Motorola RAZR V3
- s
- sparky
- nE2
- 23 Sep 2005
I got a disk with the phone and loaded it to my pc. I can make calls send texts and access the web.
granted i havnt spent much time with it but there doesnt seem to be an obvious way of doing it
Anybody give me some instructions please
- c
- coffee
- M7m
- 22 Sep 2005
For Sparky
I just totally agree with you. I have mine now for months and no problem at all. Transfering video or MP3 to ur phone is possible. For what i know from Luke, we have to install this software called "Mobile phonetools". But we have to purchase it from the motorola site thou. After that, we now able to transfer files to the phone using the USB data cable. Does anybody know some other way? thx..
- S
- Sparky
- nE2
- 22 Sep 2005
Hi all
I was a bit shocked at some posts here to do with faults and problems with the V3.
I have only had mine a few days now and so far everything is ok.
What i want to do or know if the phone will, is to send pics onto my pc or download pics from my pc. Is that possable with the V3?
and can i download vidios from my pc to the phone?
- M
- Michael
- Swh
- 22 Sep 2005
Hello ppl
Could you please help me.
Has any1 experiensed that v3 blk just switched off out of blue. Its brand new one, but started to behave this way. While the phone is still its cool, but as soon as i put it in my pocket and walk its switching off, well you can switch it on soon, but it freaks me out. has anybody have such a thing with this phone?
- p
- piam
- Rxd
- 22 Sep 2005
Every1 needs to kno that this phone will heat up from time to time and will get very slow depending on how you use it.
Please note that the phone is VERY thin in that matter it has to work 3 times as hard to get it functioning properly.
With the MP3 stuf...If you have got the USB...u can just plug everything up...NO NEED FOR PROGRAM...then go to my computer...then go to the usb drive...then simply go to any file in your documents or were ever and right click the...then go to "send to" then click on The USB drive.
- b
- bojan
- mnS
- 21 Sep 2005
pleas help me, where to find softwer for motorola w3, I lost my CD
- L
- Luke
- iLS
- 21 Sep 2005
Just click on the link to download it for free. Enjoy!
- T
- Tudorica Marius
- nDR
- 21 Sep 2005
This phone is cool.
- c
- coffee
- M7m
- 21 Sep 2005
Anyway, whats the Link Luke? forgot to ask u that, thx again..
- c
- coffee
- M7m
- 21 Sep 2005
Thx for the reply "Luke", really appreciate that..Thats really helpful posting. Take care.
- L
- Luke
- iLS
- 21 Sep 2005
the price is about £250 simfree from or you can get it free on contract.
And yes, you can have MP3s on the phone, but it doesnt have an MP3 player as such, you have to play them through the multimedia application which means its not very loud.
and 'leroy from fame' if the razr is so good how come your on your third one? Did they break? Mine did. You're entitled to your opinion about the phone but so is everyone else, and mine is that it's pointless to have a phone that looks nice if it is faulty. And I have to charge mine everynight because i text a lot during the day. Maybe yours has good battery life because you dont use it as much as a normal person
- R
- Rahul
- PxX
- 21 Sep 2005
Does this phone have Mp3??????
- C
- Chris
- m9A
- 21 Sep 2005
the razr black is a good fone, but its a shame about it having so little memory and i keep having to charge mine every 2 days (and these are supposed 2 have good battery life). i do have a sight problem where the screen goes white every so often which is annoying, but overall its a nice slim and sleek phone
- L
- Leeroy from Fame
- nEr
- 21 Sep 2005
i am now on my 3rd RAZR (the new black one)
-i love this phone. it makes calls crystal clear, it vibrates and i can send and recieve texts and MMS's.
-most of all, i love the looks-pure class.
all these people complaining about the lack of features and memory etc . why did you buy it? didnt you do your research beforehand. it seems unfair to complain about this AFTER you have purchased the phone, after all, the information is available to you all to make an informed choice.
the battery life on all three of my razrs has been suberb, as has the reception.
obviously the reception varies on location, and indeed also on the type of handset you use,.
one final point: MOTO have had to sacrifice megapixel cameras, video, memory cards and all that rubbish, in order to make the phone as slim and beautiful as it is -a fair trade i reckon cos i have had some higher spec phones with all these features on them and when i use my black V3, i really dont miss them !!
long live the V3, the best looking phone ever
- L
- Luke
- iLS
- 20 Sep 2005
to 'coffee'
you need to install mobilephone tools on ur computer from the CD rom that comes with the phone. Then connect your fone to the USB slot and open mobilephone tools. then selct the multimedia icon, and choose audio, you can then send audio files and MP3s to your phone.
Another useful thing is to download a free program called mptrim which lets you trim mp3s to certain lengths or take out a certain section, it's great for making your own ringtones which you can then send to you fone through the USB cable, ive done it myself its way better quality than stuff like jamster and its completely free! I have the link if ne1 wants it
- A
- Alin
- mAU
- 20 Sep 2005
I have 2 questions related 2 this phone..
1. How can I send some games to it besides donwloading by WAP? I have a lot of java games on my pc and i cannot send them 2 my phone..
2. Is there a way to extend that small memory? I mean..something like a miniUSB memory Flash..or something..?
Please reply to this post...
- c
- coffee
- M7m
- 19 Sep 2005
can somebody help me on transfering MP3 file to the phone PLEASE?? and what is exact use of the USB data cable? many thx...
- S
- Sofia
- mbE
- 19 Sep 2005
I think,apart from memory,camera,or software features,its not admisable for a mobile that expensive to FREEZE all of a sudden for no reason.From what I've read here,many people have gotten that white screen and had to remove the battery,including me!What if that happens when you REALLY need to make a call?Then it doesnt matter how slim or cool your mobile is,its useless!!Also the only ones who have problems with reception home,are the ones with Motorola phones,what a coincidence.I didnt have any problems with my Siemens or Nokia before,same provider.My opinion is,the phone looks really nice,but is not reliable at all,I shouldnt be worrying with a mobile like this wether its gonna hang up or I will get a blank screen...
- L
- Luke
- iLS
- 19 Sep 2005
to greg,
yeh the phone does have speakerphone, it's pretty clear as well, but the person who you are talking to on speakerphone always complains about how you're breaking up so there's no point really! So if you are asking that question because you're thinking of buying this phone I'd really advise you otherwise!
and laura, if you want a samsung you should wait for the d600 to come out, that's what I'm doing
- h
- happyseller
- Fv0
- 19 Sep 2005
sorry julius,
sorry m8, this phone won't work in japan. they have their own little system there which is WCDMA. this phone can't run on this network. hope this helps. :)