Motorola E398

Motorola E398

User opinions and reviews

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  • 28 Mar 2005

OMFG...this fone sucks..i sold it after SHUCKS...many software problems..key got locked game problems too..PPL considering this fone pls knock some sense into urself..get a 6230 which is much more useful den this..otherwise save more money to buy a NOKIA fone which is extremely user friendly !!!

    • m
    • mizo
    • iEK
    • 28 Mar 2005

    hi , i thinking to try to buy this phone , and i want ask can this phone record mp3 , i want record 0ne hour , any way to do that , and u help me about what model in motorola do that , thanks

      • K
      • Karthik
      • 2WH
      • 28 Mar 2005

      Can someone confirm if it is ok to flex your phone (with themes) with the TF memory and the sim card in the phone? I understand that the TF mem and Sim have to come out when upgrading the firmware, but is it the same for skins/themes as well?

        • m
        • miz
        • R9X
        • 27 Mar 2005

        tis fone sucks!! i just had it for 2 months, now the antenna sucks, i keep losing signal back and forth even when im in town.

          • L
          • Low-Tech
          • Uqq
          • 27 Mar 2005

          Is the Video Playback good enough as compared to a N6230 or SE K700 ? ive heard n read reviews of it being really bad ?
          please comment

            • K
            • Karthik
            • 2WH
            • 27 Mar 2005

            To Praks: I bought my e398 in Malaysia so wouldn't know whats in the Indian boxes or for that matter the firmtware.

              • P
              • Praks
              • Uqq
              • 27 Mar 2005

              To Karthik : could u tell me whats the current software/flex version available on handsets in India ? and what does the Phone Package contain ? dealers i know dont seem to know much about the phone ? ...Thanx

                • S
                • Sherry
                • Uqq
                • 27 Mar 2005

                when u talk about P2K Tools n Midway, these are things i'l need to find them over the internet, right ? n what are the softwares available on the CD provided with the phone?

                  • K
                  • Karthik
                  • 2WH
                  • 27 Mar 2005

                  Well, I finally got around to flex my e398 and I am very much impressed with 98R. What I am really amaized was that before flexing I had a dead pixel on me e398, and with the flexing its gone. is that really possible? i thought it was more of a hard ware issue. hmmmm

                    • a
                    • ancehamsah
                    • PVg
                    • 27 Mar 2005

                    For install Java you need to activate Java Application Loader from your Java Settings. By default this is not available but you can available it with P2K Tools. And finally use Midway to install it to your phone. For ringtone problems, just master clear then master reset your phone.

                      • S
                      • Saket
                      • ijJ
                      • 26 Mar 2005

                      Hello Frendz,
                      I have justt taken a new E398.I want information abt how to install java appln? Is there any software for it?How to access phone memory frm pc (any software for it)? How to install the new themes and where can i get it ? Can i record video with my cell is there any application for it?
                      Plz reply if any one knows abt above things.

                        • E
                        • Ebonk
                        • inV
                        • 26 Mar 2005

                        To Sherry - I sent it for an anonymous mailer who has d/l java games and has waited 5 days for instructions how to install them.
                        D/l using GPRS should be easier for you.

                        To Bill, if you can play your ringtone, I don't think its corrupted. It might be a glitch. To set ringtone, you can go to Multimedia>Sounds>Select your sound (this sound should be in phone memory) and click menu, in pop-up display select "Apply as ringtone" > select line 1 or 2.

                          • ^
                          • ^_^x
                          • Rxc
                          • 26 Mar 2005

                          To Sherry-the game will be automatically installed if you download it through GPRS.

                          To Bill-you probably have a corrupted ringtone.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • RxV
                            • 26 Mar 2005

                            when you click the loud detail, be sure you click the menu (options) button. middle button that way you will not go back to home screen

                              • B
                              • Bill
                              • FvX
                              • 26 Mar 2005

                              i have a problem, when i go to menu, then settings, then ring styles, for when i have my setting on loud, i click on loud detail in order to change the ringtone and it sends me back to the main settings menu, whats going on? is it a glitch? corrupt ringtone? thanks

                                • S
                                • Sherry
                                • Uqq
                                • 25 Mar 2005

                                Ok... there's a lot of technical jargon used on this forum.
                                Installing Java Games n Softwares!!!.... all i need to know, if I download a game thru GPRS ... will it work without pain or do i need to go through sum technical stuff.
                                Im a Basic User, would'nt want a phone for any fancy stuff. Basic Calling functions, Wallpapers, Screensavers, Few mp3's few Videos, n Alarm Clock, a decent Address Book( photo caller ID ) Hasslefree Bluetooth (phone to phone) connectivity if possible.... these are the only things i need. Iz it too much to ask from this phone ??? Excuse the Lame questions but could anyone advice me ... keeping it simple ....... thank you

                                  • E
                                  • Ebonk
                                  • ijm
                                  • 25 Mar 2005

                                  To those asking abt install java games/apps.

                                  1st, java apps/games should be in phone memory not Trans. To enable java loader u need PST 6.7 or later and to send java apps u need Midway 2.8. Don't ask where u can get it. Find it yrself !

                                  2nd, Install s/w on yr PC, set USB connection on e398 to Data/Fax (default setting : Trans), connect yr phone to PC (in windows, it will ask to install motorola usb modem, follow the instructions - some drivers will be installed).
                                  Load PST, select "New File" > kjava files. In windows menu, click icon "arrow go out from handphone", it will connect to yr handphone (if it fail check yr driver) and show a menu which you can find a button to enable/disable java. Put it on enable and close the program, disconnect yr handphone fr PC.

                                  3rd, install midway 2.8. In yr handphone, go to Java Setting > Java App Loader>Select, it will ask you to connect the data cable to PC, do it.
                                  Load Midway in Windows, It will ask COM port that connect to yr handphone. Check thru Control Panel > Phone & Modem Options> Modems. Set the data connection speed to 115200. Then select File>open> choose yr java (*.jad file, if it's still *.jar file download JADmaker to create *.jad). Send the file to yr handphone.
                                  In yr handphone, it will prompt "Download?" Select yes and java is transferred and install to yr phone. After finished, it will ask you whether to run that apps or not.

                                  Pls be aware that recommended size of *.jar file for e398 is below 100kb, although I succesfully installed 176kb jar file but failed when loading 300kb file.

                                    • ^
                                    • ^_^x
                                    • R5v
                                    • 25 Mar 2005

                                    To jo-yes, you can listen to mp3s with the included headset.

                                    To Diana H-package comes with everything you need (cable, software), bluetooth works perfectly actually, and yes, it supports 3gp format videos.

                                    To Olivier Barthelemy-volume on mine is just perfect, screen actually works and looks perfect even under direct sunlight (unlike some of the Nokias),
                                    and yes, the first key just activates the phone from sleep mode which is why it doens't do its original function

                                      • O
                                      • Olivier Barthelemy
                                      • m8d
                                      • 25 Mar 2005

                                      I purchased an E398 a few months back, and it's the worst phone I ever had:
                                      - takes longer to boot than my XP desktop
                                      - flaky power/headset connectors, my phone sometimes doesn't charge during the night, and half the time I have to disconnect the headphones to have a conversation
                                      - volume is too low, without headphone or hands-free I have trouble hearing what my correspondents say
                                      - screen illegible in bright sunlight
                                      - phone makes all king of noises, especially at boot, even in silent mode, so I do look like one of those obnoxious idiots
                                      - the USB synch software doesn't work, I tried on 4 different PCs. And got no support.
                                      - typing SMSs with their "assist" feature is actually slower than without it
                                      - the phone is incredibly sluggish, kind of always looses the first key typed when it's in sleep mode, and for some reason I can't wrap my brain around that
                                      - I'm still waiting for the bigger RAM cards that were promised for January

                                      On a brighter note, the UI is nice (though slow), there are nice "classic phone" ringtones, the unit is solidly built.

                                      I'm thinking of junking it, though.

                                      Mmmmm, actually feels good to vent my frustrations ;-)

                                        • D
                                        • Diana H
                                        • RKq
                                        • 25 Mar 2005

                                        To All : Does the E398 package come with everything needed to transfer files(mp3, videos) on to the phone? or is something else needed ? ive heard the bluetooth aint too good so i need the USB cable to work well.
                                        and is does this phone support the 3GP video format and most other formats supported by Nokia Handsets ?
                                        please post ur reply's ... thank you