Motorola RAZR V3

Motorola RAZR V3

User opinions and reviews

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  • s
  • seng
  • PFM
  • 05 Sep 2005

Hi! i was wondering wat d dirr. of silver V3 n black V3 beside d colour? ppl say black V3 got cam-reocrder function, n silver V3 don't, is it?? thanks 4 ur inform!!

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • iA0
    • 05 Sep 2005

    u can get about 10mb of space. by upgrading the software, and deleting unwanted ring tones and pics etc, as well some of the default java apps u get; u can increase memory. i got aroun 9535 kb on mine. and the best part is u can do all this for free.

      • c
      • crystal
      • ARm
      • 04 Sep 2005

      please someone help me.. i dont know how to take video footage with my v3.. all my friends have video cam on their home screen but i have no idea where the hell it is!! please i going crazy.. need instant reply xx

      crystal.. aus

        • E
        • Erick
        • jB1
        • 03 Sep 2005

        I have a motorola v3 black and its great and the speaker is loud enough to hear perfectly

          • S
          • Sofia
          • mbE
          • 03 Sep 2005

          I've also seen the all white screen a couple of times,specially when it's running out of battery,although this is quite disturbing in a NEW mobile this expensive,the real problem about my V3 is that the reception is awful.And by awful I mean people hardly hear me,and most of the times it hangs up!I don't know if anyone has had the same problem but I find it quite distressing,since I'm one of those who doesnt care about low memory or low quality pictures:I just want to make/receive regular calls!!This only happens usually in my house,but I didn't have any problems before with my old mobile so I know is not the net.Also the "stupid" manual does not let me know if I did/activated something wrong,so Im totally helpless.

          I can't take it back to the store since I bought it some time ago,and also I think they'll say its due to net problems,and I cant use my phone just to make calls normally,I have to keep walking around the house like an idiot and redial whenever it hangs up,so I would really appreciatte any help from anyone who's had the same problem.


            • L
            • Lee (uk)
            • nEq
            • 03 Sep 2005

            patrick, i know how you feel, i dropped my first silver v3 from 3 foot, and the hinge snapped through the circuit board and i ended up with the phone in two pieces!
            i feel i have to answer to all these people giving the V3 a kicking. you are missing the point of this phone by moaning about what functions it DOESNT have.(i used to be the same).
            people buy this phone for the DESIGN QUALITY-pure and simple. just the same reason why the APPLE I-POD is so popular,and yet a lot of its rival Mp3 players are far superior ...the quality of the design in looks like nothing else on the market, is still futuristic looking even a year after going on sale. what more can i say?
            i have a SE K750i which is fantastic.(i got it free upgrade) but i have still just been and purchased a black V3...the reason?
            the amazing DESIGN of it. so what if the camera is rubbish,and the memory is poor. it lets me send text messages, stores all my numbers and can even take a quick snap shot with the of all , i can EVEN MAKE AND RECIEVE PHONE CALLS !
            wow. i think the fact that my SE 750i does all things better(apart from size and looks) and yet i always want to use my V3 says a lot about how futuristic the V3 really is!

            long live the V3, a future design classic, right up there with the apple i-pod !!!!

              • S
              • Scott H
              • 4cY
              • 02 Sep 2005

              I keep getting a high pitched sound when I put the handset to my ear. It goes away when I dial someone, but remains when when someone calls me. It makes the sound constantly when not in use. Has anyone else had/heard these annoying sound. I am about to return the phone. Scott.

                • d
                • dan
                • MSR
                • 01 Sep 2005

                looks great. bit low on memory (5.4 mb(someone has put it has 10mb, ill believe that when i see it))
                i had a nokia 6600 then a k700i now this.
                the k700 had 7 times the amount of memory and more features than this. BUT the v3 looks great (in black anyway) all i want from a phone now is bluetooth good looks and mp3 tones. admittedly when i first go it the bluetooth was ropey. it would send but wouldnt recieve but after 2 days of having it it started working (touch wood).
                all in all a good phone if you want looks and mp3 s.

                  • P
                  • Patrick
                  • j@4
                  • 01 Sep 2005

                  First one kept going up and down the ring tones all by itself; inside 30 days and TigerDirstc took care of me. 2nd one i dropped less than 3 ft and the hing on the flip screen broke-F#$@! My fault, but jeez I once dropped my Nokia under a semi and it still worked. Fine, I called up Cingular and they want $225 for a exchange phone(!!!) Shoot, right now you can get 2 of the things w/ Bluetooth headsets for free if you signing up---whatever! Motorola wasn't helpful at all either...guess I get a cheap GSM phone and use the razor as a paperweight.
                  Thanks MOTO!

                    • B
                    • Brock
                    • mcM
                    • 31 Aug 2005

                    All i have to say about this phone is that the design is cool slim and sexy. This phone would probably rock the world if it had the features if a nokia 7610 or k750 but i dont get it why only 5.5 mb memory u cant use any of its features.

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • iA0
                      • 31 Aug 2005

                      its not that bad and u can have video on it, and get up to 10 mb of free space.

                        • J
                        • Jeb
                        • YHi
                        • 30 Aug 2005

                        Marko, I totally agree with you. Everytime I check out this site someone else is complaining about either the video or the mp3. This phone does everything I need it to do, makes/receives calls, send texts/pics, & looks awesome, that's why I bought it. When I want to take really nice pictures, I use my CAMERA & if I want to listen to music I use my MP3 PLAYER

                          • a
                          • anti-marko
                          • 2Am
                          • 30 Aug 2005

                          if you are stupid the phone makes for our everyday life!!! how about if you just have a phone that just have a sms calls and you need mp3, video cam, camera, and some printing equipments for the picture!!! try it if your going to your office or school do you want to bring it all??? of course you be having a very big bag if your going to school and your bag is full of gadget i think you will be embarassed not because you bring those gadgets because of your boastfulness because you will them "i have this...i have this one...i have it like yours" that why we our modern!!!so if your not ride on to our new world or a new technology you better out in this world i think you are in 70' so watch your mouth!!!

                            • u
                            • unknown
                            • Yce
                            • 30 Aug 2005

                            O-K, so i have this phone ( it's the black one instead ) & i have no clue how come my internet doesn't work on it ? if anybody has a clue how to make it work, email me !! thanks.

                              • M
                              • Marco
                              • n9T
                              • 30 Aug 2005

                              Hey all you people slating the V3! Get a life! Buy a digital camera and an mp3 player, stop being so cheap and stop expecting your mobile to everything except wash you! Hellooooo planet earth! phones are for making/recieving calls and sending messages, the V3 looks great and does all of the above! Its the nuts, end of!

                                • j
                                • joe
                                • n1k
                                • 29 Aug 2005

                                Ater just two days of having the phone i have found that it will not charge. Complicated menu functions make simple tasks like text messaging take forever!

                                  • d
                                  • david
                                  • SpL
                                  • 28 Aug 2005

                                  I've had this phone under a week. After a couple of days the large screen display is sometimes not showing (just a bright white screen instead of icons). Any ideas? Is this likely to be a fault or something less serious (settings/software??)

                                  please help

                                  David UK.

                                    • w
                                    • waaaaa
                                    • RK3
                                    • 26 Aug 2005

                                    hey, people this phone is a perfect phone i have this phone and this the most anticipated mega ultimate phone you will ever seen this phone is the most perpedicular outrageous phone i ever seen this phone is amazing this phone is the most famous understanding to your NEEDS the problem is it has no card slot and infrared!!!

                                      • L
                                      • Lorinda
                                      • yZx
                                      • 26 Aug 2005

                                      It's sleek yet sexy looking but the features are absoloutely dysfunctional. For the price people pay for, it's not worth it. I strongly advice for Motorola maufacturers to re-assess your product before you launch it.

                                        • e
                                        • elph
                                        • i2s
                                        • 25 Aug 2005

                                        now i work in a phone shop and lets just say that this phone has the most early life failures and faults (alot of customers have come back and complained about it, its batery life is useless, there are alot of probs with the house chargers and the memory is sooo small u can't even store any pics or mp3's, and no video camera in it, seriously what is the use of having all these features when u can't even use them..... i am very dissapointed in motorola.... my opinion is to stay away from motorola!!!