Motorola E398

Motorola E398

User opinions and reviews

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  • j
  • jo
  • PIP
  • 25 Mar 2005

Motorola e398 is a great phone, indeed. But I hv a question, can i listen mp3 via the stereo headset that hv been given?

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • iGg
    • 24 Mar 2005

    I downloaded some java games but I don't know how to copy them to the E398.I've waited for 5 days.

      • 2
      • 2niper
      • Y9I
      • 24 Mar 2005

      to put mp3s in the cell u gotta have a sd memory adapter-usb to the comp..not much mp3s can be loaded into the original 64mb memory card cause all ur phone number shit already takes up alotta space....put the songs in the trans flash, which it should come with a sd adapter, just put the trans into the sd, then plug the sd into the sd reader, then it's gona be's gona show up as a removable drive, or smth like that. then it's just drag and drop from now

        • a
        • arnold
        • RLq
        • 24 Mar 2005

        Hi everybody
        I want to put MP3s into my phone but my computer wont't install the driver for the USB cable. Do i need some software or something to install the USB onto my computer. If so please tell me what software and where i can find it. I need help please.

          • C
          • Cube
          • Nxs
          • 23 Mar 2005

          Hi All
          A few comments in response to some questions:

          I had this phone for about 6 months before it was stolen. (Typically South Africa) Anyhow, I must say that this phone is superb. One of Motorola's finest achievements. And that's saying a hell of a lot. If you have a look at the latest range of budget and mainstream phones, you'll see motorola is desperately in need of some consumer advice. (The v220, c650, v3, v620, etc. All lacking a lot) But not here. I had the C380 before and they are two brilliant phones. The E398's sound is astounding, the screen is perfect, the bluetooth never gave me a single days' forth of trouble (I have had it transfer at speeds of about 10kb per second, good enough.) the menus were a tad slow with response time, but other than that it is a great achievement. The battery lasted for abouth 3-4 days on average use, decreasing to 2 when playing songs and activating bluetooth the whole day. The vibrate function is quite unique, it pulses and vibrates according to the sounds' intensity. So sad to have lost it....

            • L
            • Lola Rainze
            • Uqq
            • 23 Mar 2005

            hi every1 : need a lil advice... ive heard that the Charger and the Bluetooth has a bit of a problem ???? ive read a few posts on this forum, they've been quite helpful. But ive heard many complaining about the bluetooth transfer being too slow and the charger not being upto the mark. How long does it take to charge anywayz ??? n How much slower is the bluetooth compared to a Nokia or a SE handset ??? ....
            its important for me to know this. please do advice ... i do not buy phones too often, need it to be a good one.
            Thank you ppl ...
            hoping to see a few reply's in a few days :)

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • Rxc
              • 22 Mar 2005

              TO Julie
              try using the motorolla phone tools in moving your mp3 to your phone not the magix mp3 maker .. works like a charm for me

                • J
                • Julie
                • mqh
                • 22 Mar 2005

                I have just got myself an E398 and it is the best phone I have ever had.It would be great if it came with some helpful guide or how to use MP3 or bluetooth to the full benifits. I have managed to work most of the things but I am having problems down loading the MP3 maker tracks to my phone using the UBS. My computer has tried to download the progrem, it says that it has been installed but has a problem a code 28 'The object to be verified is unknown to the Trust Provider'Then says unable to locate. All this means nothing to me. Can anyone Help Please as I just want to throw my computer out of the window.

                  • p
                  • phil needham
                  • m9Q
                  • 22 Mar 2005

                  very good phone only had it couple days looks and sounds good. one question got data cable for it and have installed the software but when comes to install the phone it self just doesn't happen tried over over again when serch for the drivers just an't fine one please any one

                    • s
                    • stavr_s
                    • iCt
                    • 22 Mar 2005


                    How could I get the java game files copied from the flash card to my PC and vice versa?

                    I have opened the flash card by using the SanDisk adapter but no any java file can be found


                      • J
                      • Janice D
                      • RKq
                      • 22 Mar 2005

                      Is the bluetooth connectivity that bad ?
                      ive heard it transfers data at half the rate of the nokia's & Se's. n how is the transfer with the USB cable ?

                        • s
                        • special k
                        • 2xx
                        • 22 Mar 2005

                        I've been using the E398 for 1/2yr now and can only express my entire satisfaction with this mobile.The battery is class, the display big and sharp, the reception is excellent. I used to use the K700i before which I would consider half as good as the E398 esp. in terms of quality. The only weak point is its conectivity

                          • J
                          • Jerry
                          • RKX
                          • 21 Mar 2005

                          So let me get this straight. When a call comes in it would start ringing n vibrating together at the same time ? The Alarm is a Full Functioned one, operates just like the Nokias n SE's ? and it Is possible to change covers as long as u can figure out how ??? .... this sounds OK....
                          then the Speed .. is it as slow as the K700i(which is passable) , or even slower ? the viewing area of pics n video playback is only half the screen ? is this true ?
                          assuming the price being irrelevent, is the E398 still better than K700i ???
                          i have narrowed my options to just these 2 phones(since N6230 has a very small display)
                          ive read a few opinions on this forum. any more regarding my post, is well appreciated.
                          thank you .... for ur help

                            • R
                            • Ria
                            • MMZ
                            • 21 Mar 2005

                            Does it have a video?

                              • R
                              • Roger
                              • PFM
                              • 21 Mar 2005

                              Can someone enlightened me where can i get a better for stereo headset? My Muvo's ear phones couldnt plug in. It was too big...

                                • J
                                • Janice D
                                • RKX
                                • 21 Mar 2005

                                Thanx Moe ... apart from the non changable covers ... the phone sounds quite impressive

                                  • M
                                  • Mike
                                  • RLq
                                  • 21 Mar 2005

                                  To Motorola E398 Fans

                                  How do i get my computer to detect the USB while it's connected to the phone? I have a windows 98. Do i need any software or anything? Please help me i need the MP3 player.

                                    • J
                                    • Jennel
                                    • PBs
                                    • 21 Mar 2005

                                    do the wav tons of the nokia phones are not suitable in E398? i tried to copy tones from nokia 6600 but the E398 responded FILE TYPE NOT RECOGNIZED, why is it like that?

                                      • N
                                      • Niki
                                      • iGg
                                      • 20 Mar 2005

                                      I downloaded some games but I don't know how to copy them to the E398.
                                      Please HELP!

                                        • M
                                        • Moe
                                        • iLS
                                        • 20 Mar 2005

                                        1. yes it does vibrate and ring at the same time - the vibesync technology means that in some cases the pfone vibrates in beat to the music
                                        2. You can set any sound you have on the phone as your alarm and as loud as you like, also the alarm only stops when youconfirm it on the phone
                                        3. Finally, you can change the cover of the phone but the phones covers arent really supposed to be replaced. it would be more of a screwdriver job. plus i dont think that you can change the screen.
                                        overall its a great phone but does lag a little. hope this helps
