Motorola E398
- b
- bolia
- mEw
- 26 Feb 2005
well it can only play video, it cant record. And well it has 5mb integrated memory, so about 5 mins.
- -
- -x-Amanda-x-
- 26 Feb 2005
Hello! I'm about to get this phone tomorrow, so I really hope that it's as good as it seems! I have two questions:
1. Does the 'Video' function mean that i'll just be able to download mpeg4 formatted files, or can I also record so many seconds of video via the camera lens [or whatever it requires]?
2. Roughly how many mp3 songs can the Motorola E398 store?
Please can somebody e-mail me with the answers these questions? I'd really appreciate it and find it very useful.
Thankyou! :)
- a
- azrul
- 25 Feb 2005
everything seems good. mp3 or 3gp video can play well except the speakerphone sound not enough loud.
- C
- Canderous
- F4p
- 25 Feb 2005
I find the damn earphones that motorola provided very uncomfortable,and the sound quality leaves alot to be desired.I know that those earphones don't do justice to the true sound quality of the E398,because I have tried a pair of Sony earphones connected to a 2.5 mm adapter with the phone,and it sounds real sweet.
My question is does anyone of you know of any good earphones that are natively 2.5mm?I don't wanna use the adapter because its pretty long,looks unsightly and could potentially damage the phone jack.
- j
- jay100
- PE6
- 25 Feb 2005
how do you check the phone version of the e398.
- a
- ancehamsah
- PVg
- 25 Feb 2005
You don't need to upgrade software of your phone just to have sms delivery report. You only need one software : P2KTools to enable sms delivery report. And many2 others hidden feature. For link to this software try to read user opinion C380 in this website. That's software is for all Vxxx, Cxxx and Exxx Motorola Series. Try it !!!
- m
- moe
- RJi
- 25 Feb 2005
great phone! of course with my limited financial standing :)
QUESTION: how do u keep all the numbers stored in the sim card from showing in the phonebook? copied all the old numbers from my old phone then copy it back to my new (hehe) e398 phone memory. now both the numbers in phone mem and sim card are shown??
please help.. cheers
- m
- mokhlis ishak
- 24 Feb 2005
This a good phone for those who admire ringtones.Anyway,I wanna sell my e-398 for RM750.00.Just use for 1 month + only.full set + hp pouch + cd software for ringtones & pictures.Interested pls call 016-6789022 or e-mail.thanks
- a
- adie
- 24 Feb 2005
Hi All,
I would like to know if there is an upgrade software mor e398. I have a S/W R372_G_OE.20.31R version of the phone, and it doesn't have a delivery report for any SMS i've sent. Can anybody help me please???
thanx b4
- f
- frans
- TS{
- 24 Feb 2005
i wanna ask, does moto e398 has a operating system (like symbian)? how can we download games
- v
- vanessa
- 24 Feb 2005
qusetion.. how do you change the ringtone for txt messsages?? been searching for it cant find it.. thanks heaps..
- C
- ChillOut
- PSu
- 24 Feb 2005
Hey all
I've got E398 for few days and im kinda happy but still workin on it to find out everything about phone. I have question about s/w version my s/w in phone is R372_G_0E.20.34R so can some1 tell me whats the latest one???
- s
- samson
- Y9I
- 24 Feb 2005
doesn't anyone have any idea how i can get rid of files that are accidentally saved onto the memorycard?
- m
- max
- Tk8
- 23 Feb 2005
also dont conect the phone to pc when setting is memory card if your gona use the moto phone tools, always set it to data/fax, i havent had eny probs since switching the settings, only had probs when using phone tools and phone was set to memory card on usb setting in phone
- m
- max
- Tk8
- 23 Feb 2005
the best way to copy mp3's to the flash card is, on phone, got to connections, usb, then sellect memory card, when you conect phone to pc it will come up a as removable storage, drag and drop eny files to it, rem to use phone tools, switch setting back to data/fax for usb
- s
- smooth
- 23 Feb 2005
to go_anna40: The best way to put mp3's on the T flash is to use a card reader to drag and drop files. In other sites reviewing the E398, they always recommend connecting the phone w/o the T flash when using the MPT. I have observed that with some phones, including mine, the MPT is hostile to the flash card and will corrupt it, but I think it depends on your S/W version. You have been warned.
- s
- smooth
- 23 Feb 2005
to katie-tweddle I have seen a problem like yours in a demo phone once. The software version of that phone is 90R. What is your S/W? If it is the same, might be a S/W defect. Your phone still under warranty? Why not bring it back for an upgrade or they can replace the phone. Hope this helps.
- ^
- ^_^x
- R5v
- 23 Feb 2005
To Katie Tweddle-you prohably have a corrupted file somewhere...check the sound files in your phone's memory.
- p
- paul
- Tk8
- 22 Feb 2005
hi ryan, the only part of the phone thats ruberised is the back but it's very cool, theres no video recording, but the quality is good compaired to the sony k500i i had, also has a really cool mp3 player. if you do buy it, set the date before trying the mp3 player, i got aplication expired, but was fine once date was set, also format the memory card before use. to the guy who wanted to know how to set ringtones from the trans (memory card) you cant, i have all mine on the card and transfer to phone the ones i want to use
- R
- Ryan
- 22 Feb 2005
To All : ive never seen the phone, but it seems the phone has a rubberish look n feel. im 20, would the phone be kiddish for me ?
how bad is it ? n is there any chance there'd be an upgrade to the software enabling video recording ?
thinking of picking this phone up soon ...
so opinions are appreciated. thank u