Motorola E398

Motorola E398

User opinions and reviews

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  • S
  • Shaneus
  • PQ2
  • 02 Mar 2005

To lion (i think, name was not left)

I upgraded to s/w 95r and 7f flex.

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • PSu
    • 02 Mar 2005

    Shaneus thank you for lettin me know but can u tell me just does it need flash or something.I d/l other day 95F flesh does it can help??? Im pretty much lame about this stuff sorry for botherin you ;)

      • M
      • Motofan
      • PFM
      • 01 Mar 2005

      Hmm... I thought the E398's display was impressive. My friends were amazed at its display and camera quality. The battery life is quite long too. For mine, it lasts about 3 days with calls and smses. I think it beats the K500 hands down. There's so many more functions available in the E398 as compared to the K500. To me, K500 is a league below E398. E398, K700i and N6230 are in the same league. And the E398 costs the least so it's actually quite worth the money. Besides, E398 comes with the connecting cable and a 64mb memory card. The other 2 phones offer so many functions but it's quite a shame since you can't fully utilise them. There isn't any cable included in the package. So yea, I think the E398 is a really great phone.

        • a
        • alex
        • myv
        • 01 Mar 2005

        hiya, i've had the e398 for about 2 weeks now and it's a great phone but i was wondering if there was any way of unlocking the videos that you download from t-mobile i.e so they can be sent to another phone via bluetooth.....?
        Thanks in advance if anyone can answer my question...

          • V
          • Veteran
          • Ghf
          • 01 Mar 2005

          I had trouble deciding between the E398 and the Sony Ericsson k700i. I took the E398 and I don't regret it a second. Excellent sound Quality. Features are excellent. Bluetooth little slow though.

            • B
            • Bazza
            • AMG
            • 01 Mar 2005

            This phone is no good display is average and menu interface is crap. Bad design...its big...small battery capacity. My friend just got the phone and isnt happy with it. K500 is a much better alternative which features the awesome menu interface and great display.

              • A
              • Azmodeus
              • ijJ
              • 01 Mar 2005

              Hi everybody,
              just got the E398...It kicks a$$ but one thing I've been unable to figure out is the problem with bluetooth connectivity. It connects fine with a PC dongle and with a Nokia 6600 for example, but doesn't connect with other bluetooth phones; in fact I couldn't even connect mine with another E398. All my friends are complaining about the same thing.

              Any suggestions?

              Thanks a lot

                • S
                • Shaneus
                • PQ2
                • 01 Mar 2005

                To lion

                I had the same problem, you need to upgrade your software for the USB function.

                Use the search at the bottom of the page to find posts on upgrading firemware.

                  • l
                  • lion
                  • PSu
                  • 01 Mar 2005

                  "Go to settings > connections > USB > data/fax"

                  ANy1 can help me with this i cant find USB submenu in my phone i have only Bluetooth and Sync.

                    • m
                    • maical
                    • i8u
                    • 01 Mar 2005

                    u must have cat years to find difference from 128 kbps to 80 kpps on a phone with mp3 player with no equalizer... this isnt an ipod, so stop sayin things without knowin stuff

                      • S
                      • Steve
                      • m%I
                      • 28 Feb 2005

                      If you are going to listen to your mp3's through the hands-free, then you’ll need at least 112kbps. I have about 15 mp3’s @ 112kbps | 44.1khz and + several movies and about 200 pictures. They all fit in the tiny 64mb card J

                        • M
                        • Maical
                        • i8u
                        • 28 Feb 2005

                        i have 24 mp3 tracks, 2-2,5 mbytes average, they r made at 80 kbps. U dont need 128 or 160 kbps mp3 tracks on a phone !!!
                        and i still have like 4 mbytes of videos on my 64 mb trans flash + some pictures

                          • S
                          • Shaneus
                          • PQ2
                          • 28 Feb 2005

                          To Yasmin

                          Go to settings > connections > USB > data/fax

                          Then install MPT Sometimes then up date MPT then search for phone. It should find the phone. If it doesnt then manualy search for the phone useing Control panel > Add new hardware > When asked for drivers send it to the MPT driver folder. If this isnt detailed enough use google there are many sites with detailed info on how to install.

                          P.S. I couldnt get my phone to be detected but after a reformat it tryed it again and it worked fine.

                          To yihtyng

                          With a firmware upgrade the phone lags a lot less. Also i have had no problems with buttons jamming or not working.

                            • y
                            • yasmin
                            • RxV
                            • 28 Feb 2005

                            I can't sync my phone w/ my PC using the USB cable, is there a certain configuration on the phone for me to be able to transfer MP3 files to my phone from my PC? I've heared/read comments saying that the USB cable doesn't work. i think it should or else they should not include it in the package. PLEASE HELP!!!!!

                              • y
                              • yihtyng
                              • TST
                              • 27 Feb 2005

                              pros & cons of E398.
                              cons = slow, buttons my jam and not function, no video recording, wallpaper does not support .gif files, copying the song from memory card to phone is slow, differentiating the phone and removable memory too much, camera is reacting slow and not very clear during dark.

                              pros= very good sound quality compare to other phones, design is nice, removable memory card allows u to use it like a thumb drive, very nice lighting, light detects sound and glows accordingly, camera with flash, rm8XX gets all functions.... budget phone........

                              does everyone experience the problem with copying the song to the phone??? is it a must to set it as a ringtone? anyway to increase the speed of the phone?? damn slow..... don't expect a very high performance co'z this is the best value phone u can get in sungei wang :) hehe.... got it just now....

                                • ^
                                • ^_^x
                                • R5v
                                • 27 Feb 2005

                                To Jill Chavez-If the resolution of the picture is smaller than that of the screen, no, you can't zoom into it any further. If it's bigger, yes you can. And you can store SMS on on the phone by doing some SEEM editing.

                                  • ^
                                  • ^_^x
                                  • R5v
                                  • 27 Feb 2005

                                  To Malik-that's because of VibeSync. You can turn it off by going to menu-->settings-->initial setup-->vibe sync-->off...that's how you turn it off...if you do turn it off, the mp3s don't sound.

                                    • J
                                    • Jill Chavez
                                    • PEG
                                    • 27 Feb 2005

                                    Hi, there. Ive been using N6600 since Jan2004, and now im planning to buy E398 soon. Just to compare, i would like to know if i can zoom the picture as many times like N6600 with this phone's photo gallery? Also, could i store existing messages using the memory card? tnx.

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • PQ2
                                      • 27 Feb 2005

                                      To malik

                                      The speakers are vibrating speakers so they will vibrate more as the volume increases. So turn down the volume other then that you can’t stop the vibration. I find it isn’t much of hassle maybe yours vibrates more then mine?

                                      To -x-Amanda-x-
                                      The phone has a 64MB Trans flash so an average song is around 4.5MB so about 14 songs.
                                      It can only play video in mpeg4 and 3gp not record.

                                        • m
                                        • malik
                                        • jAE
                                        • 27 Feb 2005

                                        I just bought the motorola e398 phone. very fun phone to use. I have noticed that with some songs i play on the phone, the phone starts vibrating too much,causing rattling of the case, which is very annoying. does everybodys phone do this or is it just mine? Is there any way to tuen the vibrator off?