Motorola E398

Motorola E398

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  • a
  • ancehamsah
  • PVg
  • 13 Mar 2005

Follow this link to get the newest firmware :

For instruction read this :

1. Unpack/UnRar file R372_G_0E.20.98R_reflash.shx.gz, GIKE398000AC0DB.rar, JAVA_G_0E_E398_09_07R.rar, RSD_Lite_1.5.rar, and Use Total Commander ( to do that.

2. Install RSD_Lite_1.5.rar and the driver needed in

3. Remove SIM Card and TransFlash Card from the phone.

4. Connect the USB Cable to your phone.
Powerup your phone until it says 'Insert SIM'

5. Running RSD Lite 1.5 and see status of your phone 'connected'

6. Browse for the file (click '...' button) 'R372_G_0E.20.98R_reflash.shx

7. Click Start, then flashing proccess running. Don't do anything until it's status says PASS. It's take time about 5 - 7 minutes. After that the phone will restart by itself. I recommended : Not to open any application except this program and you have an UPS. This proccess can failed if your PC shutdown suddenly and your phone maybe not useable anymore except you brought that to Motorola Dealer to reflashing.

8. After that you flexing your phone with this file 'GIKE398000AC0DB.hs' do the same proccess as above. This will take time longer about 10 - 15 minutes.

9. Then the last install for the JAVA 'JAVA_G_0E_E398_09_07R.hs' with the same proccess. Don't worry if it said 'FAILED' in the end proccess. You can run and install Java normally.

10. Close the program. Disconnect the USB cable from your phone. Insert SIM Card and TransFlash as usual. Restart the phone.

11. Congratulation !!! You've upgrade your phone to 98R + GIKE. Now you will have more phone memory than before, fast SMS typing, Quad Band GSM, fast menu access than before.

WARNING : Do this at your own risk, I'm not responsible for damage caused by this software. But for me this running so smooth :). Sorry my English not well.

But you need P2K Drivers, just search this on internet. Or you can go to

    • s
    • smooth
    • PRQ
    • 13 Mar 2005

    can anyone out there tell me how I can convert my mp3's to 64 kbps from 128 kbps?

      • j
      • john
      • RLq
      • 12 Mar 2005

      what is firmware?
      my computer can't detect the usb cable when i plug it in and its connected to the phone. my computer is windows 98, and i leave my usb settings in the phone on memory card. please help me i need the mp3 player. what do i do?

        • a
        • alex
        • PFy
        • 12 Mar 2005

        can play *.wav music?
        or only mp3? urgent

          • h
          • hellomoto
          • TC$
          • 12 Mar 2005

          great features but poor design...

            • m
            • melih
            • RNQ
            • 12 Mar 2005

            to ancehamsah:

            so how do i get firmware

              • a
              • ancehamsah
              • PVg
              • 12 Mar 2005

              You can upgrade your firmware (there's 3 kind of firmware : Flash (contains S/W, usually end by XXR. Example : 34R, 96R, 95R, 97R, 98R), Flex (contains flex, example 7CXXXXX, 7FXXXXX, GSKEXXXXXX, GIKEXXXXXXX) and JAVA (contains JAVA Application and basic programs). I've upgrade my firmware to 98R and GIKE (the newest firmware out there) and it's stable. The menu is now faster than before especially for typing SMS. I've all programs you need to upgrade that. just email me. Before upgrade backup all your data because that will be erased. For more information go to Howard Forum (there's a lot of other's stuff and info too).

                • M
                • MELIH
                • RNQ
                • 12 Mar 2005

                hi evry1,
                i was looking through the reviews and i see alot of people talkin bout firmware. wat it it? can someone explain it to me

                  • S
                  • Shaneus
                  • PQ2
                  • 12 Mar 2005

                  To Tony(",)

                  Yes you can transfur any mp3, gif, jpg, 3gp, mp4 from any other bluetooth phone/computer.

                    • M
                    • Maical
                    • i8u
                    • 11 Mar 2005

                    .sis is a symbian os program
                    java isnt an os like symbian, its a sub-program, so u cant run that kind of programs on it, so yeah, it'a a silly questin.
                    u need to get PST 4.7 and midway program in order to upload java apps in your phone, they r not readable from t-flash memory card.
                    .jad and .jar are both needed for upload, the jad file is like path to the jar...

                      • t
                      • tony(",)
                      • Rxc
                      • 11 Mar 2005

                      Can I transfer mp3's from N6230 to E398 through bluetooth?

                        • S
                        • Shaneus
                        • PQ2
                        • 11 Mar 2005

                        To arjains. What firmware do you have because upgrading to 95R and or higher and 7F will increase your speed.
                        Note: 97R and 98R are not yet stable.

                        Do a search to find out more on how to do this.

                          • S
                          • Shaneus
                          • PQ2
                          • 11 Mar 2005

                          To Ebonk

                          I just tried some mp4 files. Only the files that came with mpt worked. (Only one has sound)I downloaded an mp4 but it didn’t work on the phone. Mp4 files are very large for the length/quality. I would just keep with 3gp. I have a converter that hasn’t made a corrupt file the phone couldn’t play. It's called imTOO 3gp converter give it a try.

                          I haven’t had any 3gp movies freeze on me yet. I use imTOO 3gp converter and have 95R &f firmware.

                          To load java apps try the same way to add java games. Go settings > java settings > java app loader. If you don’t have that follow this website on how to upload java apps.

                          AFAIK there isn’t a java camcorder for this phone only flashing to v620 firmware.

                            • A
                            • Arjainz
                            • P%u
                            • 11 Mar 2005

                            This phone is awesome!! For its price, this is definitely a bargain. It comes with datacable already and has bluetooth. Its speakers sound great plus it has a free 64mb transcard. What more can you ask for? As for their complaint on the speed...hello!!! Its only split seconds slower than any other phone so its negligible. As for the problems connecting with the computer, just try again, it works. You guys just probably dont know how to operate it.

                              • a
                              • akhil
                              • in{
                              • 11 Mar 2005

                              man this phone is reeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaallly slow .what do i do ?can i do ne thing wit software to make it fast ?if yes what ?plz any one reply me

                                • u
                                • usman
                                • myj
                                • 10 Mar 2005

                                i h8 dis fone man its sooooo slow, the usb cable dont ever work,videos stop half way.

                                i dont recomend it!

                                it suks.

                                  • c
                                  • carlos
                                  • TKb
                                  • 10 Mar 2005

                                  hello.... i like this phone very much... can anyone tell me is the data cable come with the phone??? and how much the phone cost??? plz tell me........
                                  i from malaysia...
                                  ur information is appreciate!!!

                                    • P
                                    • Pinki
                                    • iws
                                    • 10 Mar 2005

                                    Whenever i m tryin to access 'MMC(Removable)' from Mobile Phone tools it says dat 'The specific attribute was not expected at this location'.
                                    Can neone tell me wat is happenin?
                                    I m not able to access Flash card.

                                      • h
                                      • hyper
                                      • msX
                                      • 10 Mar 2005

                                      i have bought my e398 2days ago. although i was using it all the time, its on the charger since two days. it keeps showing "invalid battery" . it has the original motorola battery from the box(i've bought it brand new..) is this normal? thnx h

                                        • E
                                        • Ebonk
                                        • PFK
                                        • 10 Mar 2005

                                        Hi Shaneus, Thanks for your prompt reply !

                                        Q1 : Mine has 096R which I heard very stable for making e398 a removable drive, so I use windows explorer. I hardly use MPT & Magix since they're slow in loading apps and transferring files. Also mp4 files which playable in MPT video editor can't be played in e398. It happened twice when I cut&paste (win explorer) 1.5Mb mp4 files to e 398 & when I use Magix to transfer 4 mp3's.
                                        Q2. One other thing about this subject, 3gp I played freeze every few secs, is it due to low memory buffer? Can we expand it?
                                        Q3. I put java apps. I copied it to T-Flash since I can't directly access phone memory, but it's unrecognizable from e398 display.
                                        Q4. I read s'where that we can add camcorder function to Symbian-based phone like Nokia & Sony ericsson and just have wild idea that perhaps there's also a MIDP camcorder for java-based is a stupid question after all.....