Motorola RAZR maxx V6
- X
- Xtreme! Moto fan
- m25
- 20 Oct 2006
Wow! What have I said? I didn't say N-series are not good, in fact, it's really good and it have many features, and bla bla bla.... But the design....not for me. Nokia have features, and Moto have style. I'm not here to start a war, I just get really angry because some of you say that Moto phone is not good when I didn't experience any problem with my Moto phone.
- F
- Faisel
- MMy
- 20 Oct 2006
The Best? Nokia has sold 10 times more fones than Motorola but when the shi*e company released their RAZR boomerangs, that's when they sold more but when Nokia struck back with their N Series and said "Stick that up your a55 you good for nothing losers!", Motorola really, really went down!
- s
- sweet
- 2Au
- 20 Oct 2006
The marketing strategy of Motorola is the really the BEST. That only means that they're marketing the BEST product. Thank You!
- ?
- Anonymous
- TS}
- 20 Oct 2006
Xtreme Moto Fan
The difference between a RAZR phone and an N- series Nokia phone is huge, tremendous and the 2 types of phones are completely and utterly different.
The RAZRs are nearly all the same.
The N -series are different- every single one of them has something outwardly and inwardly diferent. Check out site for yourslef , if you can bear too.
We are talking about a different class of phone, mate.
Motorola has a big job - to live up to the success of the RAZR phone's appeal. I frankly think the original RAZR phone is great looking and very innovative but living up to that will be hard for Motorola.
- m
- maestro
- U2V
- 20 Oct 2006
Well, fair enough to motorola's effort. They are really marketing geniuses.
However, realistically, motorola really have to start bringing out a fresh new idea. Motorola phones are probably one of the best feeling phones in someone's hand plus the fact that they don't cost as much as Nokia or SE phones.
I do get what everyone is saying tough, considering the N95 is already on it's way out, by the time motorola officially launches this RAZR maxx, they will probably have to lower the price to get people to buy it.
I guess that's why motorola phones are generally cheaper than nokia's. hmmm. Just a thought.
My 2 cents worth. Cheers all'!
btw, i ain't a hardcore motorola fan or something, i've always been wanting to buy nokia phones, but somehow always ended up with a motorola since they were always cheaper. :S i'm just a schoolboy anyways.
- R
- Ryan Turkekul
- B@M
- 19 Oct 2006
I Love this phone
- ?
- Anonymous
- 19 Oct 2006
It's because their favourite manufacturer don't have those interesting name but only those boring alphabet tht's y they jealous with MOTO so tht they come n bash it for nothin'.
- X
- Xtreme! Moto fan
- m25
- 19 Oct 2006
Why do you guys always says about another RAZR, another slim phone, another four words model by Moto? Then what about Nokia? Never heard other said another N-series? And samsung, another D-series? It's just a name!!
- B
- iL%
- 19 Oct 2006
Finally its actual index of V6 has been revealed, good to see it wont be V3xixx or whatever crap they wanna put on it. Now is this bad boy coming to T-Mobile?
- ?
- Anonymous
- 2Cx
- 19 Oct 2006
To Simple Simon and every other person out there who moans on and on about there being too many RAZR's. The RAZR is not a platform or a technology, it's simply a marketing term. It describes Motorola's current slim style clamshell phones. Your arguement that there are too many RAZR phones is akin to saying there are too many candybar Nokia's. How about counting the number of RAZR style phones in the Motorola stable and compare that to the number of candybar phones in Nokia catalogue. I am forming the belief that the moaners and whingers are simply insecure about themselves. They were probably picked on by people at school who now use RAZR phones.
- s
- simon
- mmS
- 18 Oct 2006
since this phone was announced in july nokia have introduced about 10 new models as have many other top phone makers ,this phone will be out about 4 months before the nokia n95 and look at the difference between these phones .motorola are running out of ideas all there phones seem to be razr based and need a fresh look,the mobile pioneers are starting to look like the mobile dinosaurs.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 2Cx
- 18 Oct 2006
- ?
- Anonymous
- 2Cx
- 18 Oct 2006
It's interesting to note that Motorola will be making a CDMA (EV-DO no doubt) version of the Maxx for Verizon. There's a picture of the CDMA version available on Motorola's website. It features a different looking camera and flash assembly. It's quite a bit better looking than the same part from the sample pictures of the WCDMA Maxx
- S
- Sebastian
- iBt
- 18 Oct 2006
I agree with the last comment. it´s raelly clear.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 2Cx
- 17 Oct 2006
The MotoRAZR Maxx is out on the Telstra NextG network in late October or November.
- ?
- Anonymous
- ShK
- 17 Oct 2006
This phone rocks
- l
- leroy.s.ivy
- 17 Oct 2006
man i love this phone? its all flash and i really really want it. oh hi richelle lub u long time. we both love this phone too death.
- S
- Shahyraj
- PBj
- 16 Oct 2006
I think this phone Is very good phone but I think Motorola have to be made a Faster Phone Like Nokia. And I Also Think That Motorola Can Make If They Like 5 megapixel camera phone
- e
- english
- jGe
- 16 Oct 2006
Richard, with all due respect, can you please point me in the direction of the source you're using to claim that Motorola still can't make enough of them. Because where i live, every carrier gives them out for free and they even get so desperate they put sport's players' autographs on them so someone will take it. People in a second grade have RAZRs. I don't want to have a phone that an 8 year old uses.
- R
- Richard Buchanan
- k1@
- 16 Oct 2006
really, K. motorola still can't make enough RAZR after over 2 years. it's the long lasting, classic designs which we should appreciate. like the ipod. you don't see people claming ipod needs a "new direction," it's still the basic same design and still king.
it's the phone makers who need a new design once a month that have screwed up. nokia, LG, samsung, sony ericcson would all love to be in motorola's shoes right now instead of making phones that don't create a lasting impression.