Motorola RAZR V3
- j
- jorge
- P@Y
- 13 Jul 2005
anyone..does this thing hav voice recorder?how long can u record voices?tnx........
- G
- George
- P1S
- 13 Jul 2005
Excuse me... can anybody tell me if there is a software to capture video clips in the the V3 RAZR normal edition (silver)???
And another question... the V3 Special edition (black) has this video clip capture feature on its own???
- ?
- Anonymous
- TCr
- 13 Jul 2005
Motorola V3 still come out on top compare to the Nokia 8800. Cheers.
- R
- Renato
- PjS
- 11 Jul 2005
I'm from Brazil and I'm really interested on this phone...but I don't no if i's a good choise.....if e398 is better...and tahtas all
- w
- waygadoo
- SdP
- 11 Jul 2005
I have a black V3 and Dell X50 V,best combination in my opinion. V3 is great,battery phenomenal it just won't die.Mp3, Bluetooth,Sync just works as it should. I don't expect from any phone to be a PC or a Digital Camera that is why I bought V3.The only thing I'd like V3 to have is EDGE. Nokia is like taking a brick with you and as a accesory you need a helmet for it.
- C
- Claude Chikozho
- Nxs
- 11 Jul 2005
I think the Motorola V3 is a great phone i have the silver one,and i took it allthough it has no video recording witch i allways whanted on a phone,if it is possible to do it,could you please explain to me how to get video recording on my phone.
Many Thanx
Claude Chikozho
- c
- chelsea
- i2r
- 11 Jul 2005
this is the worst phone i have ever had! i hate it, it has ok photos but most the time when i save them they go blury and u cant see them any more!! the phone doesnt store enought messages for my likings and it doesnt do anyhting i want it to!! SAVE YOUR MONEY!! out of 10 i rate it a 4.5 thumbs down
- R
- Ron Jones
- YaV
- 10 Jul 2005
I love my V3 razr! It is a cool phone, but the cons are that I haven;t figured out how to do voice enabled dialing! This has driven me crazy! Phone has a nice screen! I love Motorola as you can make a lot of changes to the phones! MP3 ringtones sound great! I added video recording to my phone through a package I got at Battery life is not that great! Overall, nice phone!
- s
- sy seah
- F4p
- 10 Jul 2005
can anybody using v3 black tell me if this phone is lacking and if this phone is good?
- a
- asa
- 2Am
- 10 Jul 2005
can this phone take a picture while the handset is close???
- O
- Osama
- SeE
- 10 Jul 2005
The Best thing about this phone is that it is slim and ClamShell and not that heavy as the other nokia's Dumbells.
- e
- ec
- Q8w
- 09 Jul 2005
Chrisy: I noticed that the side buttons are like flimsy (if you would) and cheap! But everything else is very streamlined except those buttons. Now you have the silver or black V3? Because i own the black and it has a firmware glitch that when you take the pictures (and looks ok) when you save it and view it it has these odd pixelated patterns! I heard all the black V3 have this problem so...keep a sharp eye.
- e
- ec
- Q8w
- 09 Jul 2005
Just get a belt clip :P
- C
- Chrisy22uk
- myP
- 09 Jul 2005
I just got the V3 Black 4 days ago and for some strange reason i cant find the Keypad lock (and yes i know its a clamshell) When i put the phone in my pocket i seem to press the side buttons and change the profile to silent or vibrate and miss calls, why does this phone not have a keypad lock......What a stupid design flaw...!
- e
- ec
- Q8w
- 08 Jul 2005
Motorolla has a reputation in which they advertise their phones to death making you believe the phone can do anything! Oh yeah to add to that equation they polish the heck out of the phones (meaning they look pretty)but when you buy it and use's garbage! V3 for example great looking phone but feature wise it has nothing! really nothing i mean i can buy a phone alot cheaper and get more better features and i end up saving cash! And i heard the black edition V3 has a firmware glitch that takes good pictures but saves the picture pixelated. Why buy a car that looks aggresive to only disapoint you in the racetrack because it has a lawn mower engine?
- ?
- Anonymous
- 57Q
- 08 Jul 2005
the code is 0000 (it's in the manual I believe)
- ?
- Anonymous
- Q$5
- 08 Jul 2005
in my own personal opinion this phone is annoying!!! its annoying to just hold because it is very thin and yet it is extrememly wide and tall and just feels weird.. the camera is crap and takes pictures half the size of the screen instead of full screen photos.. when using a bluetooth headset you cant use custom ringtones and it sets to a crappy typical ring and it doesnt have very many features.. these are just a few problems i dont like this phone for... ive had this phone for just 5 days and im upgrading to a sony ericsson s710 tommorrow... if you want to know where to get that phone for $40 email me at
- U
- Usman
- xXq
- 08 Jul 2005
i just wanted to know how do u download the software for video record on the v3. can anyone help me?
- p
- phone gal
- S35
- 06 Jul 2005
What are you people on. This phone is seriously lacking, it has a dodgy VGA camera no mp3 a tiny menory and the battery is is nothing to write home about, trying getting a decent phone peops
- j
- joki
- Pxv
- 05 Jul 2005
this phone is heapz good! the problemz r it onli has 5.5 megz, and itz reali wide. the gud thingz is that it has 262,000 colourz and buttons veri comfortable to press and it has a video camera (well mine does...)