Motorola RAZR V3
- ?
- Anonymous
- PAn
- 02 Mar 2005
yeah the mercy u talking about is mercy with only 1800 cc with 100 hp while ur friend has accord with 3000 cc with 200 hp, he beats u in the street. stop that nonsense v3 is rubbish . v3 = daihatsu
- D
- David Wong
- P%E
- 02 Mar 2005
I live in Hong Kong, I drive a Mercedes Benz C55 AMG & I also have a V3.
My C55 AMG can out perform any Honda you care to mention (including the NSX)!
The V3 is really a crappy phone to use, the manu is difficult & illogical, the phone is too wide for a comfortable grip & the functions are dated !
- W
- William Wong
- 02 Mar 2005
I drive a Mercedes Benz C-class. My buddy's brand new Honda Accord out performs it on just about every count, and for the price I paid for the Mercedes I could have gotten a Toyota with a jacuzzi on the roof! But you'd have to shoot me to get me to give up my Mercedes. It's the same story with my Motorola V3.
- A
- Anderson
- P%E
- 02 Mar 2005
This damn phone is not even comfortable to hold !!! I dropped mine during conversation yesterday & it is not working properly now......what a good excuse for me to buy a new phone !
My next phone will either be a Panasonic or Samsung or SE......for sure no Motorola crap anymore !!!
- M
- U2P
- 02 Mar 2005
Does anyone know how you can hook a V3 up to a PDA without bluetooth or infrared to use the phones gprs through the PDA
- D
- Dany
- mAS
- 02 Mar 2005
I find it is such a shame that people who do not read the news about phones, post here things which are not true. It is so bad that so many ignorant people, who will not even be able to buy a V3 soon, are telling us, the owners of a V3, how things are going on with it. It is a shame not to know that V3 belongs to the luxury design class of mobiles, the best you can get. It's number one competitor is Vertu. It doesn't matter the diffrence in price. Both are in the same class of stylish phones. The buyers of these phones doesn't ask in the shop "how much does this phone costs?" The buyers of these phones pay whatever is to be payed, just to have a beautiful mobile in the pocket. I am not interested to have a Vertu in my pocket. But, I am crazy about my Motorola. Everyone who is looking at my phone, is amazed of so much beauty that comes from a piece of aluminium...I have sean it in the shop,it took my breath away, and I simply bought it. Before seeing it, I've read things about it. It is ok not too have so many functions. I love the way it looks, and nothing else matters...
- ?
- Anonymous
- PAn
- 01 Mar 2005
You gonna cry in a day & stress out in a weeks if u using this stupid fone. Features sucks , performance worse than eva, only
a fool choosing
this stupid fone. Get a life, be smart dont be fool by this damn rubbish
- t
- to: Juan
- 01 Mar 2005
No memory slot...
- A
- Angelina
- Rxg
- 01 Mar 2005
it is the best i have the motorola v3
- J
- Juan
- PS8
- 01 Mar 2005
Hi guys,
Im facing a big decision...Whetherto buy a Samsung D500 or the Motorola V3!!! I want to know if the V3 have any form of memory card slot?? Cause 5Mb storage is simply not acceptable in mobile phone to this day!!! Can somebody who owns a V3 tell me about it Please!! Give me some good news about it...I really like the Design of this phone!! 9/10 for the design!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4rE
- 28 Feb 2005
The V3 is a great PHONE. Ya see that.......PHONE. Its just a PHONE. That's all it is. All it will be. Its one of the much cooler ones though. The design is very nice.
- ?
- Anonymous
- PAn
- 28 Feb 2005
Allright lets stop cursing this phone, the point is that this phone for people who cant/dont want to use updated phone technology mostly they r old people or can be kid ages to 12. And you know you wont need this phone in this kind of time while other phone is competing for better feature. If you a high tech or a proffessional ppl u sure will regret having this fone. Even if u buy this fone for its look sooner or later u become boring of the looks.
- J
- Jonathan Crispin
- my9
- 28 Feb 2005
If you want a mobile with a large screen, easy to use buttons, stylish looks and the majority of Tech features, this phone is for you.
If you want one with everything look elsewhere. JC.
- U
- Unspoken Majority
- mXV
- 28 Feb 2005
The V3 is my friend and i resent any comments made my V3 crying when he was reading these articles.
- M
- Manish
- PTm
- 28 Feb 2005
Thsi is not at all a good phone what is there for 28000/- Rs
- K
- P%E
- 28 Feb 2005
To : jo
You are right, the Vertu & V3 cannot compare in price & quality, they are in a totally different class.....BUT they are both PHONES !
I have both these phones, the Vertu is an excellent phone where as the V3 is very crappy even compare to my Samsung E700 !
I should loan you my Vertu for a day then you will know what you said are STUPID AND LAME ! You sound like a crown & make me laugh, you are a joke !!!
- j
- jo
- Yag
- 28 Feb 2005
Do'H!! if you're compairing vertu with this phone you are s.t.u.p.i.d
this phone is on a different level[lower]than vertu. check the price dude. if you cant afford vertu, this phone will do. well this is better than most mobile phones
- T
- Tom
- mbt
- 28 Feb 2005
Hi folks! It is funny to read the ‘reviews’. It seems that majority of you seems to forget that the primary function of a mobile phone is to be ‘a telephone’. Please remember that something which is ‘good for everything’ is usually ‘good for nothing’. A mobile phone (never mind maker and model) is not a never will be a replacement for a decent digital camera, an Internet a access point (do you really want to surf Internet with a tiny display?) or a proper tool to listen to your collection of MP3?
Think twice before saying ‘crap’!!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- P%E
- 26 Feb 2005
Motorola have to give out the V3 at oscar for advertising purpose ... because this phone is not selling well, as simple as that, don't be stupid & naive ! You do make all people laugh at you !
- ?
- Anonymous
- P%E
- 26 Feb 2005
This V3 phone cannot compare with the Vertu.....there is no comparison !!!
The V3 is like a Swatch where as the Vertu is like a Rolex !!!