Motorola RAZR V3

Motorola RAZR V3

User opinions and reviews

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  • R
  • Rickq
  • iLS
  • 01 Apr 2005

the fone is jus thin and that is all its got!!!the function is too crap!it looks good but it is jus not the fone 4 me!the memory is too small no extendable.but also to expensive!

    • J
    • JG
    • mX5
    • 31 Mar 2005


    i agree with u. the phone is thin but too wide and covers too much ground. Not only this, u will have to 'very well tempered' so that u don throw the damn phone on the floor and stamp on it when it pisses u off.

      • R
      • Rek
      • M{3
      • 31 Mar 2005

      It's price is same to nokia 9500, while it's ability is nothing in compare with it.
      It is not even a smart phone.
      I thing that the price should be half of the current price, then I might think of gitting one:-)

        • C
        • Corfie
        • SqA
        • 31 Mar 2005

        The V3 maybe thin but the width is 2 big the the look futuristic but I don't like it

          • a
          • aron
          • TST
          • 31 Mar 2005

          Anyone knows if I buy this phone in Malaysia, can I use it with the service providers in the USA? ie. cingular wireless, AT&T, verizon and etc.

            • b
            • bear
            • Rxw
            • 30 Mar 2005

            Is there any way that V3 can read the language like chinese if the phone was bought outside asia?? or it can only read the language it given inside the phone?

              • D
              • Derek
              • myK
              • 29 Mar 2005

              Terrence, we actually make the same point, although phrased differently.

              The basis of my post was aimed at those on here who are dismissing people who have had problems with their V3's as "idiots", or suggest that they are not using the V3 correctly. This clearly is not the case.

              I fully agree with others on here that some of the features are poorly designed. Only being able to search through the phone book by the first letter is particularly annoying, especially on a phone that boasts a 2000 entries capability. Every other phone seems to allow searching by the first 2 or 3 (or more) letters, so if I wanted to call "Cindy" I could tap in "CIN" and it would go there, rather than having to scroll through all the "C" entries. In fact, the whole number management within the phonebook is very poor on the V3. For example, when I got the phone, I transferred all the numbers from my sim to the phone but as the numbers were then on the phone AND the sim, each number appears TWICE in the phone book, as there is no way of telling the V3 to look at only the sim or the phone. You then cannot delete the numbers on the sim on one go to avoid the problem; you have to delete them individually. You can of course file your most used numbers under the "personal" heading and tell the phone only to look at those. That is or course until you turn the phone off and on again when it defaults to showing ALL numbers! This is bad design and very frustrating!

              There are lost of other things on this phone I don't like. Pairing with another Bluetooth device is unnecessarily complicated. Once connected it works fine, but it does make you jump through hoops compared to the simplicity of other phones I have used.

              Maybe the problem on here is that some V3 owners have not had many other makes of phone to make a comparison and just accept the V3's awkwardness as normal. As somebody who has had many different phones from Nokia, Sharp, Sony, Erricson and Samsung, I can tell you I will not be buying another Motorola.

              I would wholeheartedly agree that the V3 is the best looking phone on the market. Sadly I sincerely believe that if it was not such a stunning looking phone, it would not have the support it has.

              As somebody who has owned two TVR sports cars from new, I can tell you they are great cars to look at, but you would not want to own one for day-to-day use because they are fussy to drive and seem to spend more time in the garage being fixed than on the road. I will never buy another, I will stick to BMW as they offer better equipment and greater reliability for less money.

              The V3 is the TVR of the phone world and similarly, I am beginning to regret buying it.

                • d
                • dirk
                • Ghc
                • 29 Mar 2005

                hi people , please tell me , can this phone take video or only video clips , because i want to go and buy one.

                  • t
                  • thashethin
                  • j7A
                  • 29 Mar 2005

                  nice structure but needs infra-red integration with memory cards will be a perfect ace in the world of phones

                    • r
                    • ronald
                    • PGH
                    • 29 Mar 2005

                    2 terence
                    3200$usd?the price would definitely drop for limited is it?cause i have no news about the release of the black v3 here in southeast asia..

                      • T
                      • Terrence
                      • TST
                      • 29 Mar 2005

                      Derek, you’ve made a sensible observation from all the posts here. However, there is a basic flaw in your reasoning—just because there are complaints about this phone, it does not necessarily mean that it is bad or fragile. It simply means that (like all other phones out there) there are, unfortunately, some sour lemons; which is why this phone is backed by a warranty just like any other. A cursory browse through some of the other forums on this site will readily bear this out.

                      As is with any other fine device, a little care goes a long way in ensuring satisfactory performance. Unfortunately, I have seen (or heard) people slam their flip phones shut so hard that you could hear the “pop” from across the room! Do we still wonder why these fine phones break?

                      For the record, I am one of many satisfied owners of the V3. Furthermore, I’ve owned only Motorola mobile phones ever since they introduced the Star Tac, and I’ve never had any issues with Motorola (except maybe for the hefty price tags.) And, yes, my next upgrade will certainly be another Motorola (the V1150?)

                        • M
                        • MoTo
                        • 42}
                        • 29 Mar 2005

                        2 Ronald
                        the black version is got out already..,it will cost u $3,200 USD

                          • D
                          • Derek
                          • myK
                          • 29 Mar 2005

                          I have read through the reviews below carefully and I would like to make a point.

                          Some people on here are saying the V3 doesn't have any faults based upon the fact that THEIR one works perfectly, But I suggest that if YOUR V3 had "overheated" "broken" "dropped calls" or any one of the many other problems that people have reported on here and YOU were being told you had to pay up for a repair, you would be agreeing with everyone else!

                          What I am saying is that just because YOUR one works fine,it doesn't mean all V3's do! Unless you are suggesting that eveyone else on here is lying? If you are, ask yourself what they have to gain?

                          It seems to me that there are some serious issues with this phone otherwise this controversy would not exist. We would all just be raving about it and patting ourselves on the back for making a great purchase, but that does not seem to be the case.

                          For the record, I have owned a V3 for two months and mine works fine. Although I would agree that there are some very poorly designed features, I just use it to make and receive calls so if the camera is poor as has been suggested, I don't care.

                          I am very concerned however about the many reported faults and the suggested fragility. I will just have to be very carefull with mine and hope it continues to work till my next upgrade is due!

                            • D
                            • Dean
                            • myK
                            • 29 Mar 2005

                            Motorola deny that the V3 is fragile, despite what has been said on here and what my local dealer tells me.

                            Let me take you back to a Motorola phone called the "Star-Tac". I worked in a phone shop back then and there was a big problem with the case cracking under normal use. Motorola would not repair them under warranty as they denied there was a problem.

                            Anybody see a pattern emerging here?

                            I smell a rat - with a capital "M"

                              • D
                              • David
                              • myK
                              • 29 Mar 2005

                              The CPU in my V3 went wrong after two days and the shop replaced it. The new phone worked for a week the started turning itself off (the CPU AGAIN). It was replaced again and is now working, but I don't like it, the menues are fiddly to use and are poorly designed. I have lost faith in Motorola producs. I certainly would not recommend the V3 based upon my experience.

                                • K
                                • Karen
                                • myK
                                • 29 Mar 2005

                                I bought a V3 a month ago. My screen broke last week. Carphone Warehouse want £75 to fix it as they say screen breakage is not covered by warranty. It was in my handbag when it got broken and like others on here have stated, mine was not dropped either. I belive it is just too delicate and the thin lid does not protect it properly.

                                Battery life is only good if you don't make or receive calls, don't play games, or search through the menu's or switch the phone off. Talk time is 2hrs MAX from a full charge.

                                This was my first and last Motorola phone.

                                It is mutton dressed as lamb.

                                  • F
                                  • Flick
                                  • myK
                                  • 29 Mar 2005

                                  This phone makes and receives calls and is very stylish and that is the end of the good news!

                                  The bad news is that it is un-relliable fragile - my outer screen broke and I didn't drop it (all of you who are saying how great this phone is because you own one will soon change you mind when the screen breaks and you have to pay £100 to fix it) The functions are not good, the phone book recall is rubbish, my V3 turns itself off and drops calls frequently, the camera is poor but I am not too bothered as I bought it to use as a phone, but if you want a good camera forget the V3.

                                  Utter rubbish as a phone, but a lovely fashion statement.

                                  IF YOU NEED A DEPEDABLE PHONE DOT NOT BUY A V3!

                                    • T
                                    • Tarek
                                    • iEK
                                    • 28 Mar 2005

                                    i bought this phone and all i can say that it's realy good phone,not feature packed but still well featured and the looks are definitely the best out there!

                                      • r
                                      • ronald
                                      • PGH
                                      • 28 Mar 2005

                                      anyone here knows when the special edition v3 (black) is gonna be released?is it gonna be released officially anyway?

                                        • a
                                        • andy
                                        • St{
                                        • 28 Mar 2005

                                        V3 users,

                                        pls tell me whether v3 meets these requirements

                                        1. Good reception (good clarity, No disconnection while speaking for long hours - I had motorola c350 long time back and i was so worse in this category that i didn't use motorola afterfards.)
                                        2. Mp3 ringtones (gud or bad?)
                                        3. Bluetooth shud work (Easy or difficult - no probs. I shud be able to transfer images to and fro pc)

                                        I had a great interest in this fone but after going thru discussion iam having serious rethinking.