, the masking has problems. It seems to be set up for US phone numbers, which has a mask of 999-9999, with 7 digits. In Hong Kong, where I am living, the phone numbers have a mask of 9999-9999, with 8 digits. When I dial numbers or the caller id shows up, the - shows up after the 3rd digit instead of the 4th. Does anybody know how to change the masking or to eliminate the - ? Thanks in advance for your help.

      • K
      • Karthik
      • Pxr
      • 05 Apr 2005

      To Deepti: I had a similiar problem to yours. The problem could be with a loose Datacable or a crashed BVRP software. These days, what I do is before I run BVRP, I connect the e398, put something heavy on the part of the cable connected to the phone and then run bvrp. The other way round is to not use bvrp by installing moto drives and directly copy files to your phone via your explorer. mail me if u need more details.

        • R
        • Raden
        • PF8
        • 05 Apr 2005

        May be the conector cable data is corrupt coz something else. i can use the USB cable properly.

          • D
          • Deepti
          • P$3
          • 05 Apr 2005

          My E398 is not getting connected to computer through USB cable. After installation it gets connected first time, but never succeeds after that.The computer find modem unavailable. I have tried it on my computers. Is there any problem with the phone. Please hepl me.


            • D
            • David
            • TRV
            • 05 Apr 2005

            I just read on another forum that someone successfully modified a seem file with a hex editor to allow SMS messages to be stored in the phone's memory and not the sim card. The instructions given include the following:

            1. Use p2kman to download SEEM 0032_0001 from the phone.
            2. Use XVI32 hex editor to change offset 40: bit 6 from 1 to 0.

            I have not tried this yet because I am not familiar with how to use hex editors. I would recommend trying to back up the SEEM file before making any changes, especially if you've never used a hex editor before.

              • r
              • radjimoto
              • Rxn
              • 05 Apr 2005

              hey nikki,

              click or copy paste this link on your browser. . register ,its free and ask all you want. there are lots of people there who exactly knows what they are doing.

                • n
                • niki
                • iGg
                • 04 Apr 2005

                I downloaded MIDway from to install java apps to my phone but the programe doen't detect the phone.
                Please tell me how to download from the PST because i can' shows me something in Russian so i can't understand it.

                  • K
                  • Karthik
                  • Pxr
                  • 04 Apr 2005

                  Thanks Ebonk.

                    • B
                    • Bufu
                    • MMZ
                    • 04 Apr 2005

                    Hello, can anybody help when i bought my Motorola E398 said my that this phone can film how i can do that please help. If anybody knows write to my email.

                    Shop assistant said that i have to reload my soft but i don't know how to do that.

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • RKq
                      • 04 Apr 2005

                      R372_G_0E.20.8ER and the
                      flex version : GSKE398T672EG096
                      is this the latest available or is there a better one ?
                      or is this good anough so no need to upgrade ???

                        • E
                        • Ebonk
                        • PFK
                        • 04 Apr 2005

                        To Karthik

                        To add skin, you need to create 'new skin' directory in yr phone, install yr skin (it's a flex file - can't copy to work) & master reset to see the dir b4 u can select it.

                        To do it, you can use dir2flex_v3 program which will create flex which make a dir and install the skin. Then, use PST or RSD to install that skin flex in the phone.

                        Some skins already has install instuction in its package, just follow that....

                        98R is the latest flash so far, but some prefer 95R+7f as the fastest s/w combination.

                          • D
                          • David
                          • TR@
                          • 04 Apr 2005

                          I found that the PST application has been replaced by another utility called RSD lite. In my opinion, it is simpler to use. I was able to reflash my e398 from version R372_G_0E.20.95R to R372_G_0E.20.98R without any difficulties. The process took between 5 - 10 minutes, counting the time it takes to remove the TransFlash card. Flash update files and the RSD Lite utility can be downloaded from

                 in the download soft section. You will need to select English as the language when you first get to the web site.

                          Do the following when doing the reflash procedure:

                          1. Take your TransFlash card out first so that nothing happens to it.

                          2. Turn your phone on and connect it to your computer using the USB cable.

                          3. Start the RSD Lite program.

                          4. Browse and highlight the reflash file.

                          5. Inside of the RSD Lite program, click the Show Device button so you can compare the software versions.

                          6. Click the Start Button. The phone will be reflashed automatically. Wait until the status says "Complete". IMPORTANT: Do not disconnect your cable or turn the phone or computer off during the reflash procedure! Also, make sure you disable HotSync or ActiveSync if you have a Palm or Pocket PC PDA connected to your computer. Synchronizing software can conflict with the RSD Lite utility.

                          7. After the reflashing is complete, you may disconnect your phone, turn the power off, and insert your TransFlash Card in your phone's card slot. Turn your phone back on. You can use it now.

                          After I reflashed my e398, I noticed the menus are a little more faster. I haven't tested everything out yet. However, one good thing I noticed was that my phone numbers were not erased during the reflashing.

                            • t
                            • tariq
                            • ije
                            • 03 Apr 2005

                            hi ,
                            pls tel me abt how to install theams in the mobile pls

                              • M
                              • Munir
                              • PFM
                              • 03 Apr 2005

                              May i knoe where u guys getthe PST 6.7 application?

                                • f
                                • fish
                                • TC$
                                • 03 Apr 2005

                                By the way.. just wanna know why my hp canot delete the mp3 ringtone? is that setting got wrong or what?

                                  • b
                                  • bbbbb
                                  • ntW
                                  • 03 Apr 2005

                                  where i can put usb in e398 ?

                                    • J
                                    • Jill Chavez
                                    • PEG
                                    • 03 Apr 2005

                                    To All Motorola Experts:

                                    Please advice me on how to install PST 6.7 on my Windows Me. It shows message: "PST is not supported on Windows ME O/S." on the Install Shield Wizard. Or is there any other version of PST compatible to Windows ME? Should i return to Windows98 in able to install it? Please help me, and kindly supply me the link from where can I download it. Many Thanks.

                                      • a
                                      • aniket
                                      • PWY
                                      • 02 Apr 2005

                                      hey shama... if u r in INDIA , and ur ph. is under warranty, go to any motorola service centre and get ur s/w upgraded to the foll: R372_G_0E.20.8ER and the flex version to GSKE398T672EG096 and then u will be able to store about 80 to hundred sms on ur ph. i had the same problem... now am a happy man :)

                                        • S
                                        • Spade
                                        • RKX
                                        • 02 Apr 2005

                                        4-5 hrs to charge the phone ??????
                                        if this is true its a serious drawback. Does'nt it come with a travel charger or something, like Nokia handsets ??? or do u get to buy it seperately in the market ???