Motorola RAZR maxx V6

Motorola RAZR maxx V6

User opinions and reviews

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  • K
  • K
  • PSP
  • 15 Oct 2006

Well at least they manage to design something which can last for this long n ppl r still craving for it except for those gadget geeks of course since for them,function is everything.

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • m%T
    • 14 Oct 2006

    Motorola has unique long product life cycle which is renewable as U can see :) They earned lot of money on that design. Well but, now they have to come up with sth new. Maybe they can sell 2 or 3 more razors but fame is not going to last forever.

      • K
      • Kal
      • jc}
      • 13 Oct 2006

      Now I'm getting the whole picture.
      Have you even spend your hard earned money to buy a phone???? Seems not. When you do, then you look for what best you can get out of your cash and moto phones doesnt come up in the list. Getting it free makes you do nothing and you dont give a crap about what others are offering in the same price range.No wonder why you spend so much time to defend your beloved moto. They dont have to change anything just because you people will keep getting it free and there wont be any complains from your side. Great.

        • Z
        • Zorro luv Moto
        • TC$
        • 13 Oct 2006

        I just don't understand. Why is ppl complaining about this phone when it isn't in any mobile phone store yet? That's strange. Just wait for a review of this phone to know how good or maybe bad is this phone.

        Next, what is the problem between English and Gangsta Moto? This is not an education forum. We are allowed to say whatever language we want(except foul language).

        Lastly, why is everyone complaining about the names of Motorola phones? It's absolutely fine to name their phones RAZR, ROKR , SLVR......This is called creative. Nothing wrong. All those Nokia, SE , Samsung just name their phones with alphabet and numbers. That's not creative. Ppl will forget all those numbers and alphabets in a few minutes later. But RAZR, SLVR....leaves a deep memory/impression( sorry, i don't know how to explain), so ppl will remember their phone's name.Therefore when ppl go to a mobile phone shop, they can just say," Can i take a look at the SLVR?".They don't need to memorize what number and alphabet.....

        That's all. But ppl here, please don't simply criticise a phone when you haven't use it.


          • e
          • english
          • jGe
          • 13 Oct 2006

          Dear M that wrote, "People, why you so stupid and talking abaut camera megapixels???",

          I have to say something because I heard this before and I truly believe your reasoning is wrong. You said, "if you need a camera, then just get a camera..." In that case why don't we just use phone booths on the street and home phones. It's called progress. Let's just carry around a suitcase everywhere we go, full of a big cellular phone, a calculator, a large calendar, a huge alarm clock, a chronograph, a dvd player, a tv, an mp3 player, oh and a timer, a typewriter for the notes and of course a huge am/fm radio with a long antenna. You don't want to do that do you? Well, that's the same reason why people care about what kind of camera will be built in the next cell phone.

          I think that's just making an excuse for a manufacturer by saying, "great phone, who cares about the camera, i already have one..." Try out those devices that do it all and really well and you'll never go back (nokia, sharp, se and others). It's like when someone doesn't care about a watch, he/she usually wears a Timex, same with motorola - 1st cell phone to get if you don't care.

            • M
            • M
            • mJ2
            • 13 Oct 2006

            People, why you so stupid and talking abaut camera megapixels??? This phone is great, if you need camera come and buy Fuji; Olympus, Minolta or other! This phone futures No1 in market, HSDPA; Bluetooth A2DP; ant etc...

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • Mx@
              • 13 Oct 2006

              OMG not another razr.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • TC%
                • 13 Oct 2006

                This RAZR Maxx phone is not as good looking as the V3 and the V3i. I will look else where.
                Gangsta Moto you seem bloviate and blandiose. Look that up .

                  • V
                  • Vergil
                  • Nxs
                  • 13 Oct 2006

                  Beautiful phone

                    • M
                    • Mayur
                    • P$m
                    • 13 Oct 2006

                    Well there is no radio in the handset...

                      • R
                      • Richard Buchanan
                      • k1@
                      • 13 Oct 2006

                      "I really can't believe that after 3 or 4 years the RAZR is still goin. ITS SOOOOO BORING!! Motorola reallly really need to come up with a new design or concept...."

                      why would motorola come up with a new concept when this one sells so much? the demand flat out contradicts your claim. motorola still can't make enough RAZR and it's not because of D&G gold V3i. it's because people love the design. there is still nothing that can match it after all this time (2 btw not 3 or 4).

                      i don't hear anyone saying "nokia needs to stop it with the boring little candybars, they bore me." how much have nokia candybars changed in design over almost a decade? BARELY NONE. yet they keep dishing them out, why? because people buy them, because they're in demand. it would be ridiculous for motorola to abandon RAZR for something new that people possibly might not even want.

                        • A
                        • Adz
                        • n}W
                        • 13 Oct 2006

                        I really can't believe that after 3 or 4 years the RAZR is still goin. ITS SOOOOO BORING!! Motorola reallly really need to come up with a new design or concept....the RAZR is just looking far to commen now and loads of people hav the pink,blue,silver,gold....the only reason they sell is because they keep bringing them out with a new name like 'MAXX' or 'D&G'. Bored already

                          • X
                          • Xtreme! Moto fan
                          • m25
                          • 12 Oct 2006

                          Why do you guys hate Motorola so much but still wasting your time clicking on the forum and leave some message to offend others? If you like Nokia, go and say something good but dont come here to tell lies. Me and most of my friends use Moto phone and i never hear them complaining and say bad things about it!

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • TC$
                            • 12 Oct 2006

                            Oh for goodness sake Mr. R Buchanan - have some vision and stop getting your knickers in a twist.

                            Motorola I am sure ,pay lots to their marketing people. Thye need to revamp .Everyone knows this RZR KRZR WZR stuff is just riding the greenback .Well ,tell me what does KRZR mean ?

                            The thin hpone RAZR phone thing is so passe.

                              • R
                              • Richard Buchanan
                              • k1@
                              • 12 Oct 2006

                              "I really wish Motorola would think of something else to produce rather than the RAZR line up and their silly names.It was fun and innovative once but boring now and overdeone. I mean waht is a KRZR .RAZR - yes, we get, KRZR is well........."

                              right. and what's the next phase? let's add some thickness to the phone? let's ugly them up, give people bricks that aren't in demand? what the hell else can they do with the phone but put a slightly higher megapixel camera in there?

                              and of course let's change the names. let's go back to motorola V1150 and E1056. right when the industry is following behind motorola's footsteps and trying to name their phones (aka nokia and lg) let's take it on back to the good old days!

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • TC$
                                • 12 Oct 2006

                                To continue -

                                I really wish Motorola would think of something else to produce rather than the RAZR line up and their silly names.It was fun and innovative once but boring now and overdeone. I mean waht is a KRZR .RAZR - yes, we get, KRZR is well.........

                                Also .Gangsta Moto - I rather doubt someone with a first in economics and an MBA would hold such closed views ,as you do. Educated people learn to express their views, learn about others' views ,discuss them rationally and be broad minded.These are qualities you seem to lack .

                                  • A
                                  • Alina
                                  • 4}I
                                  • 12 Oct 2006

                                  i am dieing for the razr maxx i cant wait until it comes out HOW MUCH LONGER

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • TC$
                                    • 12 Oct 2006

                                    Well gangsta Moto - we keep coming in here to represent the views of others re. phones and not just motorola phones. You know it is called freedom of speech . Also, it is rather fun to read your reactions which are biased and you jump all the time over Moto phones.

                                    Re. Moto V3x camera - it was awful - know because I had one and the phone went back in 2 days. The V3x also gave me some Repetitive Strain Injury - it is so unergonomic.
                                    I also had the V3i - it went back in 12 hours because the build quality was so poor I could my SIM card through the gap at the battery cover .I oculd go on .
                                    Yes Moto have improved their UI with Linux but it is still not very good - getting better but it is not up to par with Nokia and SE ,etc.

                                    Concede ,please. You have no argument with your modding .We have lifes we want ot live- I do not wish to spend my time modding a phone .

                                    Moto do not make phnoes for people to mod- people decide to do so thenselves because something is unsatisfactory to them .Thati s the fact. it's plian old UI hacking.

                                    I stand by my view that Motorola is not up to speed- their portfolio is arther poor with more rehashed RAZR versions and not much else. E2 is bad - it really is. Their customer care service and their website is terrbile .

                                    Someone on this forum wrote that they should stick to making Walkie Talkie - well - maybe they should or.......
                                    they should hire you ,Gangsta to be their front man and to promote their handsets .You just epitomise Motorola. I rest my case.

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • jGe
                                      • 11 Oct 2006

                                      Yes i've used the MPX200 about 3 years ago, and that was and is the only nice motorola phone i have ever seen, because it wasn't made by motorola.

                                      Wow, i seriously doubt you did all those studies you claim, because an individual would not type like you do if that were true. Unless you went there by some "QFR" program. You know, "quota for retarded". I was not pointing out your little mistypes, everyone does that, but your lack of knowledge of the basic english grammar.

                                      As far as which feature is "serious high tech" and which is not is very subjective and depends on your needs and wants from a particular gadget and what a consumer is willing to pay for, but you already know that with your "First Degree in Econimics"

                                      Dude, you can bark back at me all you want, but let's just face it - You don't wanna pay 500 bucks for a phone so you settle for a motorola, that's fine - it's your choice, it's a free country, I do hope you learned that during your extensive studies at "Cardiff Uni"


                                        • e
                                        • eNglish
                                        • jGe
                                        • 11 Oct 2006

                                        Well, i have succeeded, my original goal was to make you speak English, and I have done it. So you ain't keeping it real, you ain't representing :)

                                        As far as everything else goes, i don't even want to argue the simple Fact that motorola phones are usually inferior in built quality and features to other phones like Nokia, SE, and especially Japanese market phones. By the way I still have MPX200 as well, and guess what - it was made by someone else for motorola, no wonder it was and still is a great phone.

                                        P.S. I don't want to imply that you don't have a music ear, but your motorola doesn't vibrate to the beat of a music/ringtone, rather it simply vibrates on it's own preset pattern while the music is playing.
