Motorola RAZR V3

Motorola RAZR V3

User opinions and reviews

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  • J
  • Jill
  • Pyj
  • 18 Aug 2005

Hi, can anyone help - I dialled 707 for my voicemail and then pressed 1 to listen to messages. I then decided to put the speakerphone on as I was outside and couldnt hear very well - unfortunately at this point I managed to store this in the phone book but without a name. Afterwards, I was unable to get into the phonebook to delete the spurious entry - the phonebook opened and closed itself down. I had to do a Master Clear and obviously lost a huge amount of data at ths point. Does anybody have any solutions or advice on this subject.

    • o
    • overdose
    • mAU
    • 17 Aug 2005

    I had a K700i and it got stolen last week. Now I bought myself a Motorola v3. I think that the SE was far better. That is because of the small memory of the v3. I wonder why is it equiped with an mp3 player if you can`t even store one. I think I`m going to buy a SE K750i. I think that`s the best choice. I recommend u ppl to do the same.

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • mys
      • 16 Aug 2005

      I think this phone is aload of rubbish the memory is rubish and i have had to send it back for reparing and i have only had it 1 month!!!

      DO NOT BUY!!!!

      If you want a good phone with good memory go for a Samsung D500.

        • T
        • Travis
        • Yi}
        • 16 Aug 2005

        For Those Of You Who Have Not Figured Out Why The Keypad Lights Up Only Sometimes, Try This. Hold It Under A Light, Hit A Button. The Lights Should Be Off. Put The Phone In A Darker Place (In Your Showdow For Example) And Press A Key, The Lights Should Come On. The Small Hole On The Right Side Under The Screen Above The Right Soft Key Is A Light Sensor Im Guessing, Hold Your Finger Over That And Push A Button And The Lights Should Come On. Email Me If You Have Any Further Questions. By The Way, I Have Had This Phone For Less Than A Day And Figured That Out

          • A
          • AG
          • iLR
          • 15 Aug 2005

          I received the V3 last week from my new network. Looks good and works fine. Except I too have found that the key pad back light only comes on now and again and at the momement it seems to have gone off completely. Less than a week old! Nothing in the manual to set it up differently. Can anyone help or is this a fault??

            • J
            • Johan
            • PZv
            • 14 Aug 2005

            My other cellphones displayed the cell I was in, eg the place where I was roaming. can the V3 also display this information? Bought this phone yesterday but could not yet locate this option.

              • C
              • Cricket
              • Pxv
              • 13 Aug 2005

              Can someone help me. I bought this phone today and already have a problem with. When I open it, the keypad light is off. If I open and close it a few times it turns on... until I close it and open it again. Is this something that can be easily fixed?

                • j
                • jon whiteley
                • Px3
                • 13 Aug 2005

                I've had the V3 since November 2004. Nice look but not a great phone. The 2 tiny little rubber plugs that are on each side of the earpiece and are used to make that nice sound when u close the phone got lost twice, but here in Jakarta the Motorolla agent had many stock. The keypad does not keep its nice look for long specially if therehas been some sweat on it. No idea how to use the video. Need to be a genius as the book with the phone lacks so much. Bluetooth too.........Einstein could fathom it out. Anyway Motorolla is the coolest brand but not the best product around.

                  • h
                  • himank
                  • PTm
                  • 13 Aug 2005

                  i just got this phone and believe me this phone is the worst phone one could ever get!!!! i had a nokia 6600 and i guess that was farr better than this one. i think even a nokia 6610 is better than this. the features are just sad, i wasted 15,000Rs. on this. i guess am gonna sell this back and buy a nokia or a sony ericsson, but am not sure who is gonna buy this phone!!!! pls people don't buy this phone.......its reallly not worth the money u pay.......

                    • B
                    • Bran Aitchison
                    • 4TB
                    • 13 Aug 2005

                    I have had the V3 since Febuary phone was great until I went bike riding and used it. A little sweat on the keypad and the phone died....Motorola said ANY liquid will damage the product...would not fix under warranty...The phone came back in worst shape than it was when sent,worst $600 I spent.....

                      • J
                      • Jeb
                      • YHi
                      • 13 Aug 2005

                      I posted earlier on this topic. It's up to the carrier, unless you mod it yourself. I contacted Motorola about this topic before. Cingular can't record video, T-mobile can I think, other than that, there are some sites that you can mod it so it takes video, hope that helps

                        • M
                        • Mr Big Dick
                        • iLQ
                        • 13 Aug 2005

                        How do u Record Videos with this phone i have the black 1 maybe that is y?
                        but the secong or third post down it says to recording u have to faff around!

                          • V
                          • Vinay
                          • PUZ
                          • 12 Aug 2005

                          It's got great looks, a real head turner. Features are enough for me. Two things that is most irritating for me is, firstly some key responses are slow. For example if I press the green buttong for redialing it takes a couple of seconds to show the redial list. Secondly the most irritating thing about it is the phone book. It allows you to enter only the first character of the name!! If you have 20 names starting with "S", you are allowed to type only 'S" and scroll one by one to the entry that you are interested in. This is a real irritant. Rest of the things are fine.

                            • T
                            • Teutonskiy
                            • S92
                            • 12 Aug 2005

                            Kate, darling, if you got sick of this phone please see a doctor. This is just a phone not a mobile game-station with all the soft you need to play with. But there are other alternatives, you know, like pocket PC, gameboy, digital cam, smart-phone that you should check out instead of bying this particular phone.

                            Kids this phone purely for adults, go bother yourself with something else.

                              • K
                              • Kate
                              • Skr
                              • 10 Aug 2005

                              I got a sont erricsson k700i 12 months ago and loved it never got sick of it. Had the motorolla v3 and got sick of it within three days. At first it was cool the look is great but can you do anything on it not at all. The manufacturing is not good atall. I plugged in the charger and then when i took it out it was still saying it was charging for the next 2 days. didnt like charging flashing at me all the time. As for video recording very good videos but cant take them without faffing about. Blue tooth a usually find the easiest thing in the world but on this you need to be a rocket scientist to work it out. Didnt like this phone at all good job i had 14 days to send it back. I have now got the k750i and i love it.

                                • R
                                • Ravi
                                • PYM
                                • 10 Aug 2005

                                Hi I`m from Trinidad ( West Indies ). My phone has started to give me alot of problem making calls. I sometime have t redial alot before the call goes through even with a full Bar of signal. Is it the phone or the Network, because the nokia next to me gets calls easy but was activated before me.

                                  • `
                                  • `C|A`vs`FB|
                                  • mK9
                                  • 09 Aug 2005

                                  Can anyone tell me please what kind off instant messengers works on my V3? A download link it would ve perfect.

                                  Thanks....please HELPPPPPP

                                    • T
                                    • Tim Branyen
                                    • 4CT
                                    • 09 Aug 2005

                                    My V3 is kinda sweet. It has been hacked to have a Scarface startup and shutdown, video recording, roaming icon, gprs icon, my photo on the outside screen, and free games... I have a cool outside skin from This phone is pretty sweet not only by being all metal and real thin, but it has all the features of a clamshell design/aka big phone. If you wanna learn how to get vid. rec, and some other cool features, just visit or!

                                      • K
                                      • Kenneth
                                      • P17
                                      • 09 Aug 2005

                                      I love the phone and its features, HOWEVER ------ I have owned it less then 3 months and had to replace it twice. I think they put too much time into making it good and not enough into making it durable.

                                        • d
                                        • daniel
                                        • Snj
                                        • 09 Aug 2005

                                        i know the v3 is made out of metal, but has anyone noticed it also has a real penetrating metal smell ? i have had mine for about 7 months, and the smell is getting worse and worse everyday now.