Motorola E398
- M
- Mighty
- 22 Feb 2005
To Moto E398 users : how good is the alarm on the phone ? loud enough ?
and how long does it take to charge the battery from Nil to Full(not the 1st charge)?
and To Regular user : how long does the battery last without using the mp3 player(just on calls n avg mssging)?
need ur feedback .... thanx
- h
- hi hi
- PE6
- 22 Feb 2005
hello to all
for users who intends to upgrade there mobile phone whether it's e398 or other motorola or samsung brand, beware that some functions may be totally disabled.
I have exprienced this with my c975 (my phonebook was gone, when someone from my phonebooks phones me I will see their names or picture id, but cannot search the phonebook from the phone), I know someone who call log from there c975 and e398 is missing because he upgraded the system software from an unauthorised dealer.
If you need upgrading go to motorola service center, that's if your phone is an authorised model sold in that country.(not imported)
you have been warned
hi hi
- M
- Michael
- iws
- 22 Feb 2005
I ve bought E398 recently, i want to know how can one select mp3s in trans as 'ringtone'. As there is no such option!
- k
- kms899
- PE6
- 22 Feb 2005
hello sasank
mine is for test purpose, but you expect around HKD$350
- ?
- Anonymous
- 22 Feb 2005
Hello kms899,
How much is the 256MB Transcard...
- p
- peter
- RxB
- 22 Feb 2005
This is unquestionably the worst phone I have ever purchased.From the first time I charged the battery I have had problems with the charging function ie phone saying "unable to charge" .I have returned for repair 3 times twice after one charge same old fault now it is back in for repair (same fault)and the service co says they have found corrosion on or around the joy stick and will not repair the original fault!So thats it all over. Coming from a nokia to this phone was always going to be difficult but I did not know it would be such a night mare. Peter
- k
- kms899
- PE6
- 22 Feb 2005
hello sasank
a 256mb should be out by now, I have one.
- k
- kms899
- PE6
- 22 Feb 2005
this is for users who is having problem with the bluetooth connecting with the e398.
best running with windows xp.
most people has not connected their bluetooth to their pc correctly.
you must attach the bluetooth first,then install the software that it came with.
most users think this is done, but there is more.
1 go to the control panel
/system/hareware/device manager
2 in the device manager look for the bluetooth and then expand by double click, it will display generic bluetooth radio and microsoft bluetooth enumerator.
3 highligth generic bluetooth radio and right click on the mouse and click properties.
4 click on driver tab and then update driver
5 a window will pop up, click on "no, not at this time".
6 another window will pop up, click " install from list of specific location (advanced)"
7 then click on "don't search"
8 another window will pop up showing 2-3 bluetooth driver.
9 use the driver brand that matches your USB bluetooth eg. eagletec, crono's, billionton (i use the billionton, these are the best bt and easy to use, they use the same driver)highlight your choice then click next to complete the process.
10 pairing with the e398 as normal
without this set up you are connecting the bt with e398 using the windows driver and not the moto ptk software, this allows you only send data to phone, but not the other way round, it also prevent you from using the ptk.
hope this helps, if there is any difference from my info and your "sorry" this is the best i can do.
kms from hk
- m
- me
- PQ2
- 22 Feb 2005
To lee parkinson
if you are referring to me with your remark about laughing to people with questions. I only did that to some one who was highly critical and talking about how smart and good they are but can’t read a manual or work out a how to use a moto because they had been nokialised.
Any who with your BT problem the way to connect to people is to turn your and the hand set you wish to connect to BT in the connections menu, then hit find me. should come up with a status bar then say 1 item found. this will give you the name of the phone you have connected to ie. E398. (The name of phone is default it can be changed to anything eg. your name). If you want to send a MP3 via BT go to sounds hit the menu button on the song you wish to send then select move, Bluetooth. The phone will now search for another BT device or prompt you to turn on T temporarily. Hit yes if prompted if not your BT is already turned on. The other phones blue tooth should be turned on before the search takes place. After the phone has been found it will prompt it to accept the song you are sending, then save it. After it has been accepted and chose a place to save it will start sending the item.
- z
- zen
- 22 Feb 2005
does anyone try using the rhythm lights and then put the phone near the hifi speaker and see the light and sensitivity effects its cool
- l
- lee parkinson
- M@M
- 21 Feb 2005
I notice when Q's like has the motorla got...??? and when it has! you reply instantly with how great the E398 is, but when a Q like - can i do? or can you? ( a more technical Q you obviously cant answer LOL! like when you LOL to everybody else when they ask a simple Q) you simply answer read the forum. Ive read the forum and some people just cant get a straight answer unless its a straight Q leading to how great the E398 is!!! like does E398 play MP3?
Now i have a simple Q similar to what has already been posted but i want straight answer thanks.
How do you connect via Bluetooth to another phone. Is it as straight forward as youll probably answer or are there exceptions that the Motorola just cant simply do. I'm trying to connect an E398 phone to phone and it just wont find anybodys phone and ive even given to a friend who has a V3 without any problems and he cant connect the e398 either. Bluetooth headset works fine. Whats the problem with this super great, smashing phone? do you have to do something in a particular order? or does it connect as easily as the bluetooth headset?
Straight simple answers would do like easy to follow instructions. No quirky stupid brush off answers that only point out the facts that you cant answer the Question. If you cant answer the Q, then dont bother. Thanks.
- M
- Maical
- i8u
- 21 Feb 2005
u cant put mpeg3 or mpeg2 in phone, jeez
u can only use mp4 or 3gp, so use the google to find a converter
- W
- Mw8
- 21 Feb 2005
Thanks to Moto.Its really a great fone.I love it and got it just two days before.
To me
Can u pls tell me about benefits of its upgradation I mean what will be the difference after its upgradation.My current S/V is 95r.How can full sreen movies or video songs be played and can we install smart movie.Further its keypad lights do not flash when playing audio or video songs even after I personlized its pattern as rhythmic.
- W
- Mw8
- 21 Feb 2005
thanks to moto,its really a great fone.i love it.i got it just two days before.
to me
can u pls tell me what are benefits of upgradation i mean what will be a difference after its current s/v is can full screen video songs be played and can we install smart movie.further my keypad lights do not flash with mp3 music and video songs even after i personlized its patten on rthmic.
- C
- Chris
- MJ8
- 21 Feb 2005
Can anyone tell me how to transfer MPEG files from my PC to my E398? I've tried using USB cable and although it goes through the copying process, the file is not listed on the card memory.
- J
- Jun88
- 21 Feb 2005
Does anyone know what is the latest firmware for this HP....
- C
- Crazy
- 21 Feb 2005
It's a GREAT phone, as always, Motorola made a phone with all the features that i could imagine, infact, it is the third time that i choose a Motorola phone (Timeport, V60i, and now E398), and usually, i use to keep theese phone for at least 3 years, and they still work.
The thing that i like better is that you can personalize the functions on each button on the home screen, that it's is a thing that i done also on V60i so... the only thing that i don't like is that it's a little bit slow while typing SMS because i am very very fast and i don't like to see that i am typing a word on the keyboard while the phone is writing on the screen about 1 letter before... i tried a Panasonic of a my friend one time and it was staying about 2 or 3 letters back, and sometime it didn't even catch the letter that i typed, so... this is the first time that with Motorola i am having this kind of problem, but it doesn't makes problem such as loosing typed letters.
That's it, i am very satisfied about this phone, and, for the third time i say Thank'you to Motorola.
- m
- me
- PQ2
- 21 Feb 2005
Ok if you aren’t smart enough to work out there is a search feature directly under the post your opinion button then, I don’t no how you worked out how to turn on your computer. Almost all the questions asked have been answer on more then one occasion. So use the search button before posting a dumb question the manual can answer, or has been answer numerous amounts of times before.
To Holden
I answered these 2 days ago
When the Russian website comes up remove the %AD that will appear in the php extension.
To krissie
Install mobile phone tools, when phone can connect you can use this to upload mp3's onto phone memory, if u want to upload to trans flash u will have to change the USB to memory in connection menu. If you don’t have this feature in the connection menu you will have to upgrade firmware. Website for info on upgrading is in this post.
To mer
There is a FM head set for sale for £20 or so. Video is possible on the phone do a search for more detail.
- h
- holden
- 21 Feb 2005
no seems to know where anyone can get any kind of software upgrade for the phone. if anyone knows, please post them. let's kick SEk700i's ass!!!
- r
- rich
- 4Hy
- 21 Feb 2005
i had my e398 for 6 months now and i think its a great phone and cant seem to find any other phone to compare...