Motorola RAZR V3

Motorola RAZR V3

User opinions and reviews

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  • J
  • JG1982
  • mX5
  • 28 Mar 2005

Too fidely!! The flip mechanism doesn't feel strong at all and one day i might just snap it in half by accident. the phone although thin is not as small as it seems. and i am bloody spitting blood trying to get the phone to work! I am going to refund this and get the Samsung D500. Fashion statement my a*s!

    • V
    • Vali
    • mcX
    • 28 Mar 2005

    I have this phone for over 1 month now. i admit, i bought this fone for the looks of it. but, i'm really surprised by it's functionality.
    The good:
    Good reception
    Good bluetooth
    good speaker fone
    good screen
    good battery life

    the bad:
    none so far

    Who says the bluetooth doaesn't work is lying. It works perfect with Nokia, Motorola and even my laptop.
    If you want to fly buy a BMW if you want to drive buy a Mercedes. The V3 is a Mercedes...

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • j1c
      • 28 Mar 2005

      way too expensive for just a VGA, no memory slot, etc. just looks guys... nothing special. handest getting hot, i've had lots of returns that's why i know there's alot of defective ones out there. lucky for you if you don't have problems with yours. i have to troubleshoot them, and the internal cpu is fried most of the time.

        • A
        • AC
        • mbE
        • 28 Mar 2005

        Guys guys, i sense a lot of jealousy in here, ppl are talkin about what they do not even know or have! Be better than that, please, i pity u! I have a V3 RAZR, and its mf'in hot! in the sense that it blows otha phones back 2 tha stone age! Ive never been this happy, and ive had nokia's, samsungs, ericssons, siemens, u name it...
        Lets kill sum rumours, no overheating, no flaws in screen or keypad, bluetooth is smooth and come on look at it!! Thinnest phone evr, its not that hard to figure it out, but if ur a no-brainer u dont even deserve the V3. There u have it, this phone is PIMP!

          • J
          • James
          • PT{
          • 28 Mar 2005

          The V3 is an excellent phone. I have always used sony ericsson and have switched for this phone. The bluetooth works great, you must not be syncing your unit properly as i have had no problems syncing with sharps, ericcsons and nokias. The phone has never once gotten hot whilst i have been using it and the aircraft grade aluminium wouldnt get hot anyway. This phone is the best that motorola has made.

            • F
            • FastJack2
            • SYP
            • 27 Mar 2005

            weeeeeh ... whats wrong with you guys ?
            this is definitely the best phone i ever got !
            no problem with bluetooth ... successfully connected to various phones mady by samsung, nokia and motorola ... and its getting hot ? mine isnt .... i played around with it yesterday for a couple of hours and its stayin ice-cold ... so only rumors i think ....

            thumbs up @ motorola


              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • j1c
              • 27 Mar 2005

              I've heard from customer that extended use of the V3. It will get hot and the display will stop to fuction. some of the unit died completely, some came back to life after cooling off. becareful!

                • h
                • hans
                • BCn
                • 27 Mar 2005

                the motorola v3 bluetooth doesnt work properly.
                i cant even connect two v3s and they are from the same company and even same model..
                i also cant connect to other motorola fones via bluetooth.. so bluetooth option in the fone is next to none existant. bcoz it doesnt even work properly

                  • R
                  • Robert
                  • P%E
                  • 27 Mar 2005

                  To : Jeff (Aus),

                  You are smart & clever in making your decision......this phone is really CRAP, it makes my angry with it all the time! I don't care how good it look anymore; it's just a piece of metal junk!

                  It's good to find that you don't listen to bullshit from people like Gavin (below)!

                  I have nothing against any make or model or an owner, I found just that this V3 is so rubbish & it's happen to be from Motorola.

                    • m
                    • mhon
                    • TGy
                    • 27 Mar 2005

                    How come there's no backlight in the key pad area? Does anybody know?

                      • J
                      • Jeff (Aus)
                      • RN@
                      • 27 Mar 2005

                      I was pretty keen to get this phone. After reading this discussion forum, theres no way I'm gonna get it now.

                        • G
                        • Gavin
                        • yZy
                        • 26 Mar 2005


                        I would like to agree with Robert. Mitch, its obvious that you have never had this phone and therefore, have never had a real phone in your life if you have never had the V3. I have 2 V3's because I bought one and my brother bought me one for my birthday one week after I bought mine. He didn't know I bought it but anyway, I have 2, and I couldnt be happier with either one. Obviously, all your friends are clumsy and dropped it a hell of a lot and that's why it resets and locks itself. Before you make such comments about a phone you don't own, maybe you should get one and then tell us what you think of it.

                          • J
                          • James (USA)
                          • P%E
                          • 26 Mar 2005

                          I am also a sucker who got ripped off by Motorola that is selling us RUBBISH mobile phones ! ! !

                            • R
                            • Rodrigo
                            • NB1
                            • 25 Mar 2005

                            This phone really SUCKS !! It's the worst crap I have ever seen.. pretend to be sexy but it's nothing more than a dumb crap

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • P%E
                              • 25 Mar 2005

                              This phone is damn rubbish :-

                              The ear piece volume is so damn quiet in noisy area that I am unable to hear what the other party on the line is saying!!!!!!!!!

                              This phone is too wide!!!!!!!!

                              This phone is too slow!!!!!!!!( It's not a symbian phone )

                              The only good thing is the clear handsfree speaker & easy to use calculator!!!!!!!!

                              I am a very angry & disappointed owner......I swear I will never buy another MOTOROLA phone!!!!!!!!!!!

                              MOTOROLA PHONE SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                • T
                                • To hans
                                • TC$
                                • 25 Mar 2005

                                You have been robbed. Get your money back!!

                                  • R
                                  • Robert
                                  • TC$
                                  • 25 Mar 2005

                                  Mitch, what did you say your phone is again...a sagging-what? Hello?? Get yourself a real phone before you make asinine remarks about a phone that you obviously can't afford. I was one of the first to buy the V3 when it was launched here and to date I can't remember it ever having locked or reset itself. Furthermore, mine syncs flawlessly with my PC (it helps to be computer-literate, of course) and it connects readily with both the bluetooth headsets I've used it with. Now, the way I figure it, either I'm some kind of rocket scientist or you and your "friends" are...(use your imagination!)

                                    • B
                                    • Bsouthw1
                                    • S35
                                    • 25 Mar 2005

                                    What phones do u guys actually like?? and dont say the D500 it looks and acts like a stool sample.....

                                    I had that phone for a week and at the end I was so bored and frustrated with it I felt like flushing it down the lavatory where it belongs!

                                      • b
                                      • bsouthw1
                                      • S35
                                      • 25 Mar 2005

                                      what phones do you guys actually like?? and dont say the D500 it looks like a stool sample....

                                      And its an all round bad phone I had one for about a week and got so bored with it I felt like flushing it down the lavatory where it belongs!

                                        • M
                                        • Mitch
                                        • yZy
                                        • 25 Mar 2005

                                        Hi everyone,

                                        If you are looking for a phone that you can just make and receive calls and send and receives text, maybe takes photos and lets you browse on the internet, don't buy this phone. But, if you are looking for something to attach to a neck lace, then buy it. The Motorola RAZR V3 is a really bad phone. I don't have one but I know about 4 people that do, and I have looked at theirs, they couldn't be angrier. Their alliminium cases broke as soon as they got it home, one of them got the USB cable and it wouldnt detect the phone on the computer. Most of my friends sold them, or even just threw them in the trash. They wasted all their money on a phone that resets itself, locks itself, doesnt connect to bluetooth and doesn't do half the things it said it would, and decided to get a phone a little better. I own a Sagem myC5-2 and couldn't be happier with it. Sure, it doesn't have the wiz bang features of the V3, but it has a camera, it takes really great photos, it has Real Music Ringtones, Polyphonic Ringtones, and one of the best things about it, it doesn't reset and lock itself two million times a day. That's my opinion anyway, and lots of people would say, maybe it was just your particular handset, but not when it happened to 4 of my friends. The same problems. So, yeah. That's all I have to say.