Motorola RAZR V3

Motorola RAZR V3

User opinions and reviews

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  • i
  • ian
  • Cfh
  • 25 Aug 2005

Even though I have read many negative feedbacks about the Razr V3, I would have to say that it's not as bad as anyone says. The looks of this phone is almost built to perfection and it is also very classy. In terms of the camera, it lacks a bit of megapixels. On the other hand, the reception and the sound is almost perfect. For a phone that has no problems with calls and yet looks perfect, the Motorola Razr V3 is definitely one of the top choices.

    • b
    • barry alderton
    • n10
    • 24 Aug 2005

    I took out the v3 on contract just over a month ago. Ive had to send one back due to a faulty ear peice, which the missus rubbed it in how naff the v3 is compared to the se k750i. For all the advertising its missleading and unimpressive avoid at all costs

      • M
      • Mac Ellis
      • RNP
      • 24 Aug 2005

      OK people, the v3 has a useless memory for its features (5.5mb); the VGA camera is ordinary; once enabled, the video camera is ok but nothing to write home about; but as for its primary purposes, making phone calls and looking classy, the v3 is great. The v3x seems to improve on the memory and camera and will be a treat I am sure. For those wishing to flash your v3 to take video footage, make you you fully know what u r doing, otherise, your phone will be usless if flashed incorrectly. The following site may assist you with your v3 flashing .

        • J
        • Jonno
        • mrZ
        • 23 Aug 2005

        i do not have the v3 but i do have the sony erricson k750 and it is an awesome phone, all the features on it are as good if not better, on thing is its a bit thicker, but it isnt too big. the camera is great 2 mp produces really good photos. go and buy one

          • C
          • Chris W
          • mAm
          • 23 Aug 2005

          The phone initially looks good but the lack of memory is a severe downfall, plus the fact you cannot record video.


          Rant over. Thanks

            • c
            • chinmay
            • in{
            • 23 Aug 2005

            i live in india. motorola shud read this cos if this phone had a memory slot then it wud hav been a great hit in india. whats the use of all the feature without having memory

              • r
              • ron
              • i2s
              • 23 Aug 2005

              all i can say is that the v3 has nothing but multiple problems, such as house chargers no workking properly. also that the phone itself has a very bad habit of switching itself off most times. therefore in conclusion, my advise to all phone hunters, is "NEVER EVER BUY ANY MOTOROLA PHONE" BECAUSE it absolutely USELESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. BTW MOTOROLA, KISS MY ASS

                • J
                • Justin
                • U2M
                • 23 Aug 2005

                Great phone, we are selling heaps of them, common fault that Motorola would want to fix would definitly be that if you enter a phone number without a name it stops you from being able to access the phone book at all, even if they don't fix it, tell their repairers to fix it when people come in with the phone.

                  • s
                  • sivan
                  • m08
                  • 22 Aug 2005

                  lets say i delete those pictures,,
                  and i have enough space on my pfone,,
                  then h0w can i make a video ..
                  where to go on the pfone .?

                  it d0esnt show .!!!

                    • p
                    • pops
                    • Ghc
                    • 22 Aug 2005

                    not enought space on the phone
                    you can only download 2 mp3 ringtones and your phone memory is full
                    why cant we delete the sapphire,moto silver,nocturne pictures of the phone as we dont need it these pictures take up all the space on the phone

                      • A
                      • Arash
                      • mjM
                      • 22 Aug 2005

                      I need help guys. if any one how can i find a driver for connecting my V3 to My pc plz e-mail me, i don't know why it didn't come with cd for software and pc sync!!!

                        • d
                        • dommy
                        • Yik
                        • 20 Aug 2005

                        hey,can u tell me which site(s) can i go on to update and modify the motorola razr v3 to make it take video?
                        thanx a bunch!!
                        oh and p.s, any other information u have like how 2 upgrade the memory,compress mp3 files 2 put on the razr, etc. would be verry helpful, seeing as i'm deciding wether or not 2 get the phone, and i'd like 2 see all flaws it has, and wrk around them,i really like the phone,lol.

                          • s
                          • santoslhelpa
                          • xmX
                          • 19 Aug 2005

                          IF you need more mp3 s on it you need to reprocess the mp3 file
                          to 40kbit or 56 kbit
                          thats a fair quality for the single speaker or the single earphone i have 4 songs at it around 800kb no space left for a shit though

                          BTW COULD YOU PLEASE? help me ?

                          -I copied a JPG into it with lossless compression.
                          -Changed the Foto to wallpaper and in the s e c o n d it should show it, the screen blanks out and crashes, restarts. No signal, Background white in the first second then "pleasewait" blanks out restarts again.

                          -in Pin login its normal, then the loading of the Personalised data with hte wallpaper and it crashes and restarts (white background all the time).
                          -You manage to get into the options menu for one second, before it starts to load the wallpaper and crashes. Freezes for asecond, writes please wait, blanks out and restarts in 3 seconds.
                          -Accessing the Foto is possible via Phone tools butthe file cant be deleted or overwritten since it is chose as wallpaper

                          Would be glad if you help me

                            • b
                            • brian
                            • 4tj
                            • 19 Aug 2005

                            the motorolla razr is the MOST amazing phone i have EVER seen and or used. I had the motorolla v300 and that just had one problem after the other- and it can never charge properly, so i decided to go with motorola one more time- and if they screwed me up on the razr i would have never bought another phone from them again... but i am pleasantly surprised- lets not jinx it... the design is AWSOME - so sexy and thin- just beautiful- the features- it has EVERYTHING that anyone would ever need- except its have the size... amazing reception and battery life ... it is a touch EXPENSIVE but ... its worth the moneyy.,.. trust me

                              • R
                              • RAMIL
                              • xsM
                              • 19 Aug 2005

                              Great phone, bought it in January. In July, went to an Amusement park and rode the Superman ride, which is a roller coaster that has the riders hung horizontally. After the first drop and on the way up to another hill, the V3 slipped off my pockets and fell over 100 feet. At the end of the day, I went over to lost and found and they had my phone. I just adjusted the sim card and its working fine, like nothing happened. Great phone.

                                • S
                                • Santoslhelpa
                                • Bik
                                • 19 Aug 2005

                                I need your assistance
                                Is there a hardware reset?
                                I copied a JPG into it with lossless compression.
                                Changed it to wallpaper and in the s e c o n d it should show it screen blanks out and crashes, restarts. Pin loging normal then the loading of the Personalised data and hte wallpaper and it crashes and restarts. You manage to get into the options menu before it starts to load the wallpaper and crashes. freezes for asecond blanks out restarts in 3 seconds.

                                Would be glad if you help me
                                THought that little dot under right screen is a little reset switch but appearently its an optical sensor i scratched now Haha

                                so Please help if you have a clue.

                                  • S
                                  • Surej
                                  • mx7
                                  • 19 Aug 2005

                                  Beautiful phone , althought pointless features; 5.5MB and video and mp3 player ?. which means you can only have one mp3. the phone is fairly wide , but it does have a good camera.

                                    • J
                                    • JohnnyXxX
                                    • MmT
                                    • 19 Aug 2005

                                    This phone is kind a poor today, nothing special and big. Esspecially when you open it O_o.
                                    Spend money on Nokia 6630 or Samsung d500 and enjoy ;).

                                      • R
                                      • Ryan
                                      • P%S
                                      • 19 Aug 2005

                                      Jill Jill.
                                      Now that i have your attention..
                                      Hi Jill, I had the same problem when I first got the phone and did the same thing. The I did it again the other day. I really didn’t want to do a master clear because I have about 250 contacts on it. So I went to the telstro shop. They told me to press 1 then #. This brings up the first name in your contact list. Now simply press up to the number you want to delete then delete it….
                                      Good luck

                                        • l
                                        • lors
                                        • i2u
                                        • 18 Aug 2005

                                        I do not like the V3 at all. All these people who get on and rave about it are ignoring or playing down the downfalls of this phone. It had great potential and due to design flaws or something it has fallen well short. The camera quality isn't great, and I a lot of people have replaced the battery well within six months because it has died!! I am sorry but this phone is so much less to some of the other phones available and I'm in Australia; and we are far behind everyone else