User opinions and reviews

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  • D
  • AnonD-8291
  • f3I
  • 12 May 2011

Hi everyone, I've been using the milestone since september last year. The problem I have is my ''go back'' button does not respond. I don't know what to do. Can anyone please help me, I love my phone. I don't want to get get rid of so soon.

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • vGj
    • 12 May 2011

    Can anyone tell me if there is a way to change the hold button position which lies on the left hand upper corner of the screen during the call to anywhere in the middle or bottom of the screen. Its really irritating that every time while on the call it goes to hold by the touch of my chin.

      • D
      • AnonD-8265
      • nxC
      • 11 May 2011

      I bought my motorola milestone as a bit of a risk, but since I've had it; I've been unquestionably pleased with it, one minor problem would be it has a nasty tendancy to restart itself fairly frequently, by 'fairly frequently' I mean you can have good days, or bad days, i.e. one day the phone won't restart, the next it may do it twice, apart from this the phone overall has been fantastic! I'm even writing this comment on it now. One other minor issue some may have a problem with is it still does not support flash, these two cons added to the equation, I'd give it a 4 1/2 out of 5 stars

        • K
        • KFP
        • mwM
        • 11 May 2011

        @ kevin:
        Dude, you should check whether it's not just a problem of humidity.
        I had problems with my touchscreen being unresponsive or going crazy at the beginning until I read and realized it was my own sweat (sorry guys) which disturbing the screen. Now during hot weather when I put my phone in my pocket I take care to turn my screen outwards, not to put it against my thigh...

          • k
          • kenakaren
          • u{E
          • 11 May 2011

          kevin, 10 May 2011mine got touchscreen screen keep tapping itself... moreMine hhappens that way only when the screen is a little wet, i bring my phone to the shower. If your screen is not wet it could be faulty

            • k
            • kevin
            • ib4
            • 10 May 2011

            mine got touchscreen screen keep tapping is a ghost touchscreenn...
            please help me how to fix it..i know it is not a OS prob..

              • c
              • cash
              • 95x
              • 06 May 2011

              this is a gr8 device, but (1)Why does Camcorder cause phone to freeze and (2) Some photos can by bluetooth to computer and some does not - do i miss sumthing???

                • k
                • kev
                • ib4
                • 04 May 2011

                is fine for me to update my fb n android market?

                  • n
                  • nabil
                  • pJ4
                  • 03 May 2011

                  MotoFan, 25 Apr 2011Hi all, so i upgraded to was not worth the wait ... moresoz but you most likely cant.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • Ix9
                    • 29 Apr 2011

                    MotoFan, 25 Apr 2011Hi all, so i upgraded to was not worth the wait ... moreThis is what got my Milestone working very well with 2.2.1 with the odd slow down, which was normal for it on the odd occasion anyway.

                    Do a backup (with Nandroid or something like Titanium Backup for root,
                    , which Titanium is available on the market) before you try this as you will need this to get all the info back to your phone. I use Titanium backup for root, and it stores the info on your sd card. I don't know how to back up your phone without root, sorry.

                    After this, do a hard reset and dalvik cache wipe (which from what I have read is a full phone cache wipe, all cache info will be wiped, not just for particular apps and such) from the recovery menu.

                    To get to the recovery menu some people turn the phone off, then hold down (and keep holding down) the x button while powering it back on, or hold (and keep holding down) the camera button while powering it back on. This is supposed to get you to the "triangle with exclamation point in the middle" screen. I didn't have success for some reason with either of these methods, getting frozen at the triangle with exclamation point screen (of which I just pulled the battery then it rebooted back to normal) so I used an easier method with the Rom Manager app from the market which has an option to get to the recovery menu built into the app.

                    Both the hard (factory) reset and dalvik cache wipe are in this recovery menu (it just says "wipe cache", but this wipes the dalvik cache and from what I have read). You will have to use your slide out keyboards directional pad to navigate this menu, and use the middle of the directional pad to click on the options.

                    I did the wipe cache first, then the hard (factory) reset.

                    After I let the phone do this. I reboot it and played with it for a bit before I re-installed the titanium backup and it felt really zippy.

                    After this, I had to go to the market to get titanium backup (as it was wiped from my phone) and re-install it. Went into the app and and started the re-install procedure. I would also recommend installing the apps2sd app from the market before you start restoring your info as it should install the apps from your backup automatically to your sd instead of you having to go into your manage applications area of your phone and move it manually every time, which I had to do.

                    After all this, your phone should be running faster than before as I know mine did.

                    I would also suggest not using any kind of app killer or battery manager. I was using Android Booster and Advanced Task Killer after I did all this and the phone was being pretty buggy. After I deleted these apps the phone has been WAY more stable, and battery life has not changed to my knowledge.

                    I am also using Milestone Overclock as 1ghz with 59 vsel which helps with the performance A LOT!!!

                    Hope this helps.

                      • M
                      • Mono
                      • tsV
                      • 29 Apr 2011

                      MotoFan, 25 Apr 2011Hi all, so i upgraded to was not worth the wait ... morego to xda and search for it xD

                        • M
                        • MotoFan
                        • Ge@
                        • 25 Apr 2011

                        Hi all, so i upgraded to was not worth the wait n hype for FROYO...the big question do i down grade back to eclair?
                        Thanks guys :)

                          • D
                          • AnonD-6588
                          • ucy
                          • 20 Apr 2011

                          I love the Motorola Milestone, I just wish that it has more ram. The other thing is the keyboard, the thing feels loose after awhile.

                            • b
                            • baldwin
                            • Q}Z
                            • 19 Apr 2011

                            AnonD-5256, 02 Apr 2011I have this with official 2.2.1 ,then I installed androot a... morePlease send me some guidelines, as to how to get this email is: I am truly suffering with esclair.If i get a technician to change my rom and install 2.2 on it unofficially will it work just as good as ur; being that the update is not in Jamaica or the Caribbean as yet

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • Q}Z
                              • 19 Apr 2011

                              Rudy Lazio, 19 Apr 2011I love my milestone again! I loved it when it came out, t... moreIn which country did you recieved this update and are u prompted with the overlock option in the installation of the 2.2

                                • R
                                • Rudy Lazio
                                • T7r
                                • 19 Apr 2011

                                I love my milestone again! I loved it when it came out, then I hated it. Now with the 2.2.1 update and I overlock it it been amazing! Im killing brand new phones with its speed. super happy! Glad I didn't give up on it ;)

                                  • R
                                  • Rudy lazio
                                  • T7r
                                  • 19 Apr 2011

                                  GIGAkun, 11 Apr 2011For all those who keep whining about this problem and that ... moreWell said!

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • LEZ
                                    • 18 Apr 2011

                                    littlekaiser, 17 Apr 2011Cyanogenmod always make my milestone hang, I switched to an... moreMake sure you DISABLE the Cyanogenmod option that allows all apps to be moved to the SD card. When apps that aren't designed to be moved are moved by force it causes many crashes.

                                      • l
                                      • littlekaiser
                                      • ucw
                                      • 17 Apr 2011

                                      Cyanogenmod always make my milestone hang, I switched to an aosp rom...

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • p3L
                                        • 15 Apr 2011

                                        Anonymous, 14 Apr 2011 ... morethank you