Motorola E398

Motorola E398

User opinions and reviews

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  • Moto E398 User
  • NEW
  • 02 Apr 2005

The motorola is a really good phone and is worth purchasing one. The speed of the fone is the only drawback. It takes a second or two before the command the user selected is processed. This is not really a problem. This phone has a pretty good camera, good ear piece (especially if you pick up a call in a noisy area), and detailed features.

The blue tooth feature is very nice and secure. Even if youleave your bluetooth on, people still can't find you unless you allow them to. This feature ensures that viruses can not be sent to your motorola.

I don't have any problems with charging this phone nor operating it. Nearly everything on the phone is editable so it is really nice. You can download themes for your menus, screen savers.

Just wait for the next flex version if you want to put video recording on your motorola.

    • r
    • radjimoto
    • RKn
    • 02 Apr 2005

    to UZmani and others
    since you already have N6600,if I were you I woul;d just have it super upgraded so it can record unlimited video,install 128mb card,and install mp3. having 2 sets of phone is a waste of money. if you like nice sound, why dont you buy instead an apple ipod. it would be a lot lot cheaper and can listen to mp3 all day with an ipod. E398 has mp3 with great sound but remember its still a phone and its design and features revolves around that.

      • j
      • john
      • TST
      • 02 Apr 2005

      great thing i ever had!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        • u
        • uZmani
        • Mw8
        • 02 Apr 2005

        Hi Everybody, i live in Pakistan where Nokia & Sony Erricson rule because they can be resold in good price where as Motorolas cannot be. This set is now available in the marcket and I love this set for its looks and performance. I have a N6600 but I want a set with an impressive sound quality which can make people's heads turn...and I think by the review, this is my need! Im confused about the flash, does it switch on when we click the button or its already on like Samsungs X600?? Another question for those who have this set, don't the two large speakers eat up all the battery while you use them, for how many hours can play music using loudspeakers when the batteries freshly chargred?? Does this set play .3GP, .AVI and .AWB videos & audios?? Please answer my questions soon as I plan to buy this set in about a week. Thankyou :>

          • S
          • Shama
          • RKX
          • 02 Apr 2005

          To Anybody who can help:
          Does'nt this phone have an option to store messages on the phone ????
          Does it alwayz take 4-5 hrs to re-charge the phone ???? and whats with some of the comments regarding problems charging the phone itself ????
          also heard the cover of the phone is not changable !!!!
          i surely knew of its common drawbacks (no video,no FM, slow interface) but i can live with that. I Had my eyes set on this phone, but with flaws like this, seriously having second thoughts, especially with the re-charging n message storing problem.
          Any one contradicting these complaints, please post ur views. be of gr8 help

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • RKn
            • 02 Apr 2005

            hey guys. just got around those sites selling mp3 or real ring tones.
            its simple. i played those ring tones then recorded them using sound recorder in winxp. then i transfered them to my cell using motorolla phone tools. you can edit them theretoo. its great

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • myv
              • 02 Apr 2005

              Photos or pictures can only be used as a contact picture if the contact is saved onto the phone instead of your sim card

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • myv
                • 02 Apr 2005

                You can only use the music files stored in the phones memory as ringtones so simply move or copy a mp3 from your mem card to your phone, then apply as - ringtone

                  • T
                  • T.Bambino
                  • RN}
                  • 02 Apr 2005

                  My dad bought this phone for me out of the blue as a gift and I'm totally hooked on it. Love the sound quality, camera features n the rhythm lights. I have one question it possible to assign an MP3 song as a ring tone? If so, how? I'm a bit dissapointed with the ring tones and just want to add a little more character to it. Advice please? :) Thanks!

                    • R
                    • Razvan
                    • MFs
                    • 02 Apr 2005

                    I just love this phone, i made some research this days, and today i bought it.

                    i can`t figure how can i put a picture to a contact, there is only "number and name and quick calling number" .. anyway, i loaded the TFlash with about 16 mp3`s and this is awsome, the sound is clear and i love how it plays those tunes. For the ones who can have a problem of hearing a clear sound, they should know that E398`s Mp3 player doesn`t play mp3s with a variable bit rate, at least mine does a bad scene with this type of mp3s. it`s my 5th phone with camera, and it has the best clarity on "night shots" at least for the "unders MP camera phones" :). I love it and the pack it`s just everything you need to have beside your handset. Thanks Motorola for this awsome MP3 player/Cell phone .. i just wait that SanDisk makes a 1 GB TFlash :).

                      • S
                      • Shaneus
                      • i2r
                      • 02 Apr 2005

                      Most of your questions can be answered by useing the search feature just uner the "post your opinion" button. So please use it. There are many highly detailed sites to turn you from a NFI to pro e398 user/modder. Check out howard forums they have everything.

                        • v
                        • vb
                        • PTm
                        • 01 Apr 2005

                        Yes, calle it does come with a snooze option.

                          • v
                          • vb
                          • PTm
                          • 01 Apr 2005

                          Ben, i think we do have something like delivery reports in E-398. In the outbox, we have a menu option "Message Status" (Clicking middle button). This will tell if the message is still pending or delivered. One more intersting thing i observed with this is that you end up spending for SMS only after it is delivered, unlike in that of some NOKIA phones.

                            • v
                            • vb
                            • PTm
                            • 01 Apr 2005

                            I think E398 can be made silent on an incoming call by pressing the volume button on the left side of the phone. E398 is a superb phone, superb sound quality. DOes play .wav files

                              • a
                              • ancehamsah
                              • PVg
                              • 01 Apr 2005

                              To update your firmware, please read my guide before. There's include link to the software you need.

                                • V
                                • Vezkov
                                • Tm8
                                • 31 Mar 2005

                                This is the best phone for the given price - it has perfect design ,flawless display ,lot's of memory ,stereo speakers ,mp3 player ,mpeg4 player ,headphones ,USB interface - the Best things for a teenager (and older of course) and if you are more interested in the contemporary technology you'll be able to make that phone the perfect entertainment stick in your pocket:)

                                  • V
                                  • Val
                                  • Uqs
                                  • 31 Mar 2005

                                  well this forums been great. but all i wanna know is about something very Basic.
                                  How long does the phone take to charge
                                  (0 - 100%) after the first few initial charges ???
                                  im sure all u users do charge ur phone sometime or the other. so Atleast 1 of you please do gimme a reply.
                                  The charging time is important to me as im normally in a hurry n i charge last minute. My Nokia's have never taken long. This is something only the users would know about.
                                  so I would appreciate if someone could tell me.
                                  Thank You ... in advance

                                    • A
                                    • Alamo
                                    • Uqs
                                    • 31 Mar 2005

                                    Thanx shaneus ...
                                    ive heard u need to connect ur phone to the PC by some means to enable JAVA ... is this a Safe n Easy way ? B'coz i aint no wiz kid. Dont wanna mess up the software.
                                    and any idea what's the latest software version available ?

                                      • j
                                      • jovialky
                                      • TST
                                      • 31 Mar 2005

                                      Hi, sorry but I would like to know how to update the firmware?? I really do appreciate if someone can aid me on this. thanks :)

                                        • S
                                        • Shaneus
                                        • i2r
                                        • 31 Mar 2005

                                        To upload apps is extreamly easy once you have enable java (this is a 2 min job max).

                                        The phone is still the best bang for buk on the market.

                                        The video play back is fine. i have no issues. The max t-flash iv herd of is 256, but im sure a 512 will work.